Escher close combat ganger conversion - this figure originally had a stub pistol in the right hand and a auto rifle in the left. I did some chopping at the elbows and some arm swapping. The new left arm was the leader's the chainsaw is from the Space Marine sprue.

Esher Leader with Chainsword and Flamer converted from the regular leader mini from the box. I hacked into the boltgun and added pipes, a tank, detail, and the nozzle - these where all maid from plastic sprue and sheet. The las pistol arm was cut off at the elbow and swapped with the arm of the ganger packing an autopistol and a chainsword. I also trimmed off the mohawk and built the Officer cap out of milliput.

Esher Heavy with a Heavy Plasma Gun. The mini is a weapon swap from the HPG and Heavy Stub Escher heavy minis. However I went the extra step of giving her Lara Croft style sun glasses. She already had a lense on the left eye so I drilled out the right eye and put in a small peice of alluminium tube. The arm is a small peice of wire.

Escher Heavy with Meltagun converted from the one firing an autogun. I removed her mohawk, added a plait down the front. Added the tank on the side of the gun and the entire front from the fore stock with the front of an old meltagun.

Escher Juve with sword and laspistol conversion. The sword was made from Evergreen plastic sheet and the pistol is from a ganger.

Escher Heavy with Flamer converted from the one firing a shotgun. I added a new handle, nozzle and tank.

Escher Juve converted to have a Hand Flamer. The autopistol has had the front cut off and replaced with the front of a plastic hand flamer, then the tank was attached to the side. I also added a bit of extra hair at the back with milliput.

Escher Juve with sword and stubgun conversion. The sword was made from Evergreen plastic sheet.

Escher ganger with a boltgun modified from the lasgun packing ganger mini. I cut down the barrel added the export hole then added a stock and magazine from a space marine boltgun. Note the spent shells on the base.

Escher Close combat ganger with autopistol and an Eldar Powerfist which repalced the chainsaw arm at the elbow.

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