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The Roadrunners are an independent Little 500 cycling team that began in 1993.  Composed of dedicated women cyclists the Roadrunners have consistently been a threat to victory.  In 1997, 2001, and 2002 they walked away with first place and plan on doing the same this year!   Each year the team is unique in some way.  This year there is only one veteran rider and everyone else including the coach are new to the Roadrunners.  The coach and these riders however are working hard to help keep up the Roadrunner tradition of being great! 
You may be asking yourself “what is Little 500”?  The Little 500 is an intramural sport at Indiana University and is also known as the “World’s Greatest College Weekend.”  Although Little Five began in 1951 the inclusion of a woman’s race was not until 1987.  Each year about 30 teams made up of two to four riders compete to ride 100 laps equaling 50 miles around a cinder track.  This year the Little 500 will take place on April 23rd at 4:00 p.m.  in the Bill Armstrong Stadium located off Fee Lane in Bloomington, Indiana.  

Over the years many companies and individuals have helped support the Roadrunners.  To them we would like to give special thanks, because without them the team would not have had the means to be so successful. 

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 Help Support Roadrunners 

Last Updated 2/24/04
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