Star Trek Nemesis Pictures


Main Character Developments

Star Trek: Nemesis on DVD




Screenplay by John Logan

Producer Rick Berman

Co-Producer Peter Lauritson

Executive Producer Marty Hornstein

Directed by Stuart Baird

Cast: Patrick Stewart as Jean-Luc Picard, Brent Spiner as Data, Jonathan Frakes as Wil Riker, Marina Sirtis as Deanna Troi, LeVar Burton as Geordi LaForge, Michael Dorn as Worf, Gates McFadden as Beverly Crusher, Tom Hardy as Shinzon, Wil Wheaton as Wesley Crusher, Ron Perlman as Romulan Viceroy, Steven Culp as Commander Madden, Dina Meyer as Commander Donatra, Kate Mulgrew as Admiral Kathryn Janeway, Whoopi Goldberg as Guinan, Majel Barrett

Distributor: Paramount Pictures

Rating: MPAA PG-13

Genre: Action, Adventure, Sci-Fi, Sequel

Release Date December 13, 2002

On Earth, (Alaska, specifically) there is a reception celebrating the upcoming wedding of Will Riker and Deanna Troi. Picard is to be the Best Man. Guinan and Wesley are at the celebration. Riker's beard is back, as well as Geordi's ocular implants. Worf is drunk from Romulan ale at the previous night's bachelor party. Riker plays the trombone and Data sings "Blue Skies." Picard is having a good time, but is feeling old.

After scanning some unusual positronic readings on a planet called Kolarus III, Picard decides to delay their trip and go to the planet. There, the landing party (in a Starfleet Jeep, driven by Picard) finds the body parts of a Data look-alike android named B4, who has the mind of a child. They are then attacked by unknown aliens. After an exciting jeep-riding scene, they escape. They then take B4 back to the ship and reassemble him. Data is fascinated by his new "brother."

Captain Jean-Luc Picard and the Enterprise crew must suddenly take on an unexpected diplomatic mission to the planet Romulus. Longtime enemies of the Federation, the Romulans have expressed their desire to start negotiations that may lead to a long-awaited unity in the galaxy. But upon their arrival on Romulus, the Enterprise crew is faced with a threat that could lead to the destruction of the planet Earth, and Picard comes face to face with a man who may prove to be his most dangerous--yet surprisingly personal--adversary.

In the Romulan system, there are two sister planets: Romulus and Remus. Half of the planet Remus is in constant darkness. The inhabitants of Remus (called the "Remans") live exclusively on the dark side of the planet, because the side with light is too hot. The Remans' faces are bat-like, and they prefer darkness to light.

For ages, the Romulans have been oppressing the Remans, and using them as slaves. Because of this, the Remans have been planning a revolution to take over the Romulan government. Leading the Reman cause is a human named Shinzon. Shinzon is in his mid-twenties, and is bald. Shinzon plans to take over the Romulan government with his dangerous weapon: A device that can destroy all organic matter. He also has a very large and powerful ship, called The Scimitar. Shinzon and his right-hand man, the Viceroy, kill many Romulans in the Romulan senate with this organic destroying device.

Soon, Picard is told by Admiral Janeway that there is a new Reman Praetor on Romulus, named Shinzon.  He wants a Federation envoy to negotiate with him.  Picard is assigned to the task because he is the nearest ship in the area.

Data uploads his memory into B4 to help him gain intellect, but it does not work.   B4 still has the mind of a child.

The Enterprise arrives in Romulan space.  There they see Shinzon's powerful gigantic Reman warbird: The Scimitar. Picard, Troi and other crewmembers beam aboard the Scimitar.  During negotiations, we discover Shinzon is actually a clone of some sort.  Picard returns to the Enterprise.  Here, they discover that Shinzon is actually a clone of... Picard himself! Picard returns to the Scimitar to discuss this with Shinzon.  Shinzon explains to Picard that Shinzon was created years ago by the Romulans as a clone of Picard, and has a rapid aging process to eventually catch up with Picard's age.  The plan was for Shinzon to replace Picard so the Romulans would have a spy.  But the Romulans abandoned the plan years ago.  Lying, Shinzon insists that he wants peace between the Romulans and the Remans.  Picard returns to the Enterprise.

The Viceroy and Shinzon discuss their REAL plan: To take over the Federation as well as the Romulans.  Due to the accellerated aging problems, Shinzon is degenerating and dying.  Shinzon needs ALL of Picard's blood to stay alive. The Viceroy has mental powers that enable him to read Troi's mind. This causes distressing hallucinations in Troi, much to Riker's chagrin. We learn that B4, a prototype, was deliberately left on Kolarus III by Shinzon , knowing it would be taken to the Enterprise and reactivated.  Shinzon remotely activates B4 and uses him to spy on the Enterprise (similar to how Geordi's visor was able to spy on the Enterprise crew in "Generations.") Though B4 is innocently unaware of this.

Because Shinzon needs Picard's blood, Shinzon beams B4 aboard the Scimitar and uses the information obtained by B4 to beam Picard off the Enterprise and kidnap him aboard the Scimitar.

Fortunately, B4 is actually Data pretending to be B4.  This ruse helps Data rescue Picard. They escape the Scimitar by maneuvering a stolen shuttle throughout the Scimitar's huge corridors, and manage to make it back to the Enterprise.

Later, on Troi is able to use her mind-link with the Viceroy to uncover information to help them find the Scimitar, since the ship can cloak.

The Scimitar and other Reman ships fight the Enterprise. Some Romulan ships arrive and help turn the tide of battle to Picard's favor.

During the final Scimitar vs. Enterprise ship battle (in a nebula called the "Bassen Rift"), Picard rams the Enterprise into the Scimitar, where the two ships are locked together briefly before they tear apart again. Picard now watches the battle through a large hole on the bridge instead of a viewscreen.

Some Remans also beam aboard the Enterprise, so many of them fight hand-to-hand with Starfleet crewmen.  Riker gets his revenge on the Viceroy by booting him to his death down a shaft on the Enterprise, stating "Don't worry. Hell is dark."

Defeated, Shinzon is now intent on activating his organic destroying device to destroy the Enterprise. Picard beams aboard the Scimitar, and manages to kill Shinzon by impaling him with a spear-like metal rod. Data jumps through the hole on the Enterprise bridge, floats through space, and collides with the partially-cloaked Scimitar and works his way inside. Data rescues Picard by using a one-way emergency portable beaming device to beam Picard back the Enterprise. Data sacrifices himself by firing a hand phaser at the Scimitar's warp core. This destroys the Scimitar and the organic destroying device.

Later, the crew says their goodbyes to one another. As the Enterprise is being refitted, Riker leaves to take command of the USS Titan. Beverly goes to Starfleet Medical.

The film ends with B4 singing "Blue Skies". This reveals B4 has Data's memories, and therefore Data's essence may not be dead after all.



Star Trek The Motion Picture | Star Trek II The Wrath Of Khan | Star Trek III The Search For Spock

Star Trek IV The Voyage Home | Star Trek V The Final Frontier | Star Trek VI The Undiscovered Country

Star Trek Generations | Star Trek First Contact | Star Trek Insurrection | Star Trek Nemesis


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All the images are � Paramount Pictures-Star Trek and
� Fox Television/Ten Thirteen Productions-The X-Files

Ritterson's Episode Guides is �1998-2005 by Captain Bill.

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