Matsumoto Tomo

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Main Characters: Takimoto Midori and Higa
Another series on Music and this time, with the addition of Dance! Lots of funky hip-hop moves and streetdance involved in this manga.

Midori has no interest in guys, due to the fact that she's got a brother who never fails to annoy her. Her brother is a great fan of streetdance and he together with his friend, intend to check out a famous streetdancing rival's brother(Higa). It so happens that Higa is Midori's classmate, and he appears to be quiet and unassuming, with bangs covering his eyes in an English Sheepdog fashion (but somehow, he still manages to look cool ^_^ )

Higa has never attempted streetdancing before, but when the music starts, he's a natural! Everyone is shocked at the transformation, especially Midori. She later apologises on her brother's behalf, feeling that Higa was coerced into dancing. And she's surprised when he answers her with a really deep/rough voice - she remarks that it is also a sort of deep/bass voice, when he comments that his voice makes kids cry -_-;

They get along pretty well, and manage to leave positive impressions of each other. Later on, Midori's childhood friend asks Higa why he dances. Is it for the enjoyment or the fame? Higa's reply is that, he's doing it because somebody enjoys watching. And his comment makes sense later when he smiles indulgently at Midori whilst she's watching a video of him dancing.

There's no ground breaking moment where they openly declare their feelings, but there's some sort of an understanding that they like each other.There's this scene where Midori's chilhood friend kisses her forehead just to goad Higa into a jealous/mad reaction. And Midori goes running after Higa, wondering why he's mad - then there's this silent screen where she looks like she wants to explain what happened, but just stares at Higa instead. And Higa stares back at her, then slowly starts to smile. I guess he got the message - they walk off together.

Completed Series: 1 Book

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