Matsumoto Tomo

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Wow... I can't believe I left this page for 3 years! Sorry guys, I just had to leave things as they were. Problem being, my bad health. Went through lots of treatments that didn't work out and trying to find alternatives. Needless to say, updating my website was the last thing on my mind. I just felt sad that I didn't have the time or energy to keep up with what I had planned for this site! Many have emailed, asking me to continue with the synopses of KISS, but I think that by now, there are many sites with scanlations which are even better than synopses, so I think I'll just leave things as they are. But I don't wanna abandon this site, I'll just add on whenever / whatever I can, probably in point form etc, no long detailed stuff. I hope that you guys will still enjoy this page. Thanks (^^)
~ 17 July 08

This website is dedicated to Matsumoto Tomo Sensei - a manga artist that I adore for her illustrations and relaxed plots. (^^)
It's named after the piece ~ Je te veux ~ by Eric Satie, found in KISS.

I found the greyish, washed out signature style of Matsumoto Sensei rather unattractive initially, but it grew on me. Somehow it just fits right in with the relaxed pace and mood that gives a sense of freedom of just being. I've lost count of how many times I've read that series! She is able to capture the gestures and expressions of the characters realistically and her story plots tend to touch more on the young and current crowd.

Much of it has to do with the "mood" being set by the songs mentioned in the manga. My 2 favourites are Je te veux by Eric Satie and Say you love me by Patti Austin. I'm working on the translations right now, don't know when they'll be completed, but you can view whatever's done on my translations page.

I'm just keeping my fingers crossed, hoping (and praying) that Matsumoto Sensei will release a compilation of her illustrations. There are just too few!! And it's always the same few ones being used for her manga series goods, it's pretty frustrating. For example, you buy a shitajiki, it's got this picture. You buy a notepad and it's with that exact same picture! I wonder if it's a ploy to keep the fans squirming for more (well, it's working on me alright ^_^ ) I end up buying what I can get my hands on, but just can't resist grouching a little on the lack of selection.

My translations can be considered as lengthy synopses, so be warned!! Many links are still under construction.

For those who are curious, checking back for updates or just plain bored with a few minutes to spare, take a peek at my What's New section.

All rights reserved to the respective companies for the illustrations, goods, materials mentioned or shown on my page. Also pls respect my effort in translating Matsumoto Sensei's series by not copying the translations to your own website. Pls help by reporting any inaccuracies.

Enjoy your visit and don't forget to sign my guestbook on your way out!! ^_<

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~ Je te veux ~

You must know how I love you, Lover divine,
And I swear you'll be mine, I'll place no one above you.
All the past now forgetting.
No more regretting, For this is the moment sublime when I'll bear one more time:
You are mine.

I have few things to say.
There's but one thought I treasure, next to you,
I shall stay
tasting joy without measure, with my heart ever near.
Tho' your lips never told me.
I'll have no more fear, If your two loving arms enfold me.

Yes I see in your eyes that dear promise you made me.
No more tears or goodbyes
Love shall no more evade me
There shall burn in your heart, like a warm, glowing ember,
one sweet dream set apart which we two ever shall remember

Musique de Erik Satie 1902

English Translation by Robert Hess


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