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Part Fourteen
by Ashley Z and Rinny

Brushing a soft kiss over Pacey�s cheek, Joey unwound herself from his grip. Slipping from the bed, she cast a glance at the clock and saw that it was almost six. She tugged down the hem of her nightgown where it had gotten bunched around her waist and put on her slippers. Slowly, she crept into the hall and grabbed her coat, putting it on before going out the back door.

Pausing, she inhaled a deep breath, letting the cold October air cleanse her lungs. Boston never smelled this fresh and crisp, even in the earliest hours of the morning smog permeated the air. Walking down the porch and into the grass, she shivered as the morning dew was absorbed by her slippers. She hurried down the to the dock, wanting to save her toes from the cold. The familiar creak of the wood beneath her feet was like music to her ears. Despite the cold October morning, she felt refreshed and rejuvenated.

She sat down on the edge of the dock, her legs drawn up in front of her and tucked beneath her nightgown�even she wasn�t crazy enough to dip her toes into the frigid water. Mist drifted over the creek, as familiar to her as the back of her hand. Golden leaves still clung stubbornly to the branches overhead as twilight glittered on the horizon. Fall had always been her favorite time of year on the cape.

Her mind itched to analyze what had happened last night, but her heart stoutly refused to participate. Maybe it had the right idea, she mused, for once in her life she just wanted to live. Whatever happened between she and Pacey from that point forward would happen�no matter what they did to fight it. She would just take it day to day and enjoy what she could without regrets. After all, they�d probably just get tired of each other�maybe even before they actually slept together. A queasy feeling grew in the pit of her stomach as both hope and disappointment warred over that thought.

With determination, she pushed the idea from her mind. She resolved to do her best to keep her hands to herself. And if she couldn�t�well, then, he�d promised to leave when the time came. No matter what.

With those thoughts stewing in her mind, she sat back to wait for the sun to rise.

"Potter, what the hell are you doing out here at the...well, not even the crack of dawn?" he said as he walked behind her, the blanket from the bed wrapped around his body. His hair was standing up on all ends and his blue eyes were only open to small slits.

She looked over her shoulder at him and smiled. "Just thinking...I wanted to see the sun rise over the creek just once before we head home."

He shook his head, "It's too early for the sun to rise. No one in the world is awake right now but you and me. Tell me, does that make much sense to you?" He sat beside her and tucked his legs under him, making sure the blanket covered his body.

"No one said you had to haul your ass out of bed and join me," She teased. "That was your decision."

He looked over at her, "Bed got cold."

She laughed, "And you thought it'd be warmer out here?"

"Acutally...I thought I could talk you into coming back in there with me."

Smiling softly, she shook her head, "You're not that charming, Pace."

He leaned his head against her shoulder and yawned, "I could be if I wasn't so tired."

"Awww," she put an arm around his broad shoulders, her eyes on the horizon. "Did I wear you out?"

He nodded, "Maybe a little." He pulled her coat away from her body a little and looked at the night gown she was wearing, "Aren't you cold?"

"I hadn't really noticed." She shook her head, tugging the jacket back around her to retain the heat.

"I'll share my blanket."

"You'd do that for me?" She batted her eye lashes playfully at him.

"You'd have to sit in my lap," he said grinning, "but yeah."

She rolled her eyes, "I knew there had to be a stipulation."

"There are always stipulations," he said winking at her.

" is kinda chilly out here..."

"Mmmhmmm...come on." He held the blanket open to her, "Damn it's cold."

She slid over and sat between his legs, her back to his bare chest as he closed the blanket around them. Shivering, she leaned back, "You're all nice and warm."

He nodded, "Yeah. You are too."

"Really? I hadn't realized how cold I was."

He rested his chin on her shoulder, "I would be happy to warm you up."

"I don't doubt it," she sighed.

He yawned again, "When is the sun coming up?"

"Another half an hour, maybe."

"What?! Half an hour? Are you serious?"

"Oh, hush." She chastized him, "Sit back, enjoy the beauty around you."

He sighed, "Half an hour," he mumbled.

"I'm so glad you brought me here for our honeymoon," she said after a few moments. "I never would have realized how much I missed it."

"Yeah...I'm happy you've enjoyed yourself."

"And you?"

"I've had fun."

"I'm glad," she smiled softly. "Because when we get back, all hell is going to break loose."

He furrowed his brow, "What do you mean?"

"You're going to move...Madeline is going to start popping in. Jen and Jack are going to wonder if we slept together yet..."

"Moving isn't a problem...we can handle Madeline, and we need to tell Jen and Jack to mind their own damn business. I don't ask them who they're sleeping they need to stay out of it."

"Yes, but these are our friends. They don't know the meaning of privacy." Joey shrugged her shoulder, leaning further into his warmth. "But you�re right. If we can make it through faking a honeymoon under Bessie's watchful eye, we can do anything."

"Well, technically...last night wasn't really faking."

"No. It wasn't." She shivered, this time not from the cold. "It was..."


"I�d go so far as to say very good."

He nuzzled her ear with his nose, "I'd have to agree."

A tremulous sigh escaped her, "I feel like such a wanton."

He nodded, "You are."

"Am not!" She jabbed him in the ribs with her elbow.

"Ow. I was kidding. No need to damage any internal organs or anything. Besides, I'm far worse than you ever thought about being."

"Ha!" She scoffed, "I find that hard to believe. You turned me down not once, but twice. If anyone here should be embarrassed, it's me."

"Good point. But...think about the past. Before this whole marriage thing. I was much worse."

"You were a teenager then, it's expected." She said with a shrug, gently rubbing the spot where she'd hit him.

He sighed, "Yeah, I guess." He closed his eyes as he rested his head against hers. Then lifted his head abruptly, "There are way too many loud bugs out here."

She turned her head and kissed his cheek, "You complain too much."

"It's early, it's the only thing I'm good at right now."

She managed to keep the comment on the tip of her tongue to herself. "Relax, Pace. Enjoy the atmosphere. When was the last time you were home?"

He shrugged, "I guess...a year. Maybe longer."

She shook her head, "Ehhh. Try again."


"I know for a fact it's been at least three."

He sighed, "So what of it? I don't like coming home."

"Why not?" She asked softly.

"Well, for one, my family is crazy and would think that if I came to Capeside, I would go see them. Two...I just have some bad memories of being here."

"Aren't there any good ones?" She threaded the fingers of one hand through his.

"A few. But when I left all I could think about was the bad. So that's what I associate with Capeside. Bad memories. Bad times. Bad circumstances."

"And now that you're back? Does that change anything?"

"I'm only back for you. I brought you here because I know this place is your home. You're like...Scarlett. You get your strength from here. It helps make you who you are."

"And where does your strength come from, Pace?"

"I don't know. But not from Capeside."

She tilted her head thoughtfully, letting them fall into a comfortable silence as color streaked through the sky.

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