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Part Thirteen
by Ashley Z and Rinny

Pacey pulled up to the dock and checked one last time to make sure the bandanna was covering her eyes. "Can you see anything?"

"Besides the backs of my eyelids, you mean?" She grumbled.

He smiled, "Good." He climbed out of the car and walked to the other side. He opened her door, helped her out, and led her down the dock. He moved to stand behind her when they stopped walking and began untying the knot in the bandanna, "When was the last time you went sailing?"

"The last time I went with you," she replied, tensing at the feel of the dock swaying beneath her feet.

"Well, might as well save tradition," he said as he completely removed the bandanna and watched her face for a reaction.

She blinked into the sunlight a few times before she realized that the boat in front of her wasn't the True Love, but one nearly identical to it. "Oh, Pacey..." She took a step closer to it, her eyes stinging. "Please tell me you didn't..."

"Buy a boat? Yeah, I did a year ago. I just never told anybody."

"She's beautiful," Joey sighed. "What did you name her?"

He smiled, "I thought of something goofy you Jenny 12. Cause as you know in Forest Gump there were a lot of them. So I made sure to pick a high number. But then I scratched that idea and went with something a little more cheesy."

She rolled her eyes, "How cheesy?"

He stepped onto the boat and turned to her, "Cheesy enough: �Dreamer�."

She smiled softly, holding her hand out to him. "Permission to come aboard?"

He smiled, "Permission granted."

"So," she stood close to him, "What were you dreaming for?"

He shrugged and moved away from her, "I don't know. Something worth while, you know?"

"No," she shook her head, her cheeks flushing, "I don't have a clue what you wish for. It's kinda sad, considering how long I've known you."

"Yeah. You never could read my mind. Which on most occassions was a good thing."

She arched an eyebrow, "I didn't need to be able to read your mind in high school to know every other thought in your brain was a dirty one."

He tossed the rope he was untying onto the dock and raised an eyebrow, "You think that's all I thought about?" When she nodded, he smirked, "You're wrong. I thought about a lot of things. Like...why we had to go to school everyday to prepare us for the 'real world'. I solved world hunger once in my head...and then I forgot it when you walked into the room."

She swallowed, and sat down on one of the benches. "I really short circuted your mind?"

He nodded and moved to undo the other rope, "All the damn time. I mean, you'd walk into a room in one of those little tops that tied together...and God as my witness, my brain quit functioning." He looked over at her and smiled, "You never knew that?"

"Well, I just..." She smiled, "I figured you were always just that stupid. I didn't know I was the cause."

"Every time. You were usually the cause. I wasn't stupid before I fell for you. Think about it. When I was with Andie...I was pretty smart. After that...not so much."

She laughed, "Pace, you were always smart. With or without Andie. I can't believe that I had that kind of power over you."

He stood up straight and nodded, "Well, now you know."

"Hmmm," she leaned back slightly, crossing her legs at the knee. "You had that kind of affect on me too."

He laughed, "Yeah right, Miss Ivy League."

"You didn't exactly mess with my thought process," she admitted. "But after you first kissed me..." She sighed, "Every time you entered the same room I was was like you filled the entire space and every cell in my body was aware of you."

He smiled, "I know exactly how that goes."

She gave herself a mental shake, "It's a good thing we've moved beyond that, right?"

He sighed and nodded, snapping out of it, "Yeah."

"So," she stood up. "It's been awhile since I've done this, but what can I do to help?"

He tossed her the key, "You start her up."

"Simple enough." She caught the key chain and headed for the ignition. The small engine started with a purr. "But you may want to steer."

"I plan on it. You don't drive on the road all that well, I'm not letting you maneuver the boat."

She chuckled, "Aye, Aye, captain. Smart move."

"Shhhhh," Joey put a finger to Pacey's lips as they walked up to the B&B. "They might hear us!" She whispered loudly.

Pacey smiled, "Why are we whispering outside?"

"Cause!" Joey insisted, leaning into him. "Bessie has ears like a hawk. I wouldn't want her to know we were out all night. I might get in trouble."

He rubbed his hands over her back, "Are we in high school again?" he asked softly.

She giggled, "Sometimes it feels like it."

He released her and grinned, "Maybe drinking wasn't the best idea. Especially since I have to sleep in a bed with you. You tend to get a little...overly friendly when you're drunk."

"I do not!" She protested loudly, forgetting all about whispering. "Mr. Wandering-Hands."

"Hey, my hands have only wandered after you started it."

Her eyes widened, "I've always been pef-purr-perfectly ladylike. Nope," she shook her head, "No wandering hands from me."

Pacey snorted, "Whatever floats your boat, Potter. Now, lets get in there and go to bed. I'm tired," he said leaning against her for effect.

"Shhhhh!" She said abruptly as they started up the stairs. "Bessie will hear."

"I know, cause you're being loud."

"I am not!" She denied, hands indignantly on her hips.

"Open the damn door and stop arguing with me. If you don't, you're going to sleep alone because I'm going to lay down right here. How would that look for the B&B? Some guy sleeping on the porch."

"Ohhh, you're going to sleep with me?" She eyed him with intrigue, the lust running hotly through her veins hadn't cooled since that morning, if anything, it had only grown in magnitude.

He hung his head, then looked back up at her, "Not if you don't open the door."

"You're drunk." She singsonged, twisting the handle on the door and stepping inside.

He nodded, "And so are you, Potter."

"I am not." She shook her head. "I don't get drunk, just tipsy."

He arched an eyebrow at her, "Yeah. Right. You're drunker than I am."

She took his hand and pulled him inside. "Nuh uh."

"Uh huh," he said as he wrapped his other arm around her without thinking.

"No way, 'cause if I were more drunk than I'd be throwing myself at you even though I know that doesn't work." She smirked as she reached around him to close the door, "And see...this is me not throwing myself at you."

"Oh really? Weren't you the one who made the 'you're going to sleep with me' comment?" he asked as his nose rubbed against the top over her ear.

"Did I say that? You musta been hearing things."

"Mmmm...I don't think so."

"Well, I wouldn't have said...I'm not that kind of woman. I'm your wife." Then she giggled.

"Well, my wife, I think it's time we went to bed," he said softly.

"You're doing it again," she replied, her eyes wide.

"Doing what?" he asked looking at her.

"Looking at me..."

"I always look at you. Wanna be more specific?"

She reached up to touch his cheek lightly, "Like you're hungry for me."

He rubbed his cheek against her hand, "Maybe I am."

"Does funny things to my insides," she said breathlessly.

"It's doing a pretty funny thing to me too," he whispered huskily.

Her gaze slid down his body, "I'm not laughing."

He shook his head, "Neither am I."

"Aren't you going to kiss me?" She whispered, her hand curving around his neck to slide into his hair.

He nodded, "Working on it." His mouth crushed hers as his hands wandered over her back, then came to rest on her ass, pulling her against him. Her gasp was lost in his mouth as she parted her lips against his, immediatly exploring the wet heat of his mouth with her tongue. A shock wave of heat trembled through her body as she felt his erection against her abdomen.

When somone cleared their throat behind them, it barely registered until Joey pulled away and peered over his shoulder. He turned and looked, then sighed, "Great."

"Isn't it bad enough you scarred my son for life this morning?" Bessie arched an eyebrow, "Can I ask that you keep the sex confined to the bedroom and bathroom?" She shook her head to herself as she headed back to her room, "Next thing I know, they'll be going at it on the coffee table."

Pacey looked at Joey, then pulled away from her a little, "That was great," he mummbled.

"Are you being sarcastic?"


She pulled away from him, feeling the acute loss of body heat as she walked down the hall to their room. "It's time for bed."

He nodded, "Yeah." She pulled out a nightgown from the dresser as he entered the room; the thickest, most un-revealing nightgown she owned. He shut the door behind them and leaned against it, "I said something wrong didn't I?"

"Nope," she shook her head and pulled her hair from the pony tail. "You said just the right thing."

"You know, you are the most irritating woman. I said something wrong...and you're pissed at me."

"No, I'm not." She shook her head, and tried to move around him to get to the door.

"You are," he said, moving to stand in front of the door knob.

"Pacey, I just want to go to the bathroom and change."

"Why are you mad at me?"

"I am not mad," She said slowly. "I'm just sober now, and sleeping together is a bad idea. So will you just let me pass?"

He moved away from the door, "Fine."

"Thank you," she mumbled, brushing past him quickly to lock herself in the bathroom. Turning the light on, she frowned, his soft sighs and groans still echoing in her head. Frustration boiled inside her, and she wished she could hit something. Sober or not, she still wanted him. Whatever possessed her to think she could marry Pacey and not desire him? Frowning at her image reflected in the mirror, she started removing her clothes, stubbornly refusing to let her imagination run away with her.

Pacey groaned as he moved to sit on the edge of the bed. He put his head in his hands and tried to fight off how willing she'd been to just let him touch and kiss her. He wished Bessie hadn't walked in. Why had she chosen that moment to walk into the room? He pulled his shirt over his head and tossed it onto the floor. He kicked off his shoes and socks, then stood and removed his pants. He shook his head, trying to fight off the over-whelming desire to just take her when she walked back into the room. He climbed into the bed and folded his arms under his head.

Fifteen minutes later, Joey finally slipped inside the bedroom, half hoping that Pacey had already fallen asleep. She put her folded clothes on the dresser and moved to the bed, gingerly sitting on the edge before turning off the light and sliding beneath the covers.

He rolled onto his side, "I'm sorry."

"Pacey, you didn't do anything wrong," she whispered.

He nodded, "I did. After last night..." he sighed, "I got mad because you were teasing me...and then tonight...I was pretty much doing it back to you. I'm sorry."

"We were both drunk," Joey murmured, "It didn't mean anything, okay?"

He propped himself up on his elbow, "You mean that? Because I have a feeling that we either get all of this out in the open, or we could have nights like this often in the future."

"In the future you'll be seeing other women and we wont be sharing a bed." She countered.

"You're right about the sharing bed part."

"And the other?" She bit her lip, feeling guilty for the wave of jealously she felt at the idea of him with other women.

"I haven't decided yet."

"I think you should. There wont be as much sexual tension between us if you're getting laid."

He eyed her, "Whether or not I'm getting laid doesn't effect us. You know that. It's always there, Jo."

"Well, it needs to go away," she folded her arms across her chest. "We can't spend the next year together like this."

"No we can't. Of course with the way we're going, we'll probably end up having slept together before the year is up."

"And that's wrong."

"Well...yeah," he said sadly.

"Isn't it?" She whispered, glancing over at him in the dark.

He sighed, "I'm probably not the best person to ask what's right and wrong."

She bit her lip, "It's this horrible dance we're doing around each other, I don't know how much more I can take, Pacey."

He nodded, "I know. But I don't know how to stop it, Joey. I mean, if you can think of a way, tell me."

She was quiet for a moment, "I think sleeping together would be like opening a can of least for me. Once we started...I don't think I'd want to stop." She admitted.

He nodded, "Same here." He was quiet and watched her closely, "But maybe it's a can that should be open. You know? I mean...yeah, it might complicate things, but we wouldn't walk around twenty four hours a day frustrated as hell."

She nodded, "But...I don't want a husband, Pacey." She frowned, "I know this sounds harsh, but I don't want a man in my life permanently. That's why I thought you would be the perfect choice."

He nodded, "I know," he shook his head, "I don't know what to do here, Jo. I mean, yeah I could date other women...but they aren't you. I've always wanted you more than any of them. So I don't see how that would solve our problem because when I get around you, it would only be you that I would want. Do you see my problem here?"

"Yeah, and the feeling is reciprocated. But what happens when it's time for you to go?"

He sighed, "Then I go. I'm--I'm not saying it's going to be easy�for me to leave. But living together might be less difficult. We have to live with one another for a year. A year, Joey. Three hundred and sixty five days. It's not going to be easy for me to leave in the first place..."

She licked her lips, " matter what happens between us, you still promise to leave?"

He smirked, "You really don't want a man, do you?"

She shook her head, "No, I don't."

He tucked a strand of her hair behind her ear, "Yes, I promise to leave."

"Even if I beg you to stay?" She whispered, "Because there's a chance I might do that."

He sighed, "There is no begging for me to stay. You know I can't and shouldn't stay. So, no."

"Pacey...promise me."

"I promise."

"Okay then," she smiled weakly at him, and turned her head, kissing the palm of his hand.

He moved his hand away from her face and slowly traced her body with his finger tips. She arched towards him, and he smiled, "Maybe we should take things slow. You know? Let them happen on their own."

"Maybe..." she sighed, her body naturally graviating towards him. "Maybe that's a good idea."

He moved closer to her and began placing soft kisses along her neck. He couldn't get enough of the way she smelled. There were still traces of her perfume around her neck and a slight bit around her shoulder. It was intoxicating to him and he couldn't pull himself away from her.

Soft sighs escaped her, as she slid her arms around his warm body. Even the simple act of touching him was a turn on. "There, ohhhh," she swallowed thickly, "There are..." She couldn't think when he was doing that with his mouth.

His hands made their way down her sides, lightly touching her until he reached her thigh and pulled her against him. His lips never left her skin as he asked, "There are what?"

"Things. We can do." She gasped as she arched her hips against him, the hard length of him pressed intimately against her. Her eyes closed as heat poured through her to tingle in the apex of her thighs.

He pulled away slightly, his lips kiss swollen, "I was just thinking of several things we could do," he said before he groaned and pressed himself against her.

She pushed back on his shoulders, sending him back onto his side of the bed, giving her a little space to breathe before straddling his torso. Her nightgown rode up on her thighs as she laid her palms flat on his chest. She slid down until her soaked panties were aligned with his cock, "I meant," she rocked her hips forward, "Without actually--" A moan. "Without actually--" A whimper. "Oh God, you know what I mean."

He nodded and gripped her hips, pushing his head back into the pillow as he closed his eyes, giving into the feeling of her moving against him. He opened his eyes when he heard her moan again, and found that he couldn't tear his eyes from hers. He bucked his hips in time with hers and found that it was getting much harder to fight off his climax.

Her eyes fastened to his, she caught one of his hands, and brought it to her breast, a ragged moan tearing through her chest as he squeezed lightly. Her thighs tightened around him as she ground her hips down even harder, desperate for a release to the tension that had been building for over a week.

"Fuck..." he groaned as she ground harder against him. He pulled her down and kissed her roughly as his hands slid around to her ass, pulling her against him harder. His tongue entered her mouth seeking out it's warmth as he felt her entire body surge closer to her release.

She cried out, the sound captured by his mouth as her entire body stiffened over him. Soft whimpers escaped her as she continued to rock against his hard length, melting into him in the wake of her orgasm.

He tensed beneath her as he came and pulled her flush against him. He buried his head in her neck, trying to balance out his breathing. His hands moved over her back as she moved to rest her head on his chest, "I feel much better," he said with a small smile. "How about you?"

"I think I'll have no trouble sleeping tonight," she said breathlessly, nestling comfortably against his body.

He placed a kiss on the side of her head, "Goodnight, Potter."

"Night..." the word was said on a soft sigh, and she was already asleep before she finished speaking.

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