Rejuv Universe part 4 A Lesson to be Learned
The Really Bad Day

Sally left the court room with her daddy, crying as she walked down the big hall.

She tried to walk, but it was biting so bad and it really stung. She wiggled and wiggled hoping that would help as she walked to the car with her daddy. She cried all the way to the car and she could tell everyone was looking at her and her level 4 painties.

"Everybody knows me dot panked," she cried.

Andrew picked her up and seated her in the back and buckled her in.

"Yes they do Sally, and when I take you to mommy, everyone in the mall will know you were a very bad penny," he stated.

Sally cried all the way to the mall and all the way through the mall. When Andrew found Rebecca, he was ready for her to take over the care of this naughty little penny.

"Me was berry brave mommy, judge pank me hard, but I was a good girl," she cried.

She looked at Sally and then at her husband, "wow, he gave her level 4 painties, he spanked you very good. Well we already have most of what David needs and I picked up some things for Sally already. We just need some more shoes and her punishment dress. We will be going home for lunch," she said. Have a great day at work and see you when you get home.

"Ohh Rebecca, I almost forgot, the judge said that she has to wear those until bed, and her hands need to stay tied, but I think we can untie them. If she rubs or tries to scratch, then tie them up again," he said

He took sally and turned her around and pulled her painties down so mommy could see her very red bottom. When you get home I want you to check her bottom again. It needs to stay this red all day long," he ordered.

Sally knew what that meant and she began to protest, Daddy nooooo no nooo moreee pankyyyyy," she cried.

Before she could finish her daddy flipped his bad little penny upside down, pulled down her thick painties and began spanking her. Sally couldn't believe it as she let out loud little yelps as her daddy's hand continued smacking her bottom. He gave her fifteen spanks, sat her feet on the floor and pulled up those awful painties.

"Were you saying something to me young lady? he asked

Sally stood there, crying, wiggling her very sore bottom and shaking her head no.

"Sally, I can't believe how you are behaving, your bottom will stay red all day today. Mommy will see to it and when I come home the I will see to it with the little helper paddle. You will have the reddest bottom in Assville. He kissed Rebecca and both of the children and he left.

Rebecca finished her shopping, and all the time Sally cried. Mommy had made her keep her hands on her head, so she wouldn't rub. It was awful. on five different occasions, people would stop Sally and ask her about her punishment. Rebecca would make Sally tell them what she did and that the judge had spanked her with the little strap. When they arrived home, Rebecca made them lunch and then she put David down for a nap. She took Sally, who was still crying, into her room and picked up the little helper paddle.

"Noooooooo mommyyyyyyyy noooooooo," Sally cried as she ran to hide in her closet.

SALLY RENEA JOHNSON," her mommy shouted, Don't you EVER run from me, she said as she pulled her very naughty little penny from the closet.

She pulled her to the bed and turned her over her lap. Rebecca pulled down the painties and began spanking Sally with the paddle. Sally was so tired from crying all day, but she still managed to get in a few wiggles as mommy continued to punish her naughty little bottom. Sally yelped and screeched in pain, but she never once asked mommy to stop.

"That should do it for a little while she said. She pulled up the painties and held Sally on her lap until she fell asleep. her bottom hurt alot, but it felt good for someone to cuddle with her.

As Sally started to wake from her nap, the pain of her hot bottom started waking too.

Ohhh ohh dis really hurths, owweee," she cried.

She listened really quietly to see if anyone was coming. When she didn't hear anything she threw her hands on her bottom and started rubbing like crazy. She jumped from her bed and pulled off those very bad painties and danced around the room, rubbing her very sore naked backside.

"Sally, said a voice. what you doing?

She turned around and there standing in the door was little David.

"Ohhh you stared me to deff," replied Sally.

Guess what I dot Sally," he said in a whisper

"What?" she whispered back

"Nano-wotion," he said as he held it out to her. Mommy is sweeping so I got it for you Sally.

Sally threw herself on the bed on her tummy, "Hurry David fore she wakes up," she replied.

David rubbed Nano all over Sally's bottom and legs. She knew it was going to itch, but she didn't care cause her bottom was really really sore. David took it and put it back and then came back to Sally.

"Sally, you gotta put painties back on," he replied as he held them out to her. Mommy is gonna pank you when she gets up, so stay pretending to sweep till daddy gets home otay Sally, or she will know you got nanowed.

They talked for a while and when they heard her open her door, they both threw themselves on Sally's bed and pretended to be asleep.

Rebecca, peeked in, but they looked so cute that she didn't want to wake them. She got the holocam out and taped them sleeping for a few minutes, then she went downstairs to start dinner. David and Sally got back up and talked some more. They heard the front door open and close, so they knew daddy was home.

"Go sweep Sally, me go down and see things otay," he said.

Sally laid back down and closed her eyes, David went downstairs to talk to his mommy and daddy to try to give Sally some more time.

"Well hello young man, Stated Andrew, mommy says you have been very good today.

"Yes daddy, very good.

"Where is Sally," he asked

"She is still asleep I think,Replied Rebecca, but she was very naughty when we got home. I had put David down and took her in her room to spank her and she ran from me. I gave her a good tanning with the little helper paddle when I caught her.

"I will see to it that she gets another good spanking for that then," replied Andrew. That bottom of hers needs to stay red until she goes to bed tonight.

Andrew took David for a walk around the neighborhood and Rebecca finished Dinner. When David and his dad returned, she sent him upstairs to get his sister.

Sally,whispered David, mommy says to get you for dinner.

Sally crawled from her bed and took David by the hand and they went down to dinner.

"Sally was really hungry and she had been spanked three times already, so she sat quietly and ate everything on her plate. When they were done Andrew took them in the living room and they watched the holovision for a while. It was a nice night, so before they were to have a bath and go to bed they took Sally and David for a walk so Sally could see her neighborhood. When they returned, Rebecca went upstairs to get their pajamas and david started to get them ready for their baths. He undressed Sally and she crawled into the tub. She had forgotten about the nano, so when she crawled into the tub, she didn't turn her bottom away from her daddy.

"Rebecca, come in here would you,?" he asked.

"What is it,? she replied.

"I thought you said you spanked Sally with the helper paddle today?" he asked

"I did," she stated.

Sally's bottom isn't red at all, just barely pink," he stated as he pulled Sally to a standing position. He put his hand on her bottom and it felt smooth.

He turned to Rebecca, How do you expect her to learn when you put nano-lotion on her right after you spank her," he scolded.

Andrew, I never," she replied.

"Well she has had it then," he replied

Andrew and Rebecca looked at Sally, who was standing naked in the tub with her head down.

"You are in very serious trouble young lady, so you better answer, Did you put nano-lotion on your bottom?" he asked.

Sally knew she was going to get a good spanking anyway, so their was no need to get david punished too.

"Yesss daddyy, I hurted sooo bad so I putted it on, me sorry daddyyy.

Andrew picked up David and sat him in the tub. He yanked Sally from the tub, and flopped her over his knee.

"Me sorryyyyyy daddyyyy noooo," She cried.

Andrew gave her ten spanks on the bottom with his hand when he thought that it would be really hard for Sally to put it everywhere that it needed to be. He had an idea. Andrew stood her up.

Sally, take me to where you got the nano-lotion now young lady.

Sally couldn't because she didn't know where it was, so she just stood there crying.

David pulled her over his lap again and gave her ten more spanks.

"Now Sally," he ordered.

I tant daddyyyyyy," she cried. She looked at David who was sitting in the tub shaking his head no. "Me sorry david, sorry sorry sorry, but me not know where you put nano," she started sobbing.

Andrew knew right away what had happened.

"Did you put nano on you sister David Allen Johnson," he scolded

"Yess sirr," David answered.

Andrew was very mad, but his two bad penny's needed their baths, so he plopped Sally into the water and gave them a quick scrub. Rebecca had gone to check out the lotion. It was a mess. David didn't get the lid on so it ran down the side and all over the shelf. It made a big mess. When Rebecca returned she told Andrew what she had found. Andrew pulled Sally from the water and preceeded to hand spank her naked wet bottom. he then stood her in the corner and pulled David from the water.

"Young man you almost made it all day with no spanking. but you did a very bad thing," he replied as he pulled David over his lap. He hand spanked David until he was yelping in pain.

Rebecca took Sally to her room and put her over her knee and gave her several swats with the little helper paddle.

"When I am done you won't ever be such a bad little penny again. David was getting the same punishment as Sally, but it was coming from his daddy instead.

As the spanking continued, David bucked and kicked all over. It hurt really bad when daddy was mad at you. He would never sneek ever again. When he stopped spanking, he led little David to the corner stool and sat him on top. David yelped from the pain of having to sit there naked. Andrew went to Sally's room. Rebecca had placed Sally on her corner stool. david picked her up and continued to scold her as he carried her over to the bed.

"Daddyyyyyy noooo pweeesssseeeee, nooo pankyyy," she cried.

"This will be your last day ever being this bad ever again Sally Renea," he scolded.

Sally started to cry harder as daddy began spanking her with the little helper paddle.

"You were a very bad penny today," he scolded as he laid the paddle down with a heavy hand.

Sally screeched and yelped and began to kick her legs wildly. Daddy was sure spanking her hard.

"You will have the reddest bottom in this town when I am done with you young lady," he said in between spanks.

Sally had been spanked so many times that she knew this was the worst day ever. Daddy spanked and spanked and still spanked, Sally wanted him to stop ot she was going to go potty all over her daddy. Finally Andrew stopped. he stood Sally in front of him and placed her back in her painties. He sat her on his lap and hugged her. She wanted to rub, but Andrew held her hands tight, finally the exhausted little penny fell asleep. Andrew headed back into David, who was still sitting on the corner stool.

"What do you have to say young man," he demanded.

"Me sorry daddy, I wanted to help Sally," he cried.

He lifted david up to look at his bottom.

"Well son it looks like we arent done yet, I intend to make you little butt as red as your sisters.

"Noooo daddy pweeseeee my been panked enuff," he cried as his daddy placed him over his knee.

"No young man, you haven't been spanked enough," he replied as he began with the little helper paddle. " You tried to be sneeky and you were bad on purpose, that won't be allowed here."

Andrew swatted with force and David screeched and kicked as his spanking continued. When it was over, Davids little bottom was a bright crimson. Andrew put David in level 4 Bee-riefs.

"Daddy, stingy owee owee," he cried as he felt the little biters go to work on his already tender bottom.

He laid there crying in his daddy's arms. Tomorrow just had to be a better day.

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