Rejuv part 3 A visit with The Judge

Rebecca woke to the sound of little Sally crying. She looked at the clock and it was only 5a.m. Andrew wandered into her bedroom to see why she was crying.

"Sally, whats wrong sweetheart," he asked

"Baffroom daddy baffroom, hurry," she cried.

Andrew quickly unstrapped little Sally from her bed and she took off down the hall for the bathroom. When she returned, she was carrying her bottoms and her undies in her hands.

"daddy, me tinkle a wittle bit, me sorry," she said with her head down.

"It's ok Sally, you tried, but I didn't hear you," he replied. Put your dirty jammies in the basket and then come lay on your tummy. Since you are up, I will rub some Nano-Lotion on your bottom now.

Sally remembered when Simon had rubbed Nano on her at the courthouse. It burned and itched really bad and she didn't like it. She hesitated, stopping short of her daddy's reach.

"Young lady!" he scolded, Get over here right now!.

Sally slowly walked to her daddy and laid herself on her tummy next to him. He squirted quite a bit of lotion on her bottom and started rubbing it in.

"Ohhh daddy stingy itchy, owee," she cried, but Andrew kept rubbing until it was well absorbed by the skin.

"Lie on your back Sally," he ordered.

He then diapered her, pinned her pj' sleeves to the sheet so she couldn't remove her diaper and covered her up.

"Go to sleep Sally,It is to early to be up. He kissed her head and left the room.

"How does daddy spect me to sweep with stingy, itchies on my bottom. ewww owwee itchie," she cried. Finally in spite of her itching, she did go back to sleep.

Andrew and Rebecca woke at 7am. They had alot of things to do today. Shopping for clothes for their new children and Andrew had to take Sally to see the judge. He also had to work later that day. Andrew went in to check on the children. Sally was still sleeping, but David was awake, waiting for someone to unstrap him from the bed. As soon as he was untied, he jumped up and ran as fast as he could to the bathroom.

When he returned, he asked his new daddy, " can me have Nanp-wotion now pweese. My bottom hurths," he stated.

Andrew told david to lie on his tummy and Andrew rubbed the lotion in. It wasn't more than a minute and it started to sting and itch. David started squirming.

"Daddy owww itchie ohhhhh, burns burns," cried David.

"David, turn over, and put your arms out," he said.Andrew started to put a diaper on David.

"Ohhh daddy nooo diaper pweese," he cried.

Andrew gave David a little smack,"hold still now.

David stopped squirming and held still while his daddy put the diaper on.

"Daddy, ohh ohhh itchie owee, take it off," he cried.

No David, it stays on son, he replied.

David tried to stick his hands down the back of his diaper.

"Daddy nooo itchieee, he cried.

He took David by the hand and they went in and woke up Sally. Andrew led his two new children down to the kitchen where Rebecca was just serving breakfast.

During breakfast they made their plans. Andrew would take Sally to see the judge and then he would bring her to Rebecca at the mall. Rebecca took Sally and Andrew took David upstairs to get them dressed. Rebecca had put Sally in a little summer dress and sat her on the bed to put her socks and shoes on her.

"Mommy, where's my panties?" she asked as she lifted her dress to reveal her naked bottom half.

"Sally, daddy is bringing some with you, but you won't need them until after you see the judge," she replied

Sally sat there for a minute and thought while mommy was buckling her shoes.

"Mommy, is the judge gonna pank my bottom? is dat why me no need undies? she asked in a sad voice.

"Sally, you know how bad you were yesterday, you know as a penny you can't act like that, so I want you to go with daddy and be a brave good girl and take your spanking, and remember Sally, don't kick your feet, hold as still as you can for the judge. Rebecca reminded.

"Mommy, me stared, me no wanna do, pweeseee don't make me doooo," she cried.

Rebecca picked up Sally and sat her on her lap and held her tight untill she stopped crying.

"Thats enough now, she ordered, You will go with daddy and you will be a brave girl. You were a very bad penny and you need to be punished. Show the judge that you can be a good little penny.After that daddy will bring you to me and we will get your new clothes.

Just then daddy came in with David.

"Sally, are you ready sweetheart? he asked

"Yeth daddy, me be a bwave dirl for you," she said in a teary voice.

Andrew and Sally headed for the courthouse once again and Rebecca headed for the mall with little David.

Andrew and Sally took a seat on the bench and waited for the judge to call him. He was handing out other sentences, but Sally didn't pay attention. She didn't even hear the judge call her name until daddy tugged at her arm.

"Come Sally," he said as he led her to stand in front of the judges bench.

"Sally, you are the very first penitatas to ever have a tantrum in my courtroom. It will be all over Jamesville(Changed from the original because of controverse in a different story) by the end of the week," he replied," but so will your punishment. Come stand right her in front of me young lady.

The judges voice was very harsh and it frightened little Sally, but she remembered what she promised, so she took a deep breath and walked over to stand right in front of the judge.

"Did your daddy give you a good spanking like I told him to," he asked

"Yeth sir, he panked me wiff hairbruth and wiff a paddle at bed time. It hurted really really baddd, and me dot nano-wotion dat tings and gives u itchies," she continued.

"Sally, I want you to turn around, hold up your dress and bend over. I want to see the results of your spanking." he ordered.

"Sally obeyed.

"The nano has worked very well," he said. "Turn around.

Sally obeyed.

Sally' penitatas, do not throw fits in my courtroom," he reminded.

The judge reached over and opened a little wooden box that had been sitting on his desk. Inside the box was a piece of leather about 2 inches wide and 10 inches long. He took it out and handed it to Sally.

"I have only had to punish one other very very bad little penny with that strap. She misbehaved in my court like you did, but not nearly as bad. Lay it here next to me Sally

With tears in her eyes, she obeyed.

The judge picked Sally up and seated her on his lap. he removed her shoes and sat them on his desk. He then stood her on the floor and preceeded to take her dress off. She was now standing in front of the judge totally naked. She was relieved though, because she was so short, that no one would see her naked or get her spanking, they would only hear it.

"Sally, pick up the strap and hand it to me," he ordered.

Sally had tears running down her face but she still obeyed

The judge took the little strap from Sally and pulled her across his left knee, pinning her legs with his right leg.

"If you reach back even once with your hands, Simon will finish your strapping in the other room. Now lets get to work on getting the bottom a real nice crimson color.

smack smack owww eee smack ohhh oww smack slapp woohoohoooeee wack spank swack awwhooeee wappp spank woo hoo hoo slap wack woohoo smack smack pweeseee owwwee smack smack owwee spank smack wack owwee

smack ooohooweee whip smack noweehoee crack smack owee whoosh smack

aaahaaoooeee woo hoo wack ohhhoeee smack spank woohooo whip ohhooo woo hoohoo weee owweee oweee oooohoooohoooo oweeeee heee heeee.

The judge stopped to admire his work, ignoring the cries of this bad little penny that was over his knee.

"Well I see that just about did it for your bottom. I am quite pleased with the color. Now we just have to get those naughty little legs that did all of that kicking on my courtroom floor.

The judge aimed the little strap lower and started spanking the backs of Sally's legs, from her bottom to her knees

smack smack owww eee smack ohhh oww smack slapp woohoohoooeee wack spank swack awwhooeee wappp spank woo hoo hoo slap wack woohoo smack smack pweeseee owwwee smack smack owwee spank smack wack owwee smack ooohooweee whip smack noweehoee crack smack owee whoosh smack aaahaaoooeee woo hoo wack ohhhoeee smack spank woohooo whip ohhooo woo hoohoo weee owweee oweee oooohoooohoooo oweeeee heee heeee.

"Now your legs match your bottom," he said as he stood Sally to her feet.

Sally did a little wiggle dance, but worked especially hard to not stomp her feet, for she didn't want any more of that nasty little strap. The judge had placed her hands on her head and had told her not to touch her bottom. It stung so so so bad and Sally wanted to rub, but she knew the judge was testing her obedience. After about fifteen minutes she finally calmed down a bit so the judge could talk to her.

"Sally come to me," the judge said in a much kinder voice. Are you going to be a good girl and no more fits in the court? he asked.

"Y yyesss ssirrrrrr, she huccupped out.

The judge was handed a pair of painties. Sally no longer wanted anything on to cover her, she liked the way the air felt on her red stinging bottom, but she knew better than to disobey the judge. They were a level 4 painties and Sally was about to learn a whole new word for pain. The judge held them down and told Sally to step in. She obeyed. They were very snug and as the judge got them into place, Sally imediately started to feel like something was poking and biting her bottom.

"Oweee oweee hurths, she cried.

"Quiet young lady," the judge ordered as her put her dress back on. he then sat her on the desk and put her shoes on.

Sally was holding her breath and trying not to wiggle, but her bottom was on fire and now something was deffinately biting at her butt and legs.

"Bite bite, she whispered so as to not get punished again.

"These are special punishment painties and you will wear them until bed time tonight, and her hands will stay tied in front," he said looking at Andrew

"Yes your honor, she will stay in them until bed time," he replied

The judge then turned her around and pinned the back of her dress up, so everyone would know that she was a very bad little penny that had been severly spanked.....

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