Rejuv part 5 A Lesson to be Learned
Listen to your Mommy (F/f/m) paddle

Sally and David would never forget that terrible day when their parents spanked them over and over for sneeking the Nano-lotion. They had learned that sneeking is not good for their bottoms and so they decided to behave the best they could. several days went by, and they were accepting their roles as hard time penitatas, and having to be subjected to spankings when ever their mommy and daddy felt they needed one. David was accepting it rather well and was helping Sally as much as he could, but Sally had a hard childhood the first time around as a kindern and she had trouble controling her behavior. She was a handful for David as he tried his best. They were still getting a light hand spanking after lunch from Rebecca, before their naps and at night daddy would give them a light hand spanking as well. David got good at preparing himself for it and did little if any kicking and squirming. Sally tried her hardest, because David asked her to, but usually toward the end, she would loose control and start begging her daddy to stop. It was a saturday afternoon and Rebecca had some work to do in the yard, sally and David played outside in the back for a while but soon became very bored. They soon wandered into the front yard, sat down and decided to count all the hover cars as they passed. As one passed. Sally developed an idea in her little head.

David, watch this," she said as she picked up a little pebble and threw it. One would think that a little girl of six wouldn't be able to hit a passing car, but she did. Right on the hovercap.

"woohooo did you see that David? I hit that mean old car, right on its tire, she said as she picked up another small rock.

"Sally we shouldn't do this you know," remarked David.

"Don't spoil all of my fun David," she retorted, as she aimed for another passing car. You just don't wanna do it cause I can throw better than you.

Well David didn't like that much so he decided to join in and prove her wrong. He picked up a small pebble, looked around for his mommy and as the car approached, he threw as hard as he could, hitting his target dead center. They continued this game until they got bored. It was a good thing to because mommy came right out to feed them lunch and put them down for their naps.

As they sat at the table eating, Rebecca told them that since they had been such good children, that she would not spank them today before their naps, but that they would still get their bed time spanking from daddy. They quickly ate their lunch and mommy took them upstairs to take their naps.

"I'm not tired, Sally cried, as Rebecca walked her toward her room.

"I don't want to take a nap today," she cried, as she tried to pull free.

"Young lady, mommy has lots of work to do so you need to take a nap now, so be a good girl and don't make me have to get the little helper paddle, she scolded.

"Well the thought of that paddle made Sally straighten up. She walked to her room and laid down on her bed. Mommy tucked her in and then tucked David in. She went back outside to finish her work. Sally tossed and turned for twenty minutes but couldn't sleep. She peeked out her window to see her mommy in the back yard, then she ran to Davids room to see if he was still awake.

"David, are you awake? she asked as she continued to slap his back with her little hand.

"Sally stop it, I'm awake now and what do you want," he asked.

I want to go outside and play," she cried

"We have to take a nap, cause mommy said so," replied David

"No we don't, mommy will be outside all afternoon, so we can play, she replied.

David was tired, but he knew he had to keep Sally busy, so he got out of bed and started to play.

"What do you want to do,"? he asked her.

Sally sat there and thought for a minute. "I want to go to the park down the street," she replied.

"We can't go to the park," cried David.

"I want to go now," she cried, and if you don't take me I will go by myself.

"Finally David gave in and he went to see where his mommy was on her work.

She had alot to do so David told Sally they could go.

Sally ran from the room and quickly headed to the front door. David grabbed her hand and they peeked, to make sure no one was outside. They slipped out the door, down the walk and onto the sidewalk that lead to the park. They had never been there, but they had passed by several times with their new parents.

They had gotten about 4 houses away when they saw a little girl and her mother approaching. The little girl had no panties on and her mommy had a nasty old switch in her hand. every step the little girl took, her mommy would wack her with the switch. The little girl was really crying and would yelp with every smack of the switch. Sally and David couldn't hide, they kept walking, hoping that the mommy would be to busy tending to her bad penny to notice them.

Whew, she didn't see us," cried David, as the little girl and her mommy disappeared into their house.

David and Sally continued on their adventure toward the park. They could hear the children playing, but as the park came into view, they realized that not only was the park full of penitatas children, but it was full of mommy's too.

"Sally, we can't go in there!" he stated. We have to go back home.

Sally wanted to go to the park so bad," We will only stay a few minutes, and um um if anyone wants to know where mommy is, tell them she is in the bathroom, um parks have bathrooms don't they? Sally asked.

"Thats it Sally, we aren't going to the park," he replied

He grabbed Sally by the arm and preceeded to drag her toward home. She yelled and slapped at David as he held tight to his sister. David didn't want to get into trouble any more and he felt bad after seeing that little penny get her switching.

"Do you want mommy to find us at the park, take our panties off, and switch us all the way home too Sally?. If you didn't notice, that park is full of switches, Just full of them Sally. There is our house, now you be quiet so we can sneek back in.

Sally couldn't believe he was doing this and she decided to be quiet. She didn't want mommy to hear them, and since they actually didn't make it to the park, she didn't want to get a spanking. They peeked around the side of the house and mommy was putting away her things. They crepped to the back door and slipped into the house. They had made it to the stairs when the phone rang. It made them both jump and they bolted up the stairs. David grabbed Sally and ran to her room. He pushed her onto her bed and pulled off her shoes.

"Sleep Sally, sleep," he ordered as he ran toward his own room, threw off his shoes and jumped onto his bed.

David had only been in his bed a minute, when his mother approached. She pulled David from his bed and preceeded into Sally's room. She pulled Sally up and they headed toward the stairs and right out the front door. With each of her little penny's in toe. They weren't wearing any shoes and the hot walkway burned their feet. She headed down the street with David tightly gripped in one hand and Sally in the other. They had no idea what their mommy was doing, until they turned up the walkway that led to the house that they had taken notice to earlier. They were now standing on the front stoop where they had seen that other little penny. The one that got the switching, and they knew they were in very big trouble. Mommy rang the bell and that same lady we saw earlier opened the door.

"Hello Gwen," mommy said as we stood there awaiting our fate. Are these the two that you saw on your way home from the park? she asked.

"I'm so sorry Rebecca, but yes, these are the two children I saw. I wasn't sure at first, but I thought that you were the only spankos parent in the neighborhood with a girl and boy that was the same age.

"See what you did Sally, see see see!" he yelled.

"Young man, you be quiet," she said as she yanked at Davids arm.

"Children, this is Gwen Warren, she is a friend of mine, and we play cards together. Her little girl is Annie, and you will be seeing alot of them soon, but for now you will be feeling alot of the little helper paddle, just as soon as we get home.

"Thanks for the phone call Gwen," replied Rebecca.

She once again towed her children toward home. David walked obediently with his mommy, but Sally yelled, stomped and tried to escape as the walked toward home. Rebecca was very upset with her two very naughty little penny's and as the accended the stairs toward their rooms, she preceeded to strip them of their clothing. By the time they reached Sally's room, they were naked and crying. She sat David in the corner stool and quickly preceeded to pull Sally across her lap.

you will not sneek out of this house when I'm not looking. She continued as she applied many many more spanks to Sally's bad penny bottom. Sally was screeching and kicking her legs as her mommy turned her bottom a nice crimson color.

She carried Sally to her bed and laid her on her tummy. You will stay there until daddy gets home and he will tend to that naughty bottom of yours, so you stay on that tummy.

She returned to David, who was crying as well. She carried him under her arm to his room. She sat on the edge of his bed and preceeded to spank him until he matched his sisters well spanked bottom in color. She lay him on his tummy and scolded him with the threat of yet another spanking if he was to get up before daddy came home.

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