Innocentata Medicalos: WElcome back

Jenny sat waiting on the examing table waiting for the test results to come back. Everything seemed a little blury but that was more likely her fever talking.

The doctor walked in put his hand on Jennys shoulder kindly and said in a sweet soft voice. "The disease is back."

Jenny woke up shivering. It wasn't real. It was just a dream. She hopes. Jenny got up and went to the living room. IT was already morning.

Jenny found mommy in the kitchen. "Hi mommy."

Mommy looked at Jenny up and down. "Hey baby. Your back early."

"Well my fever made us take the trip back early. I need to see Fred."

"You mean Dr. Marcus."

"Sorry yes mommy. As soon as possible"

"Ok hun. Why don't you go to bed and I"ll call your doctor."

A couple real hours later, Jenny was sitting on the examing table. Jenny was squirming a bit on the table when the nurse came in.

He took out the ear thermometer when he noticed her hands. He took her tempt and then wrote it down. Then he took a blood sample. "Ok the doctor will be in a few."

"Minutes. I know"

When the doctor showed up he was sorta smiling. "Hey Jenny how you feeling?"

"Ok I guess. I need to be tested again for the disease."

"Well actually you don't need it. You got Merits disease."

"Merits Disease." John and Donny said on there chairs.

"ITs a Gorowian Childhood form of Chicken Pox. Actually theres a vaccine and a cure." Jenny said.

"But we don't see any dots."

"Thats not where the red dots are." The doctor said with a little giggle.

"Where are they?" Donny asked.

"Well lets just say that if I was still a penny and got this you'd find out at my next spanking. How do you know I don't have volktorn."

"You'd be already dead if you did."

"OH. FOrnately today is saturday so I'll be back at school on Monday without problems."

"Yep. But remember bed rest and take your medicine."

"Yes Sir."

"Now why didn't you tell me that your going to Gorow we could have prevented this." Fred asked the guys.

"Well it happened so fast"


When they got home Mommy was the first one to greet them. "Well."

"I got Merits disease."

"Wait a second thats a Gorowian disease. What were you guys doing in Gorow."

"What do you mean. John said you knew."

"John said you guys were going to South American to his uncles house."

Jenny and Jenny looked at John. "I didn't want you saying no."

"Did Donny have anything to do with this or was this all your idea?" Mommy asked

"He just helped me take care of Jenny."

"GO to your room John."

When John was in his room. "I don't think you should punish him."

"He lied to me and you."

"But he did it for a good cause. He gave me a month that I'll won't forget as long as I live. And besides if the disease does come back you really think I'm going to stay."

"I thought you'd stay cause of your doctor."

"Mom I'm staying now cause I need to know if the disease does come back. But when it does I need the time to myself before I die. Besides you proved that its less likely that I"ll be allowed to die the way I want to." Jenny went to her room.

Mom decided Jenny was right and let it go at that.

But everyone was happy to see Jenny again.

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