Innocentata Medicalos: GOROW

A couple night after Jenny's birthday John came into her room in the middle of the night and started packing her stuff.

"Whats going on?" Jenny woke up rubbing her sleepy eyes.

"Were going to Gorow COme on pack."

Jenny jumped up out her bed in a five sec jump but not to start packing but to figure out what the heck his talking about. "Wait a second."

"You said you wanted to go to Gorow."

"I said that when I was thinking I was dying in a year. What about the volktorn tests"

"We'll be back in a month."

"What about mom and dad you know there going to be looking all over for us and when we get back you'll be a penny and who knows what will happen to me."

"They know about this."

"What about school?"

"We can catch up when we get back its not like were kidern and can't get back."

"What about Dojan?"

"Jenny everything will be ok," John put his hand on her shoulder.

"What if the disease comes back and I get sick?"

"We'll take you to a doctor. Don't worry."

"WE who's we?"

"Donny and I. Jenny we'll be fine. Trust me. Its only for a month and the cabin is only a couple blocks away from the cabin."

"You are serious aren't you?"

"Yes I am now get dressed. The hoovercab is waiting and we still have to pick up Donny." John was quick in his packing and Jenny was just as quick in dressing up.

Jenny and John went to the hoovercab and got in and went to Donnys house where Donny was standing outside bags in his hands waiting.

Jenny couldn't believe they were doing this. It was happening so fast. We got to the shuttle port in fifteen minutes flat. Jenny hadn't gone to Gorow since she was a adult at the end of her own disease. As a matter of fact the crime was done in Gorow and she was arrested to in Gorow but was tried on earth cause thats part of the treaty we have with Gorow. We punish there criminals so that Gorow would stay isolated country. In return we get to send all our isolationists. Jenny and her family were isolationists. Thats one of the reasons Jennys illness was so well hidden. And Jennys real parents easily became kidern.

They rushed through the shuttleport as fast as possible. One thing the old fashioned idea of Airports and todays shuttleports is that its always rush rush rush. By the time they got to the gate it was finale boarding thank goodness they made it on time.

The shuttle was big and designed for overnighters. There was good reason behind that, Gorow takes 2 days without stops and 3 to 4 with stops.

They managed to find there room on the shuttle it looked great. THree bedrooms three bathrooms and a living room. A more of a suite then a place.

Jenny went to her small room but then John said. "No not that one its the big one there." Jenny goes to the other room a little surprized. I mean Jenny is the youngest of the three and John didn't have to let her have the big room. I mean the IM doesn't always have to get whatever she wants. Although she seems to get it no matter if she asks for it or not.

Jenny went right to sleep after all they woke her up in the middle of the night to do this crazy thing. ITs not even usual to have these trips to gorow at night.

"She fell right to sleep." John said while walking to the living room where Donny is. "Which room is yours?"

"Oh I don't care whichever you don't get. Do you think this was a good idea taking her."

"Definately. THis is the best birthday gift anyone can give her. I just hope that when we get back the disease won't be back."

"Me to."

"Goodnight." John went to the smallest of the three rooms.

The next day Jenny managed to go to the arcade. There were a lot of kidern there. These trips usually are made up of two sections the pennys and then the other section is for the kidern and any other rejuve can be in either side. Or travel to either side.

The only kidern that knows what a IM is is of course Mark and BJ so there was a lot of explaining. But not as much as anyone thought cause lots of kidern are told about I's especially since they have more rights then even the kidern. As a matter of fact as a medicalos you have more rights then kidern to.

As a matter of fact A IM is the most pitied especially by the kidern. They know that death is around the corner for Jenny and its scary. Hope is the only thing that keeps Jenny from jumping into the bay.

The arcade games where fun. And playing with the kidern was a change of pace. she's used to pennys being around and they usually get spanked to often so playing with kidern was actually fun cause there was no fear in the kids.

At lunch time Jenny John and Donny meet at the dinning hall in the shuttle. Jenny had a hamburger and a hot dog and fries. When the disease comes back she won't even be able to eat meat at all so she rather enjoy it while she still can.

John and Donny got there own portions of food and sat with Jenny. "How was your first day?" Donny asked.

"Fine I went to the arcade."

"I thought you were saving money for something." John asked.

"I already got it and sent it to Mark and BJ."

"What did you get for them?"

"Just some nice souvenirs they bought me when I was a kidern."

"How come you had to buy it?"

"I sold it when they died I guess I didn't want it anymore. There about the same age now that I was when they gave it to me. So I had to buy it back"


"Well life goes on. I think I'll go swimming today want to join me."

"Yeah sure Jenny." Donny said.

The swimming was fun. They both swam in the penny pool. There was a life guard on duty and plenty of parents. Whenever Jenny was asked where her parents where she just showed her IM which said I have the right to be here by myself and then Donny would say they're in the cabin. OK so they had no choice but to lie but in this case it was justifiable. One month of fun for someone who is more likely to die in a year vs. 1 single white lie. there's just no contest.

The next day the shuttle stopped off on Mars for the day. All pennys got off there. Gorow doesn't allow criminals on there planet as a matter of fact they barely allow rejuves and kidern in general and usually there with isolationist parents.

John and Donny did not make reservations for a hotel like most parents do at this so they all stayed at the shuttle room till they left again.

The next night they finally arrived at Gorow. Gorow is on the outer galaxy. As a matter of fact there's a starfleet station on the planet so that major ships can leave from the outer galaxy first. Many starfleet officers and any passengers go from transport like the ones John Jenny and Donny were on first. But there always 2 day trip. No stop.

When they arrived at the shuttleport in Tella the first thing they did was go get a cab. Baggage claims on these trips aren't necessary since its like a hotel in the shuttle. When they got to where they were going Jenny reconized the place right away even in the dark. It was the same place that Jenny grew up in. Her parents were isolationalists and lived here almost all of there lives. Even when they rejuved they where here and moved to earth by there new parents. As adults Jenny John (real brother) and Kate (real sister) moved to america right after there parents John and Kate didn't believe in isolation. And Jenny got a offer for a job with Dr. Marcus. When John died Jenny moved back to Gorow to die alone the way her parents believed in. Of course Dr. Marcus came with her. And thats where she got arrested. Its about a mile to the bank that she was accused of burgularizing. So it really was impossible for Jenny to do it in her state of mind and physically ill to get to the bank and do any such crime. The biggest reason she was convicted so easily is cause Gorowian law goes by Guilty till proven innocent.

Jenny went straight to bed and John and Donny went to there rooms and unpacked.

Jenny woke up the next morning in the cabin forgetting where she was and even how old she was when she did realized where she is. Tears came to eyes as she realized where she was and why she was here.

Then she cleared her eyes as she heard Donny come to her room. "Hey sleepy head. Get ready were going to a restuarant in town."

Jenny had no way of trying to explain that that was a bad idea. Cause she knew that there was no food processing unit here and there was definately no groceries and how do you explain that you can't get breakfest cause there rejuves and not starfleet.

Jenny got dressed and ready and all three of them went walking to Tella. Tella is about a thirty minute walk from the cabin and thats if your a adult. It took about 45 minutes for Jenny Donny and John to get there. Though Jenny was always athletic even she couldn't make it there any earlier then that.

When they did get to Tella people who walked by starred at them people where starring from there windows. Jenny saw this coming but is never prepared for it.

At the resturant the hotesses looked at them like they were invading aliens. When they were seated the waitress was even worse with the treatment.

"You'd think they'd ask where our parents are already and stop starring at us." Donny said.

"There not starring cause were rejuves by ourselves."

"Then why?" John asked.

"Cause the only people who use the restuarants in here are starfleet officers and there kidern. Were neither."

"You mean they don't cook for themselves."

"Of course they do just not at restuarants. Besides were strangers. The minute we get out of here we got to get groceries."

"I don't know how to cook I depended on food processors." John said.

"Me neither." Donny replied.

"Dont' worry my parents taught me to cook. They never believed in food processors."

"I guess we should have gotten a cabin with a food processor."

"There aren't many."

The waitress came back put food that not one of the three of them ordered and a to go box rudely and the check and left.

"HUmmp thats weird." John said.

"Don't worry about her. Lets just pay the bill and get going."

"Before we even eat."

"Trust me you'll get only better service at home then here."

They paid the bill and went to the market. No tip thats for sure. At the market people stopped starring and went on with there own business but more then once did someone ask where Jennys parents were. Donny had to explain there daddy is a extreme isolationists and is still at there cabin. The IM confused some people. But actually no one asked what the IM was.

The next day they planned a trip to the nearest theme park. They had to take a shuttle to the other city. It was the one closest to starfleet station thats why its there. Actually the hole place is runned by American non-isolationalists. So no starring thank goodness except by the kidern.

Well see Kidern are not used to IM's or v or M around at all. But there not stuck up like the V's so Jenny decided that the best thing to do was to ride on the lines with the shortest line. That way when she butts in shes not affecting many people. Many stuck up M's and even I's not only butts in long lines and even make some kidern leave the ride so the I's can have a turn and then stand back right back in line in front for a second time.

Jenny wasn't like that. Unfornately as a IM she still has the right to be ahead. At one point even a kidern didn't want to take the shuttle ride alone but no one would join her. So Jenny took the little girl with her on the ride. It was fun.

You could tell the parents of the kidern loved Jenny. One parents even offered her to go to star fleet station for the day with them. It sounds fun.

The only problem is they said to have Jennys fathers permission first. And he'd have to call them before she can go.

It was amazing to get them to believe Donny was Jennys father on the old fashioned phone with the starfleet officer. If they used the visophone they had they would have been found out for sure. But it needed to be done. This is one of the few things Jenny will get to enjoy with the little life she has left. Forunately for them many isolationists also believe in only old fashioned stuff. That includes visophones. Food processors are just rare in Gorow except on Starfleet stations. Thats why restuarants are popular for starfleet crew cause they actually cook real food. Of course the waitresses are rude to anyone else.

Jenny managed to get to Starfleet station without trouble and was taken straight to the parents she meet's place. The father was actually the one that took his daughter to the Theme park as a birthday gift.

"Hello" Jenny walked in as the wife opened the door. Jenny carrying her fairy Jenny backpack.

"Hello you must be Jenny come on in."

"Yes ma'am thank you." Jenny walked in to her surprize it was really big and nice quarters. The living room looked big enough to be quarters of there own. And the bedrooms and kitchens were just as big.

"Would you like something to drink or eat?"

"No thank you." Jenny didn't exactly know what to do so she sat on there couch a large couch.

"Martin will be out in a minute." Martin is the father.

"Thank you ma'am."

"Call me Jan."

"Yes m.... Jan. What about Cathy?" Cathy is the kidern.

"She went to a friends quarters. She'll be back around 2." Weird its 10am now and usually Jenny is here to visit the kids. And Jenny has to go at 4. Mostly cause the guys don't know how to cook. Forunately her parents made the stove electric.So that even if you touch it it won't hurt or burn you. So its actually acceptable for a kid Jennys age to cook.

Martin walked in looking through medical books that surprized Jenny. Then he notices Jenny. "Good your here. Come with me."

Jenny a bit confused went with him. "Your a doctor aren't you?"

"Yes and no."

"Yes and No?"

"Well I am a MD but I am a bio chemist and"

"And you work on Cures."

"Exactly. I been studying your case."

"You know about my case?"

"Well your Doctor made it annoymous when he put it in the medical jornals but when you told about your disease and all it became obvious who he was talking about. I been meaning to see you for a long time. You just got perfect timing. How come your in Gorow anyways?"

"A birthday gift."

"To Gorow!" Thats a understatement.

"Well it was sorta a month away from all the hassles of life and death before the disease comes back if the disease comes back."

"I understand. Gorow is a isolationist planet."

"Thats a understatement. So why do you want to see me." Jenny said as they got to Sickbay. She sat on one of the biobeds. "Oh and I got to warn you I am allergic to scanners."

"Don't worry about that. I know by the data. I think I found another cure."

"What about the rejuvenator?"

"If this works we won't need the rejuvenator. And whats even better you will know it went away when I give it to you."

"Well then give it."

"Well theres a couple problems right now first I don't know if its going to work. Its hard to tell with old blood samples."

"Well thats simple to solve."

"And I need to test it for a while."

"You have about a year to do the tests."

"Thats if that cure the doctor gave you doesn't work. I have some confidence that it will at least prolong the disease from coming back."

"How do you know this?"

"You don't have the disease so far do you?"


"Thats how I know. Besides I worked on the cure with your doctor. Theres some good news as well."

"Whats the news."

"The medicine I been working on is definately a vaccine."

Jenny almost Jumped. "You mean that if I have a baby she/he won't have the disease ever"

"Not exactly the baby would have to go through the shots and stay at the hospital a couple days to keep a eye on the blood pressure before the disease is gone for sure. But theres another way if you don't want to do that to your kid."

"whats that?"

"Put the vaccine in the uterus itself while your pregnant."

"Well I guess I'll make that disease when it comes time but does this one work for the sexuality to."

"Yes but the older the person the longer they have to stay at the hospital."

"Oh well."

"Now lets get some blood tests."

The rest of the day was looking through Martins research and then when Jan came back they went back to his quarters and Jenny and Jan played till it was time to go.

When Jenny got back Jenny was bursting out with news to John and Donny. John and Donny were happy for Jenny. This was better then just hope on one cure this was a chance for another and for a chance to enjoy life.

Jenny seemed to be more cheerful the next few days. THey didn't do much but Martin reinvited Jenny to go to the theme park with him and Jan. He even invited Donny and John but they declined. They thought one trip was fine.

This time when Jenny arrived at Martins quarters Cathy wasn't there but Jan and Martin was.

Martin Drove the hoovercar to the theme park while Jenny and Jan were schemeing ideas in the back seat. It seems Jan took out her guide the park gave them when they first went in.They were planning a way to get on every single ride in the entire place once at least. With Jennys IM she has the right to stand in front of the line and keep Jan with her. So the possiblitly of being in all the rides at least once is very likely.

As a matter of fact Martin said they won't leave till after the fireworks. So that will be a while. Jenny will be spending the night, instead of going back to Donny and John, at the quarters.

First thing once they got past the gate Jenny and Jan went straight for the first ride practically running but wasn't considered running. Just fast enough for even a star fleet officer to have chase after them. Why did Jenny have to be athletic even at six no one will know.

The line was pretty long. But all kidern. Jenny and Jan went to the front part of the line. At first the kidern didn't like it. Till they saw the hands. It wasn't totally fair but Jenny really was being fair. She wasn't going to go back in line after she gets on the ride like many can do. First ride was a fairy Jenny ride. It looked great this one is sponsered by the company that makes the fairy Jenny toys and things.

Then Jenny and Jan took off there main cloths with there bathing suits underneath. This one was a large slide with a swimming pool below and it twirls around. So Martin had to ride with them. Forunately he had his trunks on as well. That was the most fun ride so far.

By lunch time they got through half the rides in the park.

They went to the restuarant closest to the next ride which was actually Mcdonalds. Jenny and Jan got to play in the play area and everything it was totally fun.

By the time dinner came Jenny and Jan got through all the rides and then went back for half the rides again. Dinner was actually at a resturant at the place and they had a great dinner.

The fireworks were just as special as the July fireworks that jenny saw with her real parents.

Then they went back to Martins quarters. Jenny actually had her own room. It was the guest room but that was nice anyways. It was pretty big. 10 minutes after Jenny settled in her room she went to the kitchen to get a drink of water but on the way she heard Martin and Cathy talking.

"Wow the two of them were fast. It was fun though but boy did I have a workout that not even starfleet training can prepare you for"

"Well thats good for your health dear."

"Yeah. I'm glad. It just means she has a better chance at making it more then ever."

"Yeah. Night."


Jenny got the water and went back to her room

The next day Jenny managed to get back to Donny and John without trouble. What she found in the kitchen was the trouble.

"What the Heck did you do to the kitchen?" Jenny said while looking at the messy kitchen.

"Don't worry we'll clean it up." John said.

"Yeah but what happened. I left you two with leftovers and a microwave how did this happen."

"You never taught us how to use the microwave."

"And you two did this!"

"Well we told you we never learned how to cook."

"And I thought males where chefs in the 20th century." Jenny said as she started cleaning the kitchen.

"Were sorry" they say at the same time. "Lets go to the resturant for lunch and then Donny and I will clean this up."

"I don't think so you two are going to clean up first while I take a nap and then we'll go get lunch."

"Yes ma'am."

"Besides Martin and Jan and Cathy are meeting us at the restuarant at two."


"I didn't want to eat leftovers."

Lunch was fun. Jan and Jenny talked the entire time and John Donny and Martin spent the entire time talking starfleet politics. Seems Cathy is shy.

And the kitchen was clean when they got back.

The next day they took the day off and stayed in the cabin. Plans where made to go to the museum the next day.

"You two got to learn how to cook cause if the disease comes back I want to stay here and I won't be able to cook while dying" Jenny said while cooking eggs.

"We tried." John said helping

"I should have never asked you two to take me if the disease comes back no one would cook."

"I'm sorry."

"Yeah your sorry." Jenny finishes cooking. "Call Donny for breakfest for me."

Breakfest was great.

Then they took a cab to MerJen which has the musuem it is also closer to star fleet station. Tella has the best restuarant MerJen has the best musuem even though civilians don't use any of it.

The museum was full of fun star fleet facts. The best part was the early space program section. Jenny even got a few star fleet uniforms these are holloween costumes that Jenny just couldn't miss the chance to buy.

Besides Holloween is coming soon. THeres already decorations for holloween all over Gorow. Not even for the kidern its just because the locals love Holloween.

Forunately for Jenny she won't be in Gorow by the time Holloween comes. Last Holloween she end up going with her mommy treat or treating cause of all the reporters hopefully this year she can join her friends and enjoy Holloween. Jenny starts wondering what there all doing now.

Soon Jenny will only be someone in the history books and she knew it. Maybe thats why Jenny writes so much

The next day John and Donny went on there own and gave Jenny time to herself at Jennys request. She needed time to reflect on things and remember. REMEMBER. Remember life before the disease and durning and even after. Life seemed to fun before. Mom and dad were great and Kate was her best friend and John was a big brother who beat up bullies not really but he protected Jenny as best he could. Durning the disease Jenny watched all of them slowly lose everything that was once great. And after it was like living in heck. And now.

And now life goes on even if Jenny isn't there to enjoy it. She went back to thinking how kate and Melissa and Keri and even nadia where doing. She knew about Nadia's suicide attempt and even her new status. Actually Jenny felt that nadia always needed this even before she was convicted. Nadia wrote a couple stories on the net and it seemed depressing.

This kind of felt weird staying by Jennys own self at 6 not even her older brother here. In a way she felt like a rebel even when she was older kidern she was always with her sister or brother never by herself. Partly cause her parents were to protective but also cause she liked being with her sister and brother.

The next day Jenny Donny and John went to HOLLA(authors note: I'm definately using to much of the novel first Gorow then Tella and finally Holla) a city on the edge of Gorow. Its the only terrorist attraction city. It is a non isolationists city. Actually Martin and Jan meet them there. In a hospital called hope. Martin just wanted to do a few more tests. The tests where fast and painless. The reason it was done in Holla is cause sickbay doesn't have the equipment.

They enjoyed the meals there and spent the night all 5 of them in the best suite A commander can afford. Jenny even got to stay up later then she usually does. No problem she slept in the next morning.

That night everyone went back to there places. Soon it will be time for home. But it has been really fun and it will stay that way hopefully.

The last part of the trip Donny spent in the hospital with the vaccine. Jenny kept reminding him that this might end up a waste of time and pain. But if it is even possible Donny and Jenny wanted it. Though Jenny was still not sure what she'd do if she gets pregnant. Though this wouldn't happen till shes a adult if she ever becomes a adult.

Even if she doesn't get the disease back till shes 8 she won't ever make it to 21 even if she rejuved. Cause she'll never grow past 16 at 3 years everytime she rejuve. That might not be so bad if she's always a IM. I don't think they'll take that away from her after all that happened Even if she becomes 21 and then rejuves again to save her life.

The day it was time to go back Jenny got sick.

John came into Jennys room. "I change the shuttle reserves to a shuttle that won't stop. I don't know if we'll get the same cabin but I think we should get back as soon as possible"

"Thanks John."

"Don't worry you'll be ok. I promise." John said.

"I'm used to it by now. I been sick so long and so often."

"Yeah i know."

On the shuttle on the way back home Jenny was spending the entire time in bed with a fever. John and donny got cold compresses to keep the fever down. All three of them were sorta hoping the ride was over but not to anxious.

John went out for some air on the second night. Donny came after him.

"I don't think I'll be able to do this."

"Do what?"

"Take care of her in Gorow."

"It might not come down to that"

"Yeah right she already sick and if we don't get her home she might die right now."

"Don't talk like that she will make it."

"You have more confidence then me."

"She'll need both of us."

"I don't think I can handle it."

"Have you thought of what your going to tell Jenny about South American?"

"Pray it doesn't come up."

All three of them arrived a night early but went straight home by cab. John put Jenny to bed and covered her well. Praying its not the disease coming back. The end of GOrow but to be continued.

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