Innocentata Medicalos: Well its not lousy

Jenny and John were sitting in the doctors office it was Jennys 6th birthday finally and they were waiting for the blood test results for the disease.

"Whats taking him so long?"

"its only been five minutes."

"I thought it was 10. Why does these tests feel like there always take forever? For my sister for my brother my parents and then me."

"It looks like the disease hasn't come back. I mean your not sick or anything."

"It doesn't mean a thing when I first was diagonised with the disease I didn't have even a sniffle. No symptoms at all."

"Think positively."

"How am I supposed to do that if that lousy cure doesn't work I will end up dead in one year."

"Oh come on it might work out."

"Well if it doesn't can I ask you a favor?"

"Yeah sure anything."

"If the disease comes back can you take me away from here to Gorow (Authors note: yes this is from the novel different gorow though.) and my last year to be there."

"What about mom and dad?"

"They'll understand."

"No one will let us live on our own."

"We'll tell them we have a dad that doesn't like coming out. ITs very popular in gorow for isolation. Dr. Marcus and I used it a lot when I was dying."

"I don't know"

"Please I don't want Mom and dad to see it again. I'll need a strong person."

"And if I'm not that strong"

"You are and if you don't want to do it I can get Donny to do it I already talked to him about it. I would like to have you both there for me. Please John I need you."

"I really don't know."

"Do it for me as a birthday present please?"

"I really don't know."



A few hours later John and Jenny got back to the house. The minute Jenny walked in everyone jumped out and screamed "Surprize" Jenny didn't know about this unlike pennys she wasn't told that she was giving a surprize party so this was a real surprize. But the minute Jenny walked in she ran to her room crying.

"Is the disease back?" That was mom asking.

"No fornately but we have to go back every month to make sure its not back till it comes back."

"Oh wow. I'll go talk to her." Mom said.

"No let me." Kate went up before anyone had a chance to stop her. Jenny was laying on her tummy in her room on her bed. "Things will be ok."

"Sometimes I wish the disease did come back."

"You don't mean that."

"You know what I miss?" Kate shook her head. "I miss my birthday parties with Mom and dad and Kate and John. NO diseases to worry about no illnesses just joy. I guess thats what I really wanted 2 years ago at any cost. Even if it had to be lousy."

"We have a party down stairs. Its not lousy but it is a party."

"I am not sure I'm ready to go back to that."

"Come on. We all need this this year." Kate put her hand out to Jenny and Jenny took it and wiped her eyes with her other hand and went downstairs for the party.

There was a surprize at the end of the stairs. Not any of her friends and family not the presents that surprized her, its her real parents Mark and BJ. They were there.

Now it wouldn't make a difference if they were treated like rejuves but they aren't exactly rejuves and there not exactly kidern either it was just a lot easier to treat them as kidern. And as kidern there not allowed to be in penny neighborhoods. I mean pennys are considered bad influences on the kidern. This must have took a lot of convincing especially to corrections board.

Jenny put her usual smile on her face. "Hi everyone." Even lori and wendy was there under protest though. Curiousity would be what they actually got Jenny. :) There were pretty much a lot of presents there that day but none the one she really wanted but that no one can get her. Except God if his still answering her prayers..

Some where dresses Jennys parents bought her games and medical games and stuff. Her doctor got her a wonderful doll dreamhouse though Jenny didn't ask for it she loved it and thanked him very much.

But even the doctor knew that that was really not what she really wanted for her birthday and discussed this with John in the kitchen while the others where playing video games that was Jennys birthday gifts.

"I don't get why she ran upstairs I thought she wanted the party."

"She wanted to be well enough to have a party. Now that she is its hard for her to accept. Especially since the disease might still come back."

"I know its hard."

"You don't know how hard it is. See Jennys birthdays are more like a accomplishment not a celebration of life like it should be. The best present she could get is the least miserable life with whatever life she has left and its not just cause of her IM."

"I know" John looked like he had a plan.

And the party went on. Even Donny and some of Jennys classmates where there. The party was fun. Jenny enjoyed it but was still afraid this is going to be the last birthday she'll ever enjoy.

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