Innocentata Medicalos: Grades

Jenny went right back to school on monday. TO her surprize the only classes she'd need to catch up on is her electives. She already knows how to read and write and everyones still learning there letters.

After Lunch and nap, Jenny skipped along to anatomy class. One good thing about being a IM is that Jenny can go to class alone though if she abuses it that right can be taken away. Of course we know that Jenny wouldn't abuse the privilege.

On the way to the classroom Jenny saw Lori and the teacher coming from the opposite direction. Jenny sorta giggled to herself thinking how Lori is walked with a adult to class.

They sat in there seats. "Ok time for a pop quiz." The teacher said. "Jenny just try your best I know you have been gone for a month but the quiz is important."

"Yes ma'am."

After the quiz Jenny was smiling Lori didn't look happy. "Wow Jenny how did you get a A when missing class for a month."

"Well while I was sick with merits I had nothing else to do but study in bed."

"Lori come up here." The teacher was taking out a grade 2 level 3 paddle. (lori is actually in second grade. Remember she started school in third year and now were in fourth) "You got a D on this quiz. Even Jenny did better then you and she wasn't here for a month."

"I'm sorry." Lori looked at the floor.

"You'll be sorry. Over my lap" Lori obeyed. "Jenny want to come up and watch."

"Sure." Jenny hoped out of her seat and went to watch. Loris skirt and undies where already being pulled down at that moment.

"Please not bare not in front of her Pleaze."

"You know (SMACK SMACK) A D (Smack SMACK) earns you (SMACK SMACK) a good (SMACK SMACK) Strong bare (SMACK SMACK) bottom paddling (SMACK SMACK). And Jenny (SMACK SMACK) can watch (SMACK SMACK) you wiggle(SMACK SMACK)." By the time the teacher finished saying that Lori was crying like a baby but the spanking wasn't over yet. Just it was hard for her to hear any lectures over her crying. Afer another 20 spanks with the paddle "Jenny spank Lori with your hand a dozen times for me." Lori cried louder at the news. And even louder after the 12 spanks landed on her sit spot that was already throughoughly paddled at the time. "Ok you two go back to your seats. Lori I'll just keep your skirt and undies here."

Lori had no choice but to leave her clothes with the teacher and sit unconfortably in her chair. She didn't squirm as much as she wanted to but when the teacher was at the blackboard not facing Lori she squirmed. Jenny noticed this but isn't a tattletale.

At the end of class Lori got back her clothes but as much as Lori and Jenny (she can watch from her living room window) would rather have Lori go home lori had one more class before she could go. And that means sitting through the lecture of class. And Lori knows better then to squirm in class.

Jenny went back to Melissas classroom to pick them up on the are way back home.

"You missed a lot while you were gone."

"I know. But Gorow was fantasic and whats better is that if I ever do grow up Donny and I well, well we can make love."

"Your really in love with him."

"Even if I change my mind I know for sure that theres a vaccine that'll work."

"Yeah. You know you missed our birthdays."

"And loris to. I also missed her pin the paddle on the bottom. Who won anyways?"

"I did." Melissa giggled out.

"four times on her bottom with what?"

"Her very own paddle. SHe deserved it."

"You don't have to convince me. Hey want to come to my house and watch Lori get it. She got a D on her quiz."

"Sure, but we have to ask our dad first. What did you get?"

"An A"

"How the heck did you manage that" Keri piped in.

"When your stuck in bed for two days theres nothing much to do. Besides there wasn't anything on the holovision and I wanted to catch up. Hey I got a idea why don't you call your father from my room and see if you can stay."

"I got a better idea why don't you ask your mom if you can go to my house for a second and I'll get my dad to take us back when we know what the answer is." "Good idea."

THis worked perfectly cause Melissas house was past Jennys house. And it only took five seconds to ask mommy. And mommy of course agreed. How can you disagree with a reasonable request from a IM a M with a star and a V. Well actually how can you say no to a IM.

They skipped over to Melissas house really enjoying this. Now how can any person refuse his two children and a IM with all there puppy dog eyes. They even convinced him to let June join them. Watching Lori get a spanking was one good thing about being anything but a HP at this point. But of course Hard time Pennys can watch to just wouldn't get that much of a chance as often. Its only when they are passing by or when the parents make it really shown that non next door neighbors get to watch.

But before they went back Melissas dad had to finish making dinner. "Hey I didn't know you guys actually cooked your dinner."

"Yeah were sorta old fashioned when it comes to food. Many don't understand...."

"Yeah I know in Gorow Food processers are very rare as a matter of fact I only seen them in starfleet station. As a matter of fact unfornately starfleet right now is my last hope. Can you do me a favor and teach John and Donny how to cook."


"I spent all my vacation cooking for all three of us and they don't even know how to use the microwave."

"what were you doing cooking. You could get burned."

"Don't worry we have a stove that won't burn at all. With volktorn we were worried about the delerious state that we might burn ourselves. So the stove was made to not burn not even the pans. Though it does take a bit longer to cook things though. What are you cooking?"

"My famous speghetti. Want a taste?"

"Yeah." Melissas dad got out a different spoon and put it in the saucepan and gave it to Jenny. Jenny tasted it. "Yum. No wonder its famous"

Melissas dad giggled.

Then the four of them went back to Jennys house. As a matter of fact just in time to see Lori with her yellow envelope and chip inside. So far Jenny was the only one that saw her red sore bottom. But every penny coming back from school was giggling wondering how red her bottom was.

Kate is still at school. POuts. Oh well. When Loris mom saw Jenny and everyone rushing to the house before Lori and noticed Loris yellow envelope. She called Jenny and Melissa and Keri and even June over to watch first class so to speak.

THis was definately going to be more fun then they expected. All four of them sat on a comfy large armchair that fit them all and confy to.

Lori's mom was already pulling out the spanking chair. Mom took Loris chip and put it in the computer and went to get the switch. Her mom quickly took down Loris skirt and panties and off right away. That can only mean one thing Lori will be going bare bottom the rest of the night. With one exception the painties.

Lori was already crying before mommy even put her over her lap. GIggles where heard from the girls who don't have to worry about there bottoms today as they saw Loris red bottom over her mommys lap.

Lori's moms hand went down fast and hard first. Sorta a warm up but also to renew her bawling. Then she gave Lori 2 dozen cracks of the switch. Lori was screaming by the time her mom was done.

Then her mom put Lori on her cornerstool. Where she'll cry out her time out. THen Her mom gave Jenny and the girls some cookies. Then all five of them went back to Jennys house.

"Wheres our dad?" Melissa asked Jennys mom.

"I talked your father into letting you guys spend the night if you want. If not I'll take you back."

"I want to stay. But what about school?"

"Well you guys go to school together anyways just have a bit more time to get ready. June can stay in Kates room. we can set up a cot in Jennys room for keri Melissa can sleep on Jennys bed with Jenny."

"Great." They all said.

"Now you guys better hurry up and get the rooms ready before Loris dad comes home and takes care of Lori."

The girls quickly got ready. Loris dad likes to make sure Jenny sees all of Loris spankings. Especially the earned. Unfornately sometimes Jenny couldn't see the good stuff. Either shes dying which happened on one of Loris report card days (done in second year finished in third basically before and after Instincts) or shes not home for some reason. Sometimes just cause Jenny goes to Donny or to her real parents place.

After everyone did there homework, they where all there in time to watch Loris dad take out the nursery cane no mercy about grades. Even pop quizes. Especially for Lori cause part of her sentence is classes.

He put her over the bed and caned her 12 times. Forunately for her she didn't put her hand back. Then he put her to bed hours early and without dinner.

Speaking of dinner by the time Lori was put to bed Mommy called out dinner. And all the girls went to the dinner table.

Everyone had there fav.s on the table including Kates. And desert was icecream. Mom went all out today.

Then after dinner they all went back to Jennys room. Everyone. "Ok you gals tonight you guys can stay up a half hour later but only a half hour you have school tomorrow. And after bedtime you girls better sleep no talking."

"Yes mommy."

"Yes ma'am."

They all watched holovision till time to go to bed. Then Melissa took one of Jennys nightgowns Keri had one of Kates nighties from years ago. And June used one of her old nightgowns from when she lived here.

Then they all went to sleep.

In the morning They all woke up on time Except for June who didn't have to go to school. At school Jenny giggled when she saw that Lori was still wiggling in class and sitting in level four painties.

(privious) (index) (next)this one is the holloween designed one. if you actually want to read the story go to (next1) 1

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