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Innocentata Medicalos DOJAN and PSI PEN: ALL HOLLOWS EVE

Halloween started coming up.

Halloween is Friday.

So Melissa was stuck with Moral and Ethics on Halloween.

Melissa was doing pretty well with Listening and everything but today had one of the most boring classes of them all and Ruth couldn't help but wiggle and tap her fingers and things like that but Ruth only did it when the teacher wasn't looking.

But Ruth wasn't to smart cause the teacher caught her squirming. "Ruth Get up here NOW."

Ruth reluctantly went to the teacher. "I'm sorry."

"You will be sorry. And next time I catch you squirming in my class you'll be subject to the first grade level four paddle instead of the level two. Understood."

"Yes ma'am" Ruth got over the teachers lap before the teacher even ordered her to. The teacher bared her bottom and took the skirt and pain-tees. That explains why she was squirming. The teacher spanked her for 5 minutes with the level two paddle and she cried loudly.

When the teacher realized what kind of panties Ruth was wearing she pulled the pain-tees back up. But kept the skirt. And then sent her to her seat.

After school was over Jenny Melissa and Keri were walking home.

"How is that morals class your taking"

"Much better now that the techniques you taught me work."

"Yeah there a good techniques."

"Especially if your threatened by a good spanking."

"Now remember to meet me at my house at 6 o�clock sharp and bring your nightgown and sleeping bags and bring the popcorn. I mean see if your father can cook popcorn. Mom said we get to have a real slumber party and get to stay up all night. With the agreement we sleep all morning."

"We'll be there but the food processor can make the popcorn."

"But the old fashioned way is better and fresher."

"OK. Dad loves cooking anyways."

"Ok see you at six." Jenny got to the house and went inside.

Jenny did her homework right away not wanting to get further and further behind. She did all in time to still have 3 hours to get ready. John Donny and many of the older rejuves especially Voluntaras were going to a Halloween party. Jenny was actually invited to it only cause of her high ranking life but Jenny wanted to go trick or treating with the younger crowd. Besides the party lasts till late hours. If anything she'd rather be up with her friends telling ghosts stories. Besides the Vs are usually egotistically stubborn stuck up brats. BRATS.

At Six Jenny was just finishes getting ready. She wore a captains Starfleet outfit.

Melissa Keri June nadia and Nadia�s sisters all knocked at the door at 6 o�clock sharp. Jenny was the first to the door. Opened the door. To see Melissa as a cat Keri as a ninja and June as a mouse.

Jenny actually bought nadia one of her Starfleet uniforms so Nadia wasn't dressed well at least not in a costume. Jenny took nadia to the bathroom and right away started getting her ready while the other girls watched the holovision. When nadia was ready she stayed in the restroom to go potty and Jenny went back to her room.

"What happened to Nadia's bottom?"

"Oh you haven't heard have you." Rachael said. "Our x father used a junior cane on her. And now his a penny."

"Wow. Poor nadia."

When nadia came out everyone went out to go trickortreating. The best part about everyone going with Jenny is there is no way the parents are at all going to give penny formula tasting candy. (although no one knows for sure if nadia or Melissa would have a allergic reaction to it) And it also means lots of candy. Two Hand fulls for every house they go to. Each. Kate came with them wearing the Starfleet outfit Jenny bought her. Jenny was the highest rank of the three in Starfleet.

After about a hour of trick or treating everyone came back home. With lots of candy and popcorn waiting for them.

Jenny�s bed was moved out of her room so they have enough room to put all the girls in Jenny�s room. The room looked a bit more empty without the bed but it still looked good. Everything was organized and ready.

"Dinner time."

"Yes mommy."

Dinner was great. Nadia even ate all her food on the plate thank goodness Jenny�s mom gave her a small amount of things saying that if she wanted seconds just ask. Nadia didn't ask.

Then after dinner all the girls went back up with candy and popcorn. And Jenny turned on the holovision to mash.

At the end of the ep (Authors note: I don't know the unedited version of this ep so it might not actually be the ending)

"And if I die." Jenny sang with the TV.

"And if I Die." The rest joined the repeat.

"And it won't be long" Jenny was singing like she had a microphone in her hand.

"And it won't be long."

"And your going to be sorry."

"And your going to be sorry."

"That you treated me wrong"

"That you treated me wrong"

"and Your going to be sorry."

"and Your going to be sorry."

"That you treated me bad."

"That you treated me bad."

"And if there is a afterlife I'll gloat and I'll be glad. Hahaha" Everyone sings that.






"Snicker snicker snicker snicker. And it won't be long." (Authors note: Mash ep There is nothing like a nurse.)

Jenny turned off the holovision when the ep ended. "Now time for ghost stories."

"Tell us a modern day one." nadia said in a cute voice.

"Yeah Jenny tell us one." they all chanted.

"All right. Ah there was a guy who got banged up in a hoovercar accident he barely made it to the hospital to get rejuved the end."

"Hey that is not a ghost story." Nadia said a bit disappointed.

"You wanted modern. The best ghost stories are the old stories."

"All right tell us a old fashioned ghost story." They all said Including nadia.

Jenny got up "It was a dark" Jenny turned off the lights. "Stormy" A thunder got heard. "Night." Lightning flash. Weather controls out of whack is perfect for the story. "In a old abandoned house a man died of poison by his wifes hands."

"Why didn't he just get rejuved?" Nadia asked.

"The rejuvenator wasn't invited at the time. Back to the story. The wife remarried right away to her lover. Who she had been seeing secretly on the side. They moved into the house. A week after they put everything thing away and settled in to the house the wife started hearing thumps. Thump (pause) thump (pause) Thump (pause) a thump every five seconds. And then she turned around to see." All of a sudden Jenny turned around and screamed to find her mom standing right there. "Oh sorry mom I thought I was just telling a ghost story."

"I can see that. I'm just came up to tell you that your father and I are going to bed. And although we said you guys can stay up do try to get some sleep tonight."

"Yes mommy."

They all watched holo scary movies the rest of the night most of them fell asleep right away. Nadia the first and Jenny the last. The candy was almost gone by 2 am and the popcorn was completely done at 12.

The next day every one of the girls had a tummy ache but fortunately for them all they got Kindern tasting medicine n1ot penny tasting medicine and the cause being eating to much candy.

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