Innocentata Medicalos: Visiting2

Jenny loved the trip to Mark and BJ's house for the second time. There parents even agreed to let her go to school with BJ. Jenny was still a bit young to even go with BJ but she wanted to go.

On the trip there there were plenty of pre school age pennys that will be off on other cities that aren't near where Jenny was going. If Jenny was still a penny she wouldn't be able to even see BJ and Mark, as a voluntaras this young she would have her parents come with her. Medicalos probably would have one of her two parents with her. As a Innocentata she'd have John with her. But as a Innocentata Medicalos she had the right to go alone. Especially considering how careful you have to be around these kids. These particular kids. Jenny even thought about telling her parents the truth a hundred times. Telling them would be just a lot more confusing.

Then the sound of a spanking interupted her thoughts. It was the penny sitting next to her. The pennys mom put the little girl over her knee. The pennys name was marcy. Marcy started begging off but her mom had nothing of that doing. Her mom just dropped the girls panties and pants to the floor then she noticed that Jenny was starring at them.

"Young lady you want a piece of what Marcy is getting?" Jennys only answer was showing her wrists. "Opps I'm sorry. An (Spank on marcy) IM (SPANK) I (SPANK) never (SPANK) seen (SPANK) one."

"And you'll never see one again."

"Want(SPANK) to(SPANK) tell(SPANK) me(SPANK) about(SPANK) it(SPANK)."

"Its a long story."

"Well (SPANK) tell (SPANK) me (SPANK) about (SPANK) it (SPANK) while (SPANK) I (SPANK) finish(SPANK) spanking(SPANK) Marcy.(SPANK)"

Jenny told her story while Marcys mom spanked Marcy. By the time she got to how she became a I Marcys mother finally stopped spanking her child. "Now you just sit on your bare bottom here. Till we get to our stop."

Jenny finished telling her story and then her stop was called. Then Jenny met BJ and Mark with there parents of course at the station. Jenny and BJ and Mark hugged and went to the house. The sleepover was fun. Jenny even got to stay up past her normal bedtime. And she sleeps pretty late for a 5 year old in general but since she has such high privilege its hard to resist.

The next day they all went to a Kidern school. Jenny went with BJ of course because BJ was younger of the two and Jenny was still a little to young. Unfornately the deal was that she would only stay till after Lunch Recess.

When Jenny got up she dressed herself in a nice outfit and then went to breakfest. "Now remember to meet me in the parking lot at 1:00 Jenny." Mark's mother said.

"Yes Ma'am."

"Be good ok."

Jenny nodded. They all left for school in 30 minutes flat. When Jenny got to the classroom BJ sat down didn't even introduce Jenny. "The Preschool classes are five classroom down the hall on your left young lady."

"Actually I am supposed to be here for the day." Jenny showed her wrists.

"Oh you must be Jenny." Then she realized. "And..."

"And BJ is my niece." Jenny interupted before the teacher had a chance to say something she might regret.

"Oh I see. Have a seat?"

"Thank you."

After school she went back to the house and then after Mark got back Jenny went back to the train station and went home. And that ended another visit.

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