Innocentata Medicalos: Life of a IM

Jenny hadn't been sleeping well. She spent most of the night checking on John. She kept having dreams that he was gone or dissapeared ever since she went to the doctors office she has been having these dreams. She was happy that the disease didn't come back but it all just reminded her of her real brother who she missed dearly.

John got so tired of her coming in and waking him up by coming in that he actually had her spend the night in his bed. Not that anything could happen between a 10 year old and a 5 year 3 month old but it was nice to have her older brother there for her. Though after the third night of this happening John was getting sick of having her in the same bed. It wouldn't have bothered him half as much if she didn't keep stealing the covers trying to kick him off the bed not on purpose mind you but still it was getting annoying. Whats even worse it didn't stop her dreams just calmed it down a little.

The mornings John was still sleepy fornately for him he didn't have school he rejuved to late in the year. But he actually kept up with his work, he didn't like the idea of going to school a year behind or even going to summer school though voluntaras don't get spanked every day like Pennys do even soft timers for just needing summer school but then no one is as old as John for Pennys.

Eating breakfest was mostly in silence. Mom and dad saw the two of them together the pass few nights. They thought it was cute, but they were concerned about Johns lack of sleep. They thought about moving Jennys bed into Johns room and them becoming roomate but they just thought it was a phase Jenny was going though so they left it alone. Although she seems to be going though to many phases.

After breakfest John went back to bed and fell asleep. Jenny went to her room and watched some holovisions. She usual worked on her letters after her afternoon nap. Its been taking twice as long to get those letters as good as she had when she was a penny she wasn't sure if it was the spanking threat or the fact that shes five now not six. She figured it was just harder. She even colored with June more then once in a while.

Jenny even heard about what June did with Wendy. Jenny loved that but didn't admit it.

On weekends sometimes Jenny would go to Donny's house. His parents are great. They have one female penny and one voluntaras. It was fun. Some nights she was even allowed to spend the night. She got to stay with the voluntaras because they didn't have extra room. His parents feed her well. The one thing she enjoyed since she became a Innocentata Medicalos is that she was allowed all the good food she wanted. Thats the one thing good about being a IM. As a penny you have to eat whatever your parents feed you. Though most are good for you but it usually is something you have to get used to. Unfornately rejuves lose that used to taste.

After John started sleeping in the day time Jenny started sleeping in her own room but she still had the dreams but it wasn't as bad lately. She does miss her brother but the dreams were more about the afterlife she saw and a reminder that everything is going to be ok. She hoped it wasn't just her subconcious talking. She hoped everything will be ok.

Her parents were talking in the kitchen that night. "I think we should send Jenny back to see her parents again."

"Her parents we are her parents."

"I mean Mark and BJ. She looks like she needs it."



"As long as she doesn't spend the night I guess it would be ok."


"They have school the next day."

"Why not let her spend the night and go to school with them?"

"Kidern school 11 years old."

"So she has that right."

"I guess so. Ok but we have to ask the kids parents."

"I agree."

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