Innocentata Medicalos: Sweet Justice

"Jenny are you ready for the park yet," Mom called from downstairs.

"One sec mom I got to put on my watch," Jenny said while looking in the mirror one more time and looked in her own eyes and then went down the stairs carefully as she always does.

Mom June and Jenny and Kate walked to the park one beautiful summer afternoon. When they got to the park Jenny went straight for the swings there were only two pennys on the swings no line at all. Jenny got to be next.

Shelly came up to Jenny and while know one was looking pushed in front of Jenny. To late to notice the IM on Jennys wrists. Shelly's first thoughts were 'ohoh' Jenny was to young to be a voluntaras and medicalos were normally not rejuved that young. And Shelly only heard once of the IM but didn't see Jenny.

Jenny got up and stood right back in front of Shelly. As a IM she has that right. As a matter of fact she has the right to get those pennys in front of her off but she doesn't. Shelly got mad and forgot to check the parents and pushed Jenny out of the way again. And this time Margeret saw it and came to Shelly and grabbed her arm. Shelly was shocked. "I saw you push Jenny. Wheres your mom?"

Sniffling a bit just for the effect Shelly showed where her mommy was. Shelly wasn't worried and all three of them went to Shellys mom. Jenny decided this would be more enteraining then the swing. Jenny was right of course.

"Uh. I can't spank my daughter today my arm is Sore from a injury I had."

"Well actually I was thinking of something else. Shelly get me a switch for your bottom NOW."

"But." Shelly said looking at her mother for help.

"I wouldn't argue with me right now."

Shellys mom nodded a agreement. "But Jenny is the one that pushed first." Now that was Shelly's biggest mistake.

"Is that true Jenny?" Mom asked nicely.


"Go get the switch Shelly before I decide to double your punishment,"


"No buts. Jenny wouldn't lie and as a IM I have to trust her. YOu on the other hand are a penny and even if what you say is true you still are being punished for the crime you commited. So if you did it your getting punished for pushing Jenny. If you didn't well as a penny you deserve it anyways. Besides I saw you push Jenny even if you were provoked you have to be punished. NOW GET THAT SWITCH."

Actually Mom is right but Jenny wasn't lying anyways. Not even keeping part of the truth she was telling the hole truth. And Shelly knew it. Shelly managed to get a switch that was to big so they sent her back but no additions for a switch that is to nasty. And then she got a small one and got 5 extra licks. And then finally got the right sized one just as Annie came to the park.

"Whats going on?" Annies mom asked.

"This little girl just earned a spanking for pushing Jenny out of line." Annie smiled. "Now over my knee." Mommy took down Shellys pants and panties and switched her hard no lectures no scolding. Just pain. "Now go over Jennys knee."

"What NO?" Shelly protested. A couple more licks with the switch changed her mind. "Now Jenny use my hairbrush on her a dozen times." Jenny did. It was fun. She liked spanking this girl who deserved it so much. Then finally it was over.

And Shelly went home with her mommy right away just because. Jenny stayed a hour or two later with Annie and they played nice.

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