Innocentata Medicalos: New Brother

Mommy and daddy called a family meeting in the family room downstairs Monday night.

Jenny was happy to go but Kate and June were a little paranoid it could be anything to do with there bottom.

"Since you don't need your doctor living with us anymore and we have extra room we decided we need some help."

"What kind of help mommy?" That was Jenny pipping in. But she didn't exactly interrupt mommy paused but the other kids would have known better.

"Were going to bring a Voluntaras." Kate and June gasped. Jenny just frowned she hated voluntaras but it wouldn't affect her as much as her sisters after all shes innocentata Medicalos. Not only the highest rank but the only one of its kind. Voluntaras can't bother her. Actually she can both her the voluntaras. But it could be bad for little pennys.

"He will be rejuved tomorrow. We'll pick him up in the morning and then go shopping for cloths for him."

Well Jenny hasn't gone to the mall since before her last birthday. School kept her busy most of the time and she was sick the rest. She wondered what it would be like now that she was a Innocentata Medicalos to be in the discipline center. But then again what if mommy decides to take her shopping with her. Jenny never done that before actually she perfered the DZ she was good at the games. Although on a rare occasion shed actually gotten spanked durning a game.

The next day June and Jenny went and picked up John Smith. At the rujuve center Jenny kept her hands out of site of the ten year old Johnny. Just to see what would happen. "Hi Mommy." All rejuves had to have parents no matter if there voluntaras or Innocentatas Medicalos they were just treated differently. "So what do we have here two penny's?" Johnny said lowering himself to eye level.

Then he looked wide eyed as Jenny showed her IM. "Hello John."

"Whats this?"

"Shes a innocentata Medicalos."

"What?" John was surprize.

"Sorry John we didn't know she would make it when we invited you to stay with us."

"Oh. Do I still get my own room?"

"Yes downstairs. We want to keep Jenny were we can hear her though. Just in case she gets sick again."


At the mall they meet up with a friend with the medicalos they meet in the park who were planning on going to the toystore. They invited Jenny to go with them. They even invited John which Jenny frowned at but mommy said she needed him to try out cloths. So when Jenny got home she got a new doll and a couple writing games. Which she played with first.

Then that night daddy and mommy asked John to show them how he spanks pennys. So he asked for June first. Who slowly went over Johns lap wasn't very eager. He spanked her about twenty times on her nightgown then raised it spanked her about the same amount on her panties. By then she started crying and then took down her panties and spanked her bare. Then he took what mommy offered and spanked her 25 times and then Jenny felt that was unnecessary and told him don't do that. But unfornately for John her parents agreed and took the paddle away. "We do not spank that much when its unnessary." Then it was Kates turn who got 25 each because she was older.

Then they both were put to bed and Jenny and John were allowed to stay up. They watched tv together and even played a game of snufflebits. Then at 8 Jenny went to bed. But John stayed up. Though she was higher rank he was a bit older. And she needed her sleep.But he only stayed till nine.

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