Innocentata Medicalos: Diaspora.

Jenny remembered the year before on Diaspora as the bus took her on to the fieldtrips that she almost wasn't going to go because she wasn't in school but she got to go because of Her Im.


All Pennys hated dispora. Even Soft timers. Jenny didn't like Diaspora either but unlike the hard timers the year before she couldn't go into the machines. The machines had scanners to make sure the pennys heartrate and blood pressure and such were in normal limits. With the allergic reaction it would kill her. Because first it would scan to make sure things are normal then it would scan again when problems arive and it will scan to much.

They could take off the scanning ability but with what happened to Melody last year they decided not to risk it. So instead the courts said dispora was mute for Jenny but she will be staying with the soft timers working with A scientific project.

Oh yeah she enjoyed it. She was the only one in study hall that was a hard timer. She did a great job on her part of the project as a matter of fact she got a A. Then she went home and every hard timer was squirming and crying in there seats including Kate who got a session with that awful machine.


But this year Jenny was a Innocentata Medicalos which all the rejuves never even heard of. MOst never even seen the I let alone a IM. Her parents made John go with her to keep an eye on her. That wasn't fair to her Danny (the medicalos from the park about 15 now he had the day off when they meet at the mall.) will be there. And plenty of adults. But Mom and dad thought it would be nice to have him go to the museum as well. The museum was fun. She loved it. She was still to young to go to other cities but she enjoyed herself.

And when she got home that day she was busting with news but she almost forgot about Kate and June there were in there rooms crying themselves to sleep. She went up and checked on them then went to take a nap herself she had to much fun and was exhausted. Jenny put her diaper on. She hated it but shes been wetting her diaper more often lately. She knew it was because of her dreams but she didn't want to tell anyone. Daddy only knew she was wetting her bed and figured it was the darn muscle memory lost again.

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