Innocentata Medicalos: Lori's birthday

SMACK SMACK SMACK SMACK SMACK SMACK SMACK SMACKwas what Jenny heard when she woke up one sunday morning. The first sunday morning she had since she was rejuved. Jenny got up and went to the window that was making that noise. SMACK SMACK SMACK SMACK SMACK SMACK SMACK SMACK went mommys hand on Loris pantyclad bottom. Then Lori's panties were taking down. CRACK WHACK SMACK CRACK CRACK SMACK SMACK CRACK.

Lori was squirming and crying and begging to be taken off. It seemed Mommy and Loris mommy opened the windows so Jenny could see full view. Nice of them.

Loris mommy picked up the helper paddle and SMACK SMACK CRACK CRACK CRACK SMACK CRACK CRACK. The last one broke the paddle. Then mommy picked up the hairbrush.



Then she was put into her cloths and Jenny's mom then came in and got her ready for church. Now they all walked to church and sunday services. They went to the Sunday School. Now this was going to be interesting to Jenny. She heard they changed Sunday school teachers.

Jenny kept her hands out of sight and sat down. Lori walked in so the teacher couldn't say anything right away. Everyone stood and clapped for the birthday girl including Jenny who still managed to keep her hands out of site. The teacher wondered who jenny was but knew about Lori so she took out the paddle. Lori spent the next five seconds getting paddled her with one of the classroom paddles The paddle was quite large, almost 40 cm. of 5 cm wide spanking surface attatched to a handle. It was very thin, though. On the flat spanking surface were 2 pictures of a little girl. One being cuddled by her Mommy. The other of her being soundly spanked over her Daddy's knees, her bare bottom painted a bright hot red. The legend read: "He who loves his child shall not spare the rod." and yes it was five secs the teacher was fast and painful. Jenny winced at the sound. Then the teacher sent her to sit on the hard wooden seats.

Then finally the teacher couldn't stand the hiding of the hands any longer and called Jenny up to desk. "Why have you been hiding those hands?" The class giggled. Most of the children knew what was up by now.

"I don't know."

"Show me them right now."

"Do I have to?"

"If you don't want a spanking with the paddle you do. You already earned a spanking for your modesty."

Jenny smiled. She loved this. She love these little surprizes. She could use a lifetime of these surprizes. So as she showed her wrists she said. "I just thought it would be better to keep them hidden."

"Whats this a IM. Theres no such thing."

"Your really behind the times ma'am."

She sent one of the ushers to get Jennys mommy. Jenny couldn't believe this person hasn't heard the news about her.

Mom came down upset about the teacher taking her out of her business. "Whats going on?"

"I think this little penny has been doing some drawing on her hands."

"Shes not a penny. Shes a innocentata Medicalos."

"A what?"

"Innocentata Medicalos You don't watch the news much do you."


"Well right now shes even more protected with rights. In other words it would take a lot more then what you would spank a innocentata for to spank her."

"Thank you ma'am."

"And I suggest you look more carefully at hands before you call a parent."

"Yes Ma'am."

The rest of the lecture was quit interesting mroe because a penny was squirming in his seat.

"Why are you squirming? Do I have to spank you to stop?"

"No ma'am please don't spank me. Mommy spanked me hard this morning."

Big mistake. Big Big mistake. "Get over here. You know that you can't get away with squirming because of a sore bottom. Now if the volunteers were doing that it would be a different story if Jenny was squirming because of a night before spanking I would let her stand or sit with lots of pillows if necessary but pennys have to sit still."

THe penny got a taste of the paddle and she was crying hard by the time the rector came. And everyone was finally taken to the main hall. Jenny actually managed to stay awake the hole time. But thats more because she wasn't so sick anymore. So she liked being able to listen and enjoy from her point of view. The lecture wasn't that bad. Even if she fell asleep a medicalos could do it so a Innocentata would have it even better and a Innocentata medicalos would probably have everyone trying to be quiet. Maybe I'm exaggerating we might never know.

Finally when services were over Lori got a spanking session with the priest and then Jenny talked to the priest.


"Oh Jenny I'm so glad your well. I guess God granted your prayers afterall."

"Yes he did. I just hope he keeps granted them and keeps the disease away."

"I keep that in my prayers."

"Thank you." Jenny went to Loris home and help set up. Then Lori came and everyone yelled surprize. Jenny enjoyed the cake and punch more then anyone.

Finally pin the paddle on the donkey and well everyone should know by now who won. So Jenny watched while the medicalos spanked Lori 3 times 8. 7 plus one to grow on. Then he handed her over to the John who spanked her 2 times 8 and then Stanley the same idea and Jay and then the pennys and then she went to Jenny finallly who chose to use her hand.

"Why hand this little girl almost killed you."

"Well SMACK I SMACK have SMACK 6 SMACK SMACK times SMACK 8 SMACK SMACK SMACK SPANK and SMACK I SMACK rather SMACK SMACK SMACK use my hand SMACK." Jenny spanked the next 4 times 8 as best she could then went home and was thanked by Lori. Poor thing was really in bad shape when she thanked them.

As the final spanks went to Loris bottom and she was put to bed early. A hour earlier then Jenny went to sleep and Lori was 2 years older. Well less then two years older. Jenny watched Holovision in her room the rest of the time then slept in her diaper.

And thats how the two of them slept that night. One crying like a baby and the other in a baby diaper.

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