Innocentata Medicalos: Instincts

Jenny got sick again. And wasn't improving. The shots the doc was giving was helping take away the pain now. She was now on painkillers and sedatives at all times. And they gave up totally on her eating and she was just on iv liquids.

On July forth mom and dad just couldn't leave Jenny so they sent Kate to Loris parents for them to take care of her and June to Wendys parents.

On Junes birthday June stayed with Wendys parents. The older medicalos they meet in the park won pin the paddle on the bottom like Jenny and he planned and spanked her only with his hand on bare bottom three groups of five.

And Kate rejoined school in the fall. She didn't get bad grades again.

But Jennys 8th birthday came to soon.

Jennys room was decorated in bright cheerful colors.

Outside the room. "I can't do it. I just can't watch my girl die like that." Mommy said.

"Don't worry I'll be there for her. YOu don't have to watch." Daddy said.

"Thanks." But there was something in her eyes that told him there was more. But he was more concerned about Jenny.

So when the time finally came they put the tv on her fav. show mash and as Jenny took her last breath Hawkeye Pierce said "My instincts are to cure." (Authors note: blood brothers the eps name.)

Innocentata Medicalos: IM

As Jenny went into the LIght (Authors note: I know cliche but this is the afterlife I like to show) She saw her parents not the 11 year olds she knows and loves but the 70 year olds before they died but they looked healthy and happy. And she saw her sister and brother all well looking not like the last time she saw them. And she even saw her grandparents the ones that died in that fire saying they rather die that way then die of thirst. She even saw her great grandparents that committed suicide. All were great. Then she saw herself. A 40 year old in a healthy body.

"Mom, Dad I missed you so much." Jenny hugged her parents.

"We missed you to Jenny. But we got to talk." Jenny pouted. It seemed shes still not out of the little girl emotions. At least not yet. "Its not your time hun."

"But I don't want to go back. I want to stay with you forever."

"You will hon. Just not now."

"But mommy." Jenny Cried and then she woke up in a hospital bed in pediatrics. She was five. "Whats going on?"

"Now calm down Jenny. Everything is ok."

"Wheres my mommy?"

Misses Chain came and held her hand. "Its ok sweetheart I'm here."

"What happened?"

Mommy looked down at her feet. "I just couldn't let you die." (Authors note: Mommy probably represents everyone thats been emailing me about it.) "I called the emts and before anyone knew what was happening they rejuved you."

"They what?" That got Jenny really mad. This was against everything she stood for.

"Now don't worry. Your doctor was giving you the cure anyways."

"He what?"

"Well he thought it might prolong your life. Thats what those shots were for."

"You rejuved me without my consent."

"It happens." The nurse said.

"Mrs. would you terrible mind if my mom and I can talk privately." That was a nice way of saying schoot. The nurse left the room.

"I can't believe you did this."

"I couldn't help it I was worried about you."

Jenny didn't talk to mommy the rest of the day. That night she was taken home. She only was in the hospital just to make sure everything is alright. Unfornately there was still no garentee she won't get the disease back.

Kate daddy and June were happy to see Jenny again when she got home. Jenny smiled at them and went straight to her room.

"You just had to do it." Daddy said to mommy. "You know you might end up a penny because of this."

"I know but its worth it. Shes alive."

"I hope things work out."

Innocentata Medicalos: Jenny's mommys Hearing

Jenny wasn't talking to mommy most of the time. She just wasn't ready to speak about what Mommy did. Daddy gave her baths and tucked her in and stuff. He even took her to the corrections board to get the M printed on her wrists. Shes now a official only one of its kind IM Innocentata Medicalos. Between the offer and what happened they couldn't refuse. Basically it was the least they could do but this was definately going to be the last of its kind. So its really precise and even a Innocentata would envy her.

Jenny kept something from daddy though and she wasn't saying anything. She was still playing with June and Kate when Kate got home and finished her homework. They were glad Jenny was alive and even the IM on her hands. Jenny praised it and was already starting to enjoy the rewards of it. But she wasn't talking to mommy. She just couldn't even look at her. She found out that Dr. Marcus didn't plan on her rejuve just gave her the cure to see if it could prolong her death a little longer. It didn't work that way. She still had the last part of sickness on her birthday. But now she was 5 years old and 3 months they did there best to limit the amout lost. Considering she was so young and was innocentata already.

The week went fast and Mommy had a apointment with the judge to discuss what she did and Jenny was going to. But what happened there surprized everyone.

After Court was called to order Jenny asked permission to speak first. The judge said yes.

"Your honor I'm not pressing any charges against Misses Chain for what she did." That surprized mom the biggest. "So theres really no reason to make her a penny."

"Well there is young lady she dissobeyed the court."

"Well since I'm not pressing charges your honor she can claim first Principle." The First Principle of the Confederation of Humanity is the ultimate value of all sentient life. Most citizens are allowed to use that as a defense, if their criminal actions were needed to save a life. For example, breaking into a house to save someone from a fire. Or stealing a hovercar to get somebody to the hospital.

This really confused the audience Jenny was claiming first principle for her mommy and it shocked the Judge.

"Mrs. Chain please stand up." Mommy did. "Are you claiming first principle for your actions?"

She actually looked at Jenny and Jenny just nodded. "Yes your honor."

"Is there anything else Jenny?"

"Well I like from now on that there is no rejuving without my permission garenteed your honor."

"I hereby order it."

"Then thats all your honor."

"Jenny if you ever want to get out of medicine study law. You'd make a fine lawyer Case dismissed." With that comment the family went home happily. And Jenny actually hugged mommy.

"I still think you should be punished though."

"What?" Mommy said a little shocked.

"But by daddy." The little smile on Jennys face showed it probably won't be as bad as she thinks.

"I agree." Daddy pooped in.

Innocentata Medicalos: Mommy's punishment

"We'll start your spankings tomorrow. Till then your to go to bed without supper and an hour before Jennys bedtime." Jenny loved it so far. "And no holovision." Mommy pouted.


"No buts but your own. I could always start your spanking now. Now go to your room and put on your jammies."

MOmmy stomped upstairs and did as told.

"Thanks daddy. Daddy I kind of been wetting my bed."

"You have. Oh I'm sorry honey thats the rejuvenator for you. We'll just have to keep you in diapers at night ok."

"Yes daddy."

So that night while mommy was asleep in her bed daddy and Jenny watched Mash on the holovision. June was asleep to and Kate will go to sleep exactly when Jenny does after all Kate is a penny and Jenny is now a Innocentata Medicalos No matter how young she is. If Kate was the same age she would be sleeping earlier. Afterwards daddy took her to her room and diapered her and put her to bed. "Goodnight sweetheart."

"Goodnight daddy." Jenny snuggled up in bed and had the best night sleep she hasn't had for a year.

The next morning Daddy woke up Jenny. Then they both went to Mommy's room. "I decided since you are not going to be a penny I'm going to spank you like it was a special spanking day for a penny."

"But Ben."

"But nothing and for today call me dad or Sir. NO Ben otherwise I'll make it worse."

"Yes Dad." Mom new this was more then ageplay and it was better if she obeyed.

"Now go get Jennys Level four painties." Jenny and Mommy knew this was bad. It was bad enough to wear these as 8 year olds but at Mommys age the things will be tight and hurt her more often without a spanking and with a spanking..... "And bring the 3 other pairs as well. YOur not going to be wearing anything on that bottom but those today." Mommy already started crying while she went to Jennys room and brought them. Daddy took down her jammy bottoms and her panties. And took them totally off. And she started crying when Daddy put on her level four painties. "I want you to count everyone of these. This is your base and unlike easter the only way this will be different is if it goes up. So count carefully."

"SWAT 'OW 1'." Mommy squirmed right away daddys hand was painful. And those painties. "SWATTTTTTT 'YEOW TWOO.' SMACK 'YEOWWWWWWW THREE.' SMACK SMACK 'WAHHHHHH foooouuuur fiiiiivvvvvve WAHHHHH that hurts no more please.' CRACK CRACK CRACK 'wahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh sssssiiiiixxxxxx sssseeeevvvveeeen eeeeeiiiiiggggghhhhtttt.' SMACK 'YEOWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW NNNNINNNNNEEE PLEASE LET IT BE OVER.'" Daddy really spanked hard. "'SMACK SMACK SMACK SMACK SMACK. 'WAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH TEEEEEENNNNNNN ELEVVVVVVVEEEEEN TWEEEEEELVVVVVVE THIRTEENNNNNNNNN FOURTEEEEEN. Please let it be over please.'" daddy let her stop counting and spanked her till it was fourty. "Thats your base. 40. Now get up and we'll go to breakfest."

Breakfest was great for the girls except mommy who actually squirmed in her seat. Daddy didnt' like that. "What happens to girls who squirm at the breakfest table."

"NO daddy NO."

"Yes Young lady." Daddy picks up Mommy and sits her on the cornerstool. And adjusts the leg restraints. "Now keep those hands on yoru neck."

MOmmy did but was crying hard. Then daddy warmed a formula and feed mommy it who wasn't happy and didn't like the formula either. But daddys stern looked made her knew she should not argue. But she squirmed and cried and was mad. She did save Jennys life.

After she finished her bottle and Daddy, Kate, June and Jenny ate there breakfest and then Kate went to school. She wouldn't be able to see the festivities till she gets back. Then daddy let mommy up but told her to keep her hands on her neck and come with him. Daddy picked up the Cornerstool to MOmmys painful surprize and took them both to the corner. The good news is daddy took down Mommys painties before he planted her on the stool and restrained her legs again. Mommy was crying harder and harder. "Your going to sit there four a hour. I"ll decide what to do then. And if I see those hands anywhere but the neck you'll get five more added to your base is that understood."

"Yes Daddy." She said that but she wasn't happy about it and was crying and squirming on chair but it hurt to squirm. After a hour Daddy brought the red maple hairbrush. And took her off the stool then sat down on the couch.

"Come over here and lay over my lap. Any protest will just add to your base." Mommy did as told but was slow because her painties were at her feet. Daddy pulled the painties back up.

"Wahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh." Mommy cried and tried to squirm off.

"I told you no protest. That makes it 45 your base." Daddy spanked her fourtyfive times and made her renew her bawling to new heights. Mommy didn't wiggle the hole time. "Ok we'll stay at 40 for the rest for now." Daddy took down her painties to see if theres any blisters and then he changed her painties into her level three ones. She cried more. Her bottom was still in to much pain. "Stand in the corner." Mommy did and keep her hands obiediently at her neck mostly because if she moved it to her bottom it will hurt. So she cried in the corner for the next hour.

Then daddy sent her to her room to take a nap before lunch. A nap like that wouldn't even go for a penny at 5 years old. And the painties stayed up with the fact that the base would be doubled if she tried to take them off. Though she was allowed to rub if she wanted to she couldn't it hurt worse to rub a paintied bottom then a spanked bottom.

Jenny loved lunch Mommy had to stay still the hole time so she could eat. Jenny was trying to keep her giggles to herself but it was hard. Mommy finially found out why Pennys like to squirm in there seat on a sore bottom with Painties on. Mommy was sobbing the entire time she was sitting. When daddy finally let her stand it wasn't to let her bottom stop hurting no it was for her next spanking.

"Go outside a get a nausty switch. Not the usual ones I want a really nausty one for your bottom."

Mommy hesitated. "45. And for every switch thats not nausty enough I'll add five more."

Mommy got the worse one she could find and it did satify daddy. He went back to fourty. "Now lets see your bare bottom."

Mommy hapily pulled down her painties which was really getting unconfortable the longer she wore it. But to her hated surprize daddy just sent her to the corner to sit on her stool.

She cried for another hour. Then daddy took her to her room. And put her over pillows. "Now its time for your paddling. Jenny get out that helper paddle. And her level two painties." Jenny did as told. "I was going to switch you first then paddle you but since the switch is so nasty I"ll just do the paddling first."

Mommy cried harder when her level three painties where pulled up then she got paddled fourty times. "Now time for both of your naps." Daddy put mommy down stomache down and let her cry herself to sleep. Jenny went to her room and took a nap. June was already asleep in her confy bed. She may be the same age but Jenny has more rights.

As Jenny took a long nap she dreamt of her real parents and what it will be like if she stayed with them. Then she dreamed of Mr. And Ms. Chain and and how they felt when she was dying. And then she remembered how bad it was watching her sister die begging for water. And she quivered at the thought thats when she wet her biaper. She woke up in a cold sweet.

Jenny put on new panties and changed and went to see the rest of mommys punishment. So she went to mommys room where Mommy was being put in level two painties. Then it was finally time for her switching. "I want you to lay over this stool and hold on to the edge tight. No moving your hand back. For ever one you do you'll get five smacks with the family paddle." Mommy got over the stool that was prepared for her. Then daddy picked up the switch. After the first 15 swishes Mommy grabbed her bottom. "Get those hands back on your bottom. Jenny bring the paddle and smack her 5 times with it." Jenny brought the paddle over.

"SMACK 'yeow no Jenny no' You know better then to SMACK 'owwwwwwwiiiieeeeeeeee please Jenny.' move your hand. SMACK SMACK SMACK 'wahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.'"

The next fifteen got to mommy again and she took her hands off the stool but didn't rub.

Another five smacks stopped mommy from letting go.

"Now the last thing. Jenny tie her down. Six of the best of the junior cane and then were done." Jenny tied her mommy down.

Swish Swat. "YEOWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW." Mommy was teary eyed.

Swish Swat. "wahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. Daddy please no more my bottom."




"Just one more hun and this will be the hardest."


After fifteen minutes mommy was put into level one painties and put to bed.

The next day Jenny actually heard them having the best time of there lives in there room. But Jenny didn't want to desturb them so she made her own breakfest.

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