Innocentata Medicalos: Lori's report card day.

Lori woke up one morning not wanting to school but knowing she had to. It was report card day and she didn't improve the since the last time she just knew it.


Lori walked home with the envelope that every little penny had that day. At least all pennys old enough to go to school. She hated going home. She wanted to go anywhere but there. But she knew better then to try to hid or escape which wasn't a option anyways.

So she walked regretfully to her home. She looked next door to see a very quiet house. Lori knew Jenny was in the finale stages of the disease where the ivs didn't work at all but Lori didn't care about Jenny anymore. She hated her for doing this to her. The disease was killing Jenny and Lori didn't care.

Lori walked into her home and gave her parents her report card right away figuring it was better off to get it over with then to wait. Besides she might have been wrong and got good grades this year.

Well she was wrong of course her parents took the Cookies off the table and put it on the counter the minute they saw Loris grades. "Please Mom tell me what I got." Lori said fridgetting nervous as heck.

"You got a C in Nursing Moral and Ethics." Lori winced that really is going to do damage to her bottom. "And a D in Clincal." That was going to really hurt because thats the hole point of her back here to relearn how to be a nurse and to be punished for what she did. "Now get yourself into the living room corner and drop your panties and hold up your skirt."

Lori went into the corner and noticed something on the way. In her haste to get it over with she left the door open. Although she wasn't that worried most pennys would be getting spanked today. The only problem is if her parents waited long enough some voluntaras will be getting off of school and voluntaras don't get spanked. Actually under normal situations Jenny would be watching she was a Innocentata now but she was to sick to even get out of bed. Well not exactly she could get up but it would be in a delirous state and it wouldn't make a difference. But then again thats how she got arrested.

A half a hour she learned it wasn't Jenny or the voluntaras she had to worry about it was Kate. Kate came home and she got straight A's unlike Lori. Then Mommy said to come out of the corner.

Lori came out of the corner just to find her mom sitting on a stool holding the dreaded Maple Red Hairbrush. She hesitated but not for long. She trodded off to her mom and her Mom put her over her knee and started smaking her with the brush as hard as she could. "No SMACK little SMACK girl SMACK SMACK of mine SMACK SMACK is going SMACK SMACK to get SMACK bad SMACK grades SMACK SMACK in moral SMACK SMACK and ethical SMACK behavior SMACK." Lori was bawling. And then Mom sent her to daddy who was holding the dreaded very own paddle.

She went over her daddys knee while mom brought the cookies to Kate who enjoyed one. "I SMACK hope SMACK your SMACK regretting SMACK your SMACK grades. SMACK." Daddy kept spanking till Lori was to weak to fight. Then he sent her to sit on the dreaded corner stool to cry out her pain and regret. And boy did she regret.

After a half hour Mom took her to the stool put her over it and used the Apple switch. "This SWISS SMACK SMACK is what SWISS SWAT happens SWISS SWAAAATTTTTTT SWAAAAATTTTTT to Pennys SWISS SWATTTTTTT that SWISSS SWATTTTTT get SWATT bad SWAT grades SWATTTTT SWATTT SWATTTTT SWATTT." NO more lecture just imense pain in her bottom. Then Daddy got her and used the nursery cane because it wasn't the only bad grade on her report card. Then let her up. She was plane crying and hoping around patting her to sore to rub bottom. And they put there naughty girl to her homework in the kitchen till she finished every one of her problems and sent her to bed without supper and hours early to cry herself to sleep.


Now Jenny was well enough to watch if Lori got a bad grade. Of course she was a bit young but now she had that right. Lori finally got home to find out she got two B's and the rest A's. She couldn't help it she was having trouble catching up. But her parents spanked her hard anyways with Jenny and Kate in the place by Jennys request. Lori did get to eat though but wasn't allowed to go and watch others get it.

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