Innocentata Medicalos: Loris First day of School

"Wake up Lori its time for school," Lori's mommy said early one monday morning.

"Do I have to go?"

"Yes you do. You know the courts orders now lets go." Lori got up relentlessly. Her mom dressed her into school uniform and took her down to breakfest. Lori ate very little. She was nervous about school.

Lori never liked school, She just went to school before to be a nurse. Now shes back in school.

Loris mommy took her to school with her like she was a kidern going to school for the first time. They went by bus fornately she wasn't the only one. But still it was embaressing, at least it felt embaressing. She sat there quietly hoping it would all be over with soon.

At school Lori sat down next to one of the Hard time Pennys. It looked like there were five soft time pennys and 6 hard time no more then that.

Mrs. Byfield called the class to order. "Lori Admin." SHe started role call. Remember Lori had a new last name when she was giving to the Admin.

"Here." You could tell Lori was nervous.

"Janus Agha." "Here." Hard timer.

"Jake Alpha." "Here." Soft timer.

"Mark Bhogal." "Here." Hard timer with a star on his hand. That meant he got the citizen award. But he was kind of young must of been durning this cycle.

"Javier Bustamante." "Here." Hard timer.

"Emma Carbonell." "Here." one of two female soft timers.

"Carrie Digges." "Here." The other female soft timer.

"William Dinicola." "Here." Hard timer.

"Lucy Gehlawat." "Here." Hard timer.

"Sze Ho." "Here." Soft timer.

"John Smith." "Here." Soft timer

"Joseph Sasano." No one answered. "Joseph." Still no answer. The teacher marked it in the book at Joseph walked in. "Joseph." "Here." That was the guy who walked in. "Why are you late?"

Joseph shrugs. The teacher actually let him sit down which surprized the class. They thought he'd be sitting on a sore bottom for sure.

"Now children, I want each of you to stand up and tell the class just why you are here. Pennys, I want your Name, Cycle, Sentence and your Offense, please. Lori."

"My name is Lori Admin. I'm on my first cycle. 6-12 times two for negilgent."

"Oh you must be the nurse is that correct?"

"Yes ma'am." Lori was still standing fidgetting and nervous.

"Janus." Lori was still standing. "You may sit Lori."

Lori sat down. "My name is Janus Agha. I'm on my third cycle and hoping to make soft time next cycle. 12 times 5 to 11 for involuntary manslaughter." 'Wow a murderer' Lori thought.

"My name is Jake Alpha. I'm on my second cycle glad to be soft timer. 6-12 times three for stealing vital equipment from a hospital." 'wow thats worse then what I did.' Lori thought. 'and both involve hospitals.

"My name is Mark Bhogal. I'm on my third cycle. I'm been sentenced to 8 times 5-10 for armed Robbery."

"How come the star?" Javier asked.

"I got it for risking my own life and saving others out of a dangerous situation without going against the law so they gave me the star at the begining of this year. And I'm loving it."

"And you should." The teacher said.

"My name is Javier Bustamante. This is my 1 cycle 5 times 3-7 for hitting a major." (authors note: this wasn't from the fun of mash but from the fun of my novel. Both novels had my main character hitting a major usually accidently. As I recall the first main chacter was a captian at the time. The second one was a sergeant.)

"What rank were you?" This time the teacher asked.

"A captain."

"My name is Emma Carbonell. This is my 2 cycle of 6 times 6-12 for Slicing."

"My name is Carrie Digges. THis is my 7 cycle of 12 times 3-7 for murder hopefully this will be my last cycle at all."

"My name is William Dinicola. This is my first cycle 3 times 6-12 for Burglery."

"My name is Lucy Gehlawat I used to be known as Lurch. I've been sentenced to 15 times 3-6 for rape. Oh and I'm on my 2 cycle."

"My name is Sze Ho. This is my eight month. I've been sentenced to 2 times 4-7 for a prank gone wrong."

"My name is John Smith. This is my 3 cycle of 12 times for murder." Three murders thats weird.

Joseph was quiet and didn't get up. "Joseph." Joseph looked up.

"My name is Joseph Sasano. THis is my 1st cycle from 3 times 6-12 for slicing."

"Ok class its time for the welcome spanking. Soft timers won't get a spanking now but you have to watch. Joseph Sasano you came late and didn't say anything at first come up for your spanking." The teacher was getting out the wooden ruler by the time Joseph got to the front of the class. The teacher put him over the desk and took down his pants and briefs and spanked him 45 times with the ruler mind you he earned it for two things. "Stand in the corner no rubbing or you'll go to the principles office understood."

"Yes *sob* Ma'am. *sob sob sob*" He went to the corner and kept his hands on his head.

"Javier Come up here please. You talked without permission." She did the same spanking with the ruler only 40 not fourty five. And sent him to the corner. Then she sat at her desk.

"Lori. You didn't sit down after you talked you'll get a little of the paddle for that. Now over my lap." Lori did it really regretting it and got spanked on her panties then bare then with the paddle. Poor Lori almost rubbed her bottom but remembered what the teacher said and went to the corner and held up her skirt.

"Janus come here. You talked more then what I told you to say. You'll get the paddle to." Janus relunctly went over her teachers lap. The same spanking.

"Jake, Carrie you did the same offense but since your a soft timer I won't s pank you for this."

"Lucy come up here. You didn't do it in the right order I'll just spank you bare though." She spanked him on her pantyed covered bottom and then took the panties down and spanked him on her thighs which made her howl more. Then sent her to the corner.

The the other hard timers except Mark in order. "Mark please come up. Since you got your star I'm not going to spank you on your briefs but I still have to spank you. Lay over my knee." Mark did and the teacher spanked him on his pants.

Then it was time for reading. THen arts and crafts that lori hated because she was never good at painting no matter what. Then the teacher read a story by Jenny that was recent and told the students about hows shes dying and to hope for the best for her. Lori knew this all even before Jenny admited it. She was so mad at Jenny for making her a penny that she didn't care that she saw that the disease was there on the scanner. So she didnt' like the story at all.

Then the soft timers went to recess. And Lori was taken by a nurse teacher to a different classroom for nursing Moral and ethical behavior. Since Lori wasn't exactly doing something thats unethical in society she was just going to be taught moral and ethics in nursing again. Every nurse went through this class. As a matter of fact this was the only class Lori got a D in as a adult and the class wasn't so boring she was afraid of what she was going to get in this time around.

Then she went back to the main classroom for writing practice. Then lunch and a brief recess that LOri spent in the bathroom. Then a nap. Then she was taking to another place for clincal nursing and the she went home. Her bottom was still sore on the ride home and mom was sitting with her. She wasn't sure if she should fess up about getting extra in school but she was hoping mom didn't know. So she said nothing.

That was a mistake mommy sat her in her cornerstool while getting her red maple hairbrush ready for her Loris sore bottom. Lori was given a strong spanking from mom and then sent back to the stool to wait for daddy.

That night Daddy took his daughter to her room where he was hoping to let Jenny see and listen to the spanking like usual but he forgot that Jenny was to sick and was sent to the hospital for a few days. So he just spanked Lori for a good five minutes till Lori was crying freely. And then put her to bed restrained her hands and put the delta inducer on.

The next day Jenny was taken back on AMA against Medical advise. She didn't want to stay in the hospital for the rest of her death and her parents agreed. Her doctor stayed with her.

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