Innocentata Medicalos: Kates Birthday

Jenny woke up to a bright new day. Knowing it was Kates birthday she woundered into Kates room just as mommy was putting Kate over her lap. Mommy was still a little sore from the switching she got so she actually sat on pillows. "This SMACK is SMACK what SMACK SMACK happens to SMACK pennys SMACK on there SMACK 7th SMACK birthday." Mom pulled up Kates nightgown. "SMACK They SMACK get SMACK a SMACK good SMACK bare SMACK bottom SMACK spanking SMACK." Mommy took down Kates panties. "CRACK And CRACK this CRACK will SMACK not SMACK be the SMACK last SMACK one. SMACK." Kate was finally beyond comprehending what Mommy was saying so she just cried and mom stopped lecturing.

The next 7 and one to grow on spankings were with her helper paddle. Mommy actually managed to break it again but this time no one had to duck. But this time she was going to school today so mommy will be buying a new helper paddle with June. The last 8 smacks were using the Red maple Hairbrush the back. Then Mommy put Kate over the same pillows and gave her 8 really hard swats.That was it with mommys spanking her for now. Then she got all three of them dressed.

Jenny finally managed to get mom and dad to agree to let her go to school till the illness got worse. After all the medicine the doc has been giving her been helpful painful but helpful. So she will be going to school today.

First day back since she got to sick to go. Jenny hanged back so Kate could get the attention before she got any. So Kate walked in and everyone appauded. Jenny even appauded outside. Then she walked in while The teach was getting out the #4 paddle. Kate went over her lap and started crying even before the paddle went down. Cried harder when the paddle did come down. "Hi SMACK Jenny SMACK welcome SMACK back to SMACK school SMACK. I SMACK see SMACK you got your SMACK I. Congrads."

"Thank you ma'am." Finally Kate was allowed to her seat and Jenny managed to sit behind her. Seems someone took her seat while she was out. Durning Recess while all hard time Pennys were taking Morale and Eithical behaviors Jenny the soft timers (Kates birthay today landed on a monday) and the voluntaras got to enjoy recess. Well Jenny and the soft timers got to enjoy it. She made sure the voluntanas had to wait there turn and they were really annoyed at that especially Stanley who wasn't used to having to wait in line for anything. That was Jennys little revenge for what he did to June.

Stanley could never understand why Jenny was having so much fun keeping him away from the swings. After recess they were called back in. At writing practice everyone was still on there letters so Jenny just did a little story with her teachers permission of course. Then it was time for Lunch. The pennys were in line while Jenny Jay and Stanley got to hang back. Voluntaras and Innocentatas are supposed to be reliable. After the brief recess and afternoon nap Dr. Marcus came and picked up Jenny. Thats the one thing Jenny hated about the deal. She would only be able to stay till the afternoon nap.

Jenny helped mommy in the kitchen while waiting for her fellow students to come for the surprize party. Well not really a surprize but its part of the fun or all part of being a penny. Jenny can't figure out which. Oh well. She was kinda of enjoying the little time she was going to feel good well actually she wasn't feeling good but she wasn't sick enough to complain.

Finally everyone showed up except Kate who was still in school or on the way to back to school from clapping errasers giving all the little kids enough time to get to her house. Jenny smiled and yelled surprize when Kate walked in the door but Jenny was still a little busy putting candles on the cake.

Everyone gave great gifts. Jenny managed to convince her parents to allow her to buy Kate a new additition to her spanking susie doll. But the deal was that she had to buy something educational as well that her parents will pay for to allow the addition. So Kate frowned at the new math game when she opened the present first. THen smiled and hugged her sister when she saw the addition.

Mommy of course gave her new helper paddle. And everyone had a good time. Finally it was time for Jennys fav. game Pin the paddle on the bottom and of course Jenny won. Stanley didn't even have a chance at playing. When everyone finished spanking Kate and it was Jenny turn to everyones surprize she only used her hand on the girls bare bottom. "Why just the hand Jenny?" Mommy asked.

"Because SMACK Kate SMACK SMACK is SMACK SMACK my friend SMACK SMACK SMACK. And SMACK five SMACK SMACK SMACK is enough SMACK SMACK for SMACK SMACK for her bottom." Jenny finished up with three more groups of 7 and one to grow on.

"But why didn't you do the same with the Wendy."

"Wendy deserved what she got."

"Good point." Kate said thanking eveyone while she went to the door. She did thank and I mean really thank Jenny mostly because Jenny was nice to her. After supper, Jenny ate a little but was more interested in the water, June Kate and Jenny were given there bath. Then kate got another handspanking from daddy in the middle of the bath. Daddy did it in groups of three. Poor Kate was crying hard afterwards. THen everyone was dried off and taken to Kates room. Where Kates hairbrush spanking was next. It was done on Kates nightie. And then to her bare bottom. Then it was bristal side up. Kate was really bawling and couldn't stop as she learned why birthdays are really dreaded by Pennys.

Then time for Kates very own paddle. She just hated that paddle. He did all eight on the left bottom cheek. THen eight to her right. Kate grew horse and was just sobbing as loud as she could. Then he finally spanked her 8 times with the paddle on both bottom cheeks.

The finale eight swats were with the nursery cane. Jenny felt really bad for Kate. June was already crying just watching it. After that all of them were put to bed. And the next morning Daddy put nanolotion on Kates bare bottom and then activated it after putting her into diapers. Then she was allowed to go get breakfest and go to school like another ordinary day.

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