Innocentata Medicalos: Trickortreat

At school Jenny was catching up on all her work that she missed all that works but she had Kate bring her homework to her so that she could keep up. Only problem is the science labs. So she spent most of the time catching up on the labs.

After school it was holloween and Kate Jenny and June had there costumes already picked out and bought. Jenny's one was something she had to buy herself. The Klinger orginal. She wanted to get the scarlet ohara one but it was to expensive so she got the One that made Klinger look like a cute bird with fuzzy pink slippers outfit. That was really a good item. Jenny saved all the story publishing money she got to get it.

Kate wore a old fashioned Ghost costume. And this wasn't any ghost if you were standing in a dark room and saw her you would think she was a ghost.

And June got a cute bunny suit that even June liked.

All three of them went trickortreating with mommy close behind. Word spread about Jenny being such a good girl and her grades and everything that the parents gave only good tasting candy to Jenny and because June and Kate where with them they had to give the same candy to June and Kate. They were afriad they got bad tasteing candy with one house when Stanley went to the same house after them and they gave him from a different pile. Normally volunteers garentee the good stuff. Pennys have to take there chances that the candy taste like penny formula medicine which tastes awful.

But it all tasted good. Jenny though wasn't feeling good that night and stayed in her room when she got back and didn't have a bit of candy that was not because of her parents but herself.

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