Innocentata Medicalos: Thanksgiving

Not every penny is assigned Thanksgiving. Jenny and Kate were not assigned it of course because there crime wasn't serious enough. But June were a murderer and Wendy so they both were going to the Thanksgiving festivities. Since Junes Parents were rejuved and she was giving to Ben and Margeret so they planned on taking Jenny and Kate to watch while they take care of June.

But when Jenny woke up to the sound of June getting a spanking that morning she wasn't feeling well and she felt worse then before. She fell asleep again when mommy stopped spanking. THen she woke up to Junes howling as mommy put her on the cornerstool and adjusted the feet restriants.

Then mommy woke up Kate and brought her in Jennys room to get them ready for the trip. But Mommy noticed Jenny was flushed and didn't look well. "Jenny are you ok?"

"No mommy."

"Ben," Mommy yelled and Jenny held her head.

Daddy comes up fast. "Whats wrong?"

"Please don't yell."

"Looks like she can't be at the festivles with us."

"But what are we going to do? June has to be spanked and Jenny can't come."

"Call Millissa I'll take her tempt." Daddy gets the thermometer while mommy calls millissa and asks her to come over. "Jenny you got a bad fever. Your going to have to stay in bed."

"Yes daddy." Jenny slept most of the time till Daddy spanked June before lunch. Then daddy tried to bring up some soup but Jenny fell into deep sleep and wasn't eating. When Millissa came everyone left except Jenny and Millessa. Later that night Jenny was going through worse fever. Millissa picked her up with the blankets on her and taken her to the rocking chair in her room (birthday gift) And rocked her back and forth.

Millissa started speaking. "I'm so sorry that your sick. And I'm sorry that your innocent and are getting all theses spankings. And I'm most sorry that all this won't matter because your going to die soon anyways. Jenny." No reaction. "Jenny." Mommy and daddy walked in at that moment with June and Kate crying behind them. Seems Kate was treated to her paddle and hairbrush on the pillers as well.

"Hows Jenny?"

"Not any better actually worse. I just called her doctor."

"Why didn't you call us?"

"I did they said you left," Daddy picked up Jenny and the doorbell rang. The doctor came in and came right to Jenny.

"How bad is it?"


Mommy finished spanking June while Daddy and the doctor took Jenny to the bathroom and daddy started undressing Jenny while the doc started filling the bathtub with cold water. "No." Jenny said.

"Don't make me spank you Jenny."

"Ben I don't think thats a good idea look at her."

"OH I'm sorry Jenny we need to get that fever down. Now please try to fight with us not against us. (Authors note: Clue Clue Clue to what happened to her brother)."

Jenny just nodded. "HOld her tight I need to give her a shot." Jenny was naked at this point and daddy held her tight and the doctor gave her a painful hypospray shot. Jenny screamed in pain louder then June when shes getting her spanking on top of what she already went through. Then they both gave her a cold bath to try to reduce her tempt. After a little bit of time in the tub daddy took her out of the tub and moved her back to her room and put her to bed. A hour later they took her tempt and it went down close to break. After a half hour she was sweating and the fever was gone.

"Boy was that scary. I'm glad shes better." Daddy said.

"Me to. Goodbye." The doctor said and left.

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