Innocentata Medicalos: All I wanted was a lousy party.

Jenny came down to the table not really hunry but had to come. "Jenny sit down." Daddy said.

"I'm not hungry. Can I go to bed early? Please daddy."

"Yes go ahead." Jenny goes to bed. "Thats the third time this week she hasn't eaten dinner."

"Maybe somethings wrong. Go check on her tempt."

Daddy walked to Jennys room and noticed she was asleep in her bed. He went to the bathroom got the thermometer and ky jelly and brought it back, then he pulled the blankets back and started taking down Jennys panties carefully. "What are you doing?" Jenny said in a weak state.

"I'm just going to take your tempt. I'm worried about you. Now be good or I'll spank you." Jenny hated the surprize but just lied still as daddy took her tempt. After the tempt registered daddy took it out and read it. "Hummmm. No fever. Ok go to sleep." Daddy took her panties back up and tucked her in.

The next day was Jennys birthday but when she woke up she felt worse then before. Mommy was in first. "Ok its time for your birthday spanking. Lie across my lap." Jenny does weakly. "Ok here comes SPANK 'COUGH'" Mommy stopped. "Are you ok?"

"No mom. I don't feel good."

"BEN," Mom called Jennys daddy.

"Mom just finish spanking me. I'm fine." 'Come on body. One birthday party please.' Jenny thought.

"I'll decide what to do." Jenny's tummy turned.

"I just want a birthday party." Jenny frowned. "No matter how painful it will be."

"Don't worry you'll get another." That made Jenny feel worse knowing that it will not happen. On her next birthday she will die either that or become a 5 year old.

"Yes Margeret (Mash pun)." Dad came in.

"Get the thermometer. We have a sick Penny." Daddy came back and mommy took Jennys tempt who was still over mommys lap waiting. "Hum you have a fever."

"I'm fine."

"Well I dont want to take any chances your going to stay in bed." Mommy tucked Jenny in bed who fell asleep fast. Every four hours mommy checked her tempt. Soon it was the afternoon and June came over. It seemed her parents where planning on going out of town. Mommy brought up some soup to Jenny who refused to eat even after mommy spanked her five times. MOmmy was afriad to spank her anymore then that when Jenny is sick.

"I'm not hunry mommy. But I could use some water please." Mommy brought back penny formula instead. Jenny hated it but she was a good penny who took her medicine. Jenny slept till Mommy came in with bad news. Junes mommy and daddy were in a accident and were emergency rejuved. The corrections board agreed to have June stay with Ben and Margeret. So now Jenny had a new sister. Mommy and daddy decided to move Jenny to the guest room and put June in Jennys bed.

The next day daddy took Jenny to the doctors she was in worse shape. Daddy was sent to the doctors office to talk to him. And the nurse to concered with how Jenny looked took out the scanner. "No not the scanner."

THe nurse turned her over and spanked her for that outburst and used the scanner. Jenny fainted and went into convolusions.

Innocentata Medicalos: Hospitalization

The doctor came in seeing Jenny having convulsions. "What happened?"

"I used the scanner thats all."

"OH God. Get me some Benedral put her on IV liquids and call the hospital and reserve a bed in ICU Stat." Before the nurse even could think the doctor took Jenny into his arms and held her till the convulsions gone away.

"Heres the benedral." The nurse starts a iv in Jenny's right hand and the doctor injects the benedrol in Jennys bottom using hypospray.

"Now why did you use the hypospray when shes allergic to it."

"She didn't say she was."

"Its in her records. This is the fifth time you didn't look at the records. And this time you might have almost killed someone. Your fired. Get Mr. Chain in here before you leave. We'll discuss the consequences later."

When Jenny woke up an couple hours later in the icu on all sorts of old fashion machinary keeping an eye on her heart rate. Her body couldn't handle anything with even the smallest sense of scanner especially now. She is lucky shes alive. The nurse walked in. "How are you feeling?"

"Sore. Wheres my parents?"

"In the waiting room. We'll be moving you to Peds in a day. Then you can see them. I need to take your tempt."

Jenny started turning on her tummy. "No I got a (Jenny frowned) ear thermometer from your doctor."

Jenny then had a surprized look on her face but gave the nurse her ear. After another half hour she fell asleep again. It wasn't that bad. The nurses kept her under the delta inducer most of the time in ICU so she slept till they took her to Peds. Then her parents were there most of the time keeping an eye on her. And the rest of the time Millissa came over and played games with her. No Holovision because Pennys aren't allowed that luxury. But even the nurses were nice to her and these are the people she worked with as a adult nurse. They never liked her. They thought of her as miss goodytoshoes. Actually nursegoodytoshoes. Now that she is a Penny they liked her. Jennys fever even brought on the fifth night. The only problem was Jenny was still fussing about eating till her doctor put her on a liquid diet and then they sent her home where she was taken right to bed. The next day she was allowed to walk around more encouraged to do so doctors orders.

Two days without spankings and it started to worry her. Her body was well enough now to get a spanking and her parents knew that. Something was going on.

Inncocentata Medicalos: The Trial

Jenny got the best night sleep that night in ages. Of course she had a good night sleep at the hospital but it was under the delta inducer and it was only making her body recover. But tonight she had a great night sleep no nightmares. Maybe because she was in her own room. Maybe because Kate wasn't with her. Maybe because the disease finally came.

MOMMY came up the next morning and got out Jennys best dress and picked Jenny up and started dressing her. Mom dressed her confortable and warm. Strange doctors orders were not to let her out to play for another week. Then they went down to eat Breakfest. Jenny even felt up to eating.

To Jennys surprize Kate was getting a spanking from daddy. "Is this a just because spanking or did Kate do something wrong?"

"Just because spanking today. I see Jenny is ready." Instead of putting her in the corner like Jenny thought would happen mommy sat her at the table for breakfest. Normally she would be standing in the corner while daddy spanked Kate or sitting on a sore bottom when it was just because spankings. So this surprized her. She noted though that June was sitting on Jennys cornerstool crying looked like her bottom was already spanked. Mommy feed her scrambled eggs with syrup on them Jennys fav. Breakfest.

Jenny finally got up the nerve to ask when mommy gave her chocalote milk. "Mommy whats going on?"

"What do you mean dear?"

"Not that I'm complaining but first you guys don't spank me for three days straight thats unusual for you guys without something up your sleve. And your going out of your way to make me feel good. Now please tell me whats going on?"

"Were going to court today and the corrections board doesn't want your testimony promted. Now be good girl in court ok Jenny."

"Yes mommy."

At the court room Jenny noticed it was the same building same place that she was in when she was convicted. When court was called to session Jenny was taking to the childrens play room.

Jenny played quietly she didn't have any ideas for a story and felt like having fun for once. Besides sometimes story ideas come to her durning play. After fifteen minutes she got a story idea but then she was called to court. Darn she thought. Well she'll just try to remember it. Then the female baliff took her to court.

"What did the defendent do when you said 'not the scanner.'"

"She spanked me and then used the scanner anyways and thats all I remember."

"Thank you. Your witness."

"Did she ever ask if you were allergic to the scanner."

"Objection not in testimony."


"But your honor."


"Alright no further questions."

"For now." The defense lawyer quickly added.

"You may step down." Jenny walked eagerly to her parents in the audience where mommy put her on his lap and held her tight.

"I call Dr. Fred Marcus to the stand." Jennys doctor stood up and went to the stand. "How many times did Lori not read the medical records besides Jennys."

"Five times Sir."

"And how many times did you tell her to look at the records before doing anything."

"Five times."

"What about Jenny how bad could it have gotten?"

"If I didn't come the second I did. If I didn't do the things I did she wouldn't have made it." The courtroom was in shook. Mommy hugged Jenny tighter. BUt she didn't look any different. They forgot she was a nurse. She knows this before she walked into the courtroom.

"In other Jenny could have died."


"Withdrawn. No further questions. Your witness."

"No questions."

"You may step down." Jennys doctor sat down in the audience right next to Jenny. Jenny smiled but sat quiet.

"No further witnesses your honor." The procecuter said.

"Jenny Chain to the stand." Jenny felt like a yoyo but she went to the stand anyways. "Did Lori every ask if your allergic to the scanner?"

"NO Sir."

"No further questions. Your witness."

"Is it normal procedure to ask instead of look at the records first?"


"Shes a nurse your honor."


"Uhh," Jenny was still a little confused. "Normally we look at the charts first and then ask just to update."

"And did she do either?"


"No further questions."

"You may step down."

Finally Jenny went to her mommy and this time was allowed to sit next to her not on her.

"I call Lori Maxwell."

Lori got up on the stand. "How come you didn't look at the chart?"

"I didn't think it was necessary."

"No further questions your honor."

"No questions."

"The defense rest."

Lori started getting up. "No miss stay seated I want you to hear everything I say about why your getting punished for this. So you might as well stay sitted while you still can."

Innocentata Medicalos: The Sentence

"You almost killed little Jenny over there. I don't care if it was a accident or not if she died you would be here for involuntary Manslaughter. Do you understand that?"

"But I didn't do a crime."

"You were negligent. And Jenny almost died because of it. Do you understand that."

"Yes Sir."

"Then I sentence you to 2 cycles from 6-12 and durning school your going to retake the Nursing classes."

"Yes Sir." Unfonately for Lori she got what pennys who got him call him Old Flog him himself. Fornately Jenny didn't get him he was on vacation.

Lori looked in shock when the balliff took her to her cell. Then Mommy and her doctor took her home where to her real surprize there was a party. And to her bigger surprize mommy said she won't get her birthday spankings but they will double her christmas spankings.


That night Lori and her new parents moved next door. And Jenny started watching Lori get her first spanking from her mommy. Then her daddy. Lori learned that she was going to have a long painful childhood if she doesn't behave.

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