Innocentata Medicalos: Report Card Day.

"Come on tell me what the nightmare is about. I promise I won't tell a seoul." Jenny's coucelars was trying another method for the fifteenth time since she came to him. Even spankings wheren't working.

"No thank you."

"Well its time for school scat."

"Thank you Sir."

After school Jenny and Kate and all the other little boys and girl pennys were bringing there report cards home. There was no way to change the grades at this point or even look at them. Kate looked a little worried. Jenny was practically skipping home.

At the house in the kitchen Mommy and daddy were waiting to see them. Jenny and Kate walked in and Kate Handed her report card in first. Mommy put it in the comp and saw the grades looking unhappy. "You almost got straight A's. A D in math how many times did I tell you to double check your answers."

"I'm sorry mommy."

"Not as sorry your going to be. You know that we said we were going to give you a switching for every D. Now Jenny let us see your report card."

Jenny handed the report card to mommy. Who had a suprized look on her face when she finished looking at it. "Almost All A's to." Kate smiled thinking she wasn't the only one to get spanked today. "An A+ in English. Hows that possible."

"A hundred percent on english in general and I kind of arranged extra credit with the teacher."

"What do you mean extra credit?" Kates smile deminished.

"I mean when the teacher recongized my works I arranged to use my stories as extra credit. After all I've been writing before school even started."

"Ok have a cookie Jenny." Jenny picked up one only. "Want to see Kate get a switching?"

"Actually ma'am. I heard that two murderers down the street they cheated on two tests and got F's for the two classes. I would love to watch what happens please."

"GO ahead."

Jenny skipped out and found Stanley on his way to Jennys house. She won't tell him where the best action is. Partly for revenge. June shouldn't have been switched that way by him. But unfornately he has Voluntaras privelege privialed and her bottom was in the worse shape before her father spanked her. So Jennys revenge is not to let him find out what she heard. (What Jenny didn't know was that Stanley was rejected by parents all over the neighborhood. Including the murderers house. It seemed they didn't agree with what he did to June no more then Jenny did. Best part is there was word that he also got bad grades so they made that as an excuse)

Jenny walked up to the boys house and to her surprize he let her in. Usually pennys that actually got straight A's are only allowed to the door to watch. But her parents called and told them she got a A+. Renquist the student was sitting on the cornerstool with his male undies up. That surprized Jenny who sat in the large chair normally they would be bare bottomed. When his mom called him over to his lap Jenny realized why. He was in level four beebriefs just like painties only for males. And the cornerstool was worse then Jennys and kates. Then his Mommy put him over the couch and tied his hands together Then Daddy gave him a good dose of the Junior cane. Ratten cane remind you. He was older and failed to classes and he also was a murderer theres no lunicency on this. Whats worse the deebriefs were still up. Then his father took the Deebriefs off and Mommy gave him 20 good with Junior cane. He was bawling like a well deserved baby getting spanked. Then Jenny decided to get going. She had a story idea and wanted to go write.

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