Innocentata Medicalos: First day of school

Jenny and Kate were getting ready for school by Mommy. There bottoms where nice and white as Mommy put on there panties and school uniform.

Mommy came with them to school so that she could register them but everyone penny on the bus was with there mommy so it didn't even bother Jenny or even Kate.

They both sat next to each other in class hoping for support. Well Kate was hoping for support. Jenny didn't care. Jenny looked at her classmates. 2 Voluntaras(Authors note: This is the correct way to spell it. I copied off Lurking dragons story) that's got to be a interesting story. 3 soft timers Pennys even Jenny envied them. And 6 hard timers that included themselves.

The teacher called order and everyone sat down. Jenny was already seated. Then started Roll call.

"Matthew Allen." "Here." Hard timer.

"Jenny Chain." "Here." First time she wished her last name was the last in the alphabet.

"Kate Chain." "Here."

"Jane Coolie." "Here." Hard timer.

"Jay Jamieson." "here." Voluntaras that Jenny didn't recognized.

"Ronald Miller." "Here." Soft timer.

"Stanley Sears." "Here." The voluntaras that Switched June three times on her birthday. If Jenny had her way she would get revenge for June. But she can't do anything now.

"Michelle Seidman." "Here." Hard timer.

"Richard Stittt." Soft timer.

"Samatha Winters." "Here." The last hard timer.

"John young." "Here." Soft timer. (authors note: Now if Only I could do that for my novels. Find a lot of names.)

"Now children, I want each of you to stand up and tell the class just why you are here. Pennys, I want your Name, Cycle, Sentence and your Offense, please. Matthew."

"My name is Matthew Allens. First cycle from 6X4-7 for armed Robbery of a convenient store."

"My name is Jenny Chain. First cycle from 3X6-12 for burglary of a bank and sabatoge of the surcurity system."

"My name is Kate Chain. Third cycle from 10X5-11 for slicing."

"My name is Jane Coolie I used to be James. I'm on my 5 cycle 12 X4-9 for rape." Jenny seemed surprized and everyone else laughed. He should have gone to soft timer at the fourth cycle.

The laughing maddened the teacher but she noted that Jenny was quiet. THen she hit the ruler at the table and caught everyones attention. "How come you didn't go to soft timer Jane?" The teacher asked.

"I punched out my voluntaras sister and got spanked very throughly for it. It was on my record so my judge thought I should stay hard timer."

"Ok, Jay."

"Hi my name is Jay Jamieson. I need help with Star Drive Physics and my conceller suggested I rejuve to this age." Normal reasons for rejuving so young when not for medical reasons.

"I can help you Jay. I am good with Physics especailly the Star Drive." That was Jane speaking out of order.

"My name is Ronald Miller. my third cycle 5X6-12 for Driving under the influence."

"I'm Stanley Sears. I am here to make sure my grades are good. If my grades go down below C's I'd like you to spank me after class so that Mommy would spank me on a already sore bottom." Jenny smiled. She realized that Stanley was a spanko. And his mommy so to say probably is his wife. Thats the only reason he would rejuve so young. But still that was no excuse to use the switch three times on June.

"Michele Seidman. My second cycle 5X 6-12 for slicing."

"My name is Ronald Stittt. My 7 cycle for murder 21X3-6."

"My name is Samatha Winters but I used to be Sam. 2 cycle 10 X 3-6 for attemted Rape."

"My name is John Young. My 2 cycle 3X6-12 for embasselment."

"Now class its time for the welcome spankings for the Pennys. Jay you may go out to play if you want."

"No thank you ma'am."

"Stanley I guess you probably want to stay to."

"Yes Ma'am."

"Ronald, Richard, and John Soft timers have to see this no matter if there not getting a spanking or not. Jane come up here."

Jane walked up suprized it was out of order.

"You spoke without permission lie across the desk." Jane did as told embarressed at her mistake while the teacher pulled up her Dress and slide down her panties it looked like Jane was spanked before class though. Then the teacher spanked her with the ruler 40 wacks and Jane was crying hard after. Jane then went to the corner bare bottom holding up her dress so others can see crying.

"Matthew come here please." Matthew came solemnly. "You laughed at Jane. I'll be giving you a paddling with the welcome." Jenny just realized she saved her own bottom by not laughing. Matthew was crying by the fifteenth handspank with his pants around his ankels over the teachers lap. Then she dropped his underpants and gave him another 15 with her strong arm then she picked up the paddle and gave him another 15 then sent him to the corner where he stood bare bottomed and not allowed to touch his sore bottom.

"Kate Come up here." ANother out of order spanking. "Same offense bend over my knees." Kate cried even before she was spanked and bent over and got the same treatment then sent to corner to hold up her skirt to show her red bottom.

"Michelle come here please." She came up sniffling realizing her mistake. "Same offense." Same sore bottom in the corner with her skirt up. Crying.

"Samatha come here please." Samatha hated this and stayed seated. "Get up here NOW." She cried in her seat. The teacher came over and picked her up and took her to the front of the room and had Stanley hold her down and the teacher pulled up her dress and dropped her panties and gave her 40 good spanks with the ruler that made her cry harder. "Next time do as I say. And don't laugh at others misfornune." The teacher said spanking with her hand then the paddle. THen they took her to the other corner where there was a stool and sat her there nad tied her to the stool and her hands together.

"THats it for the cause. And I'd like to remind the Soft timers if you got the same offense but since your in the soft time cycle we will let it go for now. Jenny come here please." Jenny walked over to the teacher and bent over her lap. She just gave Jenny a quick handspanking on her panties and sent her to the corner holding her skirt up with the only modesty of the hard timers. Her panties still on.

After five minutes of standing they were allowed back to there seats everyone but Samatha who stayed another five minutes while the teacher taught everyone how to open the computers which Jenny already knew because it was the same kind of computer she was using to learn to read and write last year. Jenny was reading faster then anyone and that surprized the teacher but she figured Jenny was getting a doozy of a headache by now. She was wrong of course.

THen they did arts and crafts Jenny loved this. Unfornately she was better at writing then at drawing. Then the teacher read the students a story. To Jennys surprize it was one of her story as a matter of fact her fav. story she wrote as an adult and published. Jenny smiled throughout the story. She loved it.

Then the volunteers and the soft timers who didn't make it to the door got to go out for recess. "For laughing at Jane were going to keep you in on today (a monday) for Morale and Ethical behavior." Hard timers take the class everyday but Friday. Soft timers are supposed to take the class only Tuesday and Thursday but they lost the privelege today.

Then after recess everyone was starting there printing excerises even Jenny of the letter A. Jenny got done quickly and very neatly. She got used to it. "Jenny you couldn't be finished already could you?"

"Yes Ma'am I am. Would you like to see Ma'am."

"Yes I would bring it here." Jenny brought it to the teacher. The teacher was surprized at how good looking it was. "Ok. How is this possible."

"I did the letters all the letters before I started school. Can I write a story now. I have an idea please?" The teacher nodded in surprized actually the hole class even the volunteers gasped at the news.

After Jenny was done 5 minutes before everyone else finished there writing the letter A. Jenny brought up the story. "Would you mind looking it over please?"

"Of course." The teacher smiled as she reconized Jennys style. "This is great Jenny your a good writer."

"Thank you ma'am."

Then they all went to lunch. Two lines one with 5 the other with four pennys. The voluntaras logged behind them. They didn't have to be in line.

After lunch there brief Recess and there nap Jenny took out her anatomy 100 book. Shes planning on taking premed classes. Though she probably wouldn't make it she always wanted to try for doctor. After class Jenny and Kate and there mother went home where Kate got a hairbrushing on her bare bottom for her slip in class. Jenny was allowed to do her homework and then play.

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