Innocentata Medicalos and A pennys life for me: Summer vacation

Jenny and John were excited when there parents told them that they were planning a trip to one of the other colonies. Jenny was more excited because she heard that Donny was going to the same place. John was excited because it was his home town. Kate and June on the other hand were not so excited. They knew that at anytime there parents can publicly spank them there but they figured they might as well enjoy it as much as possible.

~I wasn't very happy when daddy said we were going out on my summer vacation. I wanted to stay here. Unfornately my parents don't like there pennys argueing with them. I learned that when daddy brought down my very own paddle the one that says show them you really care, which of course was made for my age.

"Pleaze daddy. No pank me. Pleaze." I begged off even before he even started spanking. But daddy was having nothing of that as he pulled me over his knee.

"SPANK SPANK," Went daddys hand "Babies SPANK don't SPANK argue SPANK with SPANK there SPANK daddies. SPANK. Now SPANK ask SPANK for SPANK the SPANK paddle SPANK before SPANK I SPANK decide SPANK to SPANK use SPANK the SPANK brush SPANK as SPANK well SPANK SPANK SPANK."

I was crying and squirming and kicking and daddy didnt' even take down my pants yet. "Pleaze (sob) paddle (sniffle) my naughty (sniff sniff) Bottom."

"Naughty what bottom?"

"No daddy pleaze no."

"You just earned 5 hairbrush spanks now naughty what bottom?"

"Naughty (Sniffle) Bare (sniff sniff) bottom."

Daddy took down my pants and panties and spanked me hard as hard as he could and even used the brush five times I just cried and bawled. Dad didn't lecture because I couldn't hear him anyways.

Then he pulled off my pants and panties and took me upstairs and diapered me. And then tucked me in bed to cry myself to sleep. "Now if you behave tomorrow I"ll put the nanolotion when we get to the hotel. If you misbehave I'll just spank you on the plane and you'll have to wait till that night before you get the lotion. Night."

Daddy turned on the delta inducer and I fell asleep.

~Jenny was packing her own suitcase. Normally parents would do that for pennys just to make sure they packed what they want to pack like the hairbrush the paddle the switches painties etc. But as a IM jenny got to pack her own stuff. JOhn got to pack his stuff to. Of course Jenny could ask for help considering how old she is but she was stubborn and would rather do it herself. John should know how to pack so he was left to packing for himself. Dad packed for June and Mom packed for Kate.

Wendy was going to a different colony and Lori wasn't going at all. So the family won't be seeing them this trip. Most Dojan students were going to the same area. So they will know a few people there.

John walked in "Hows the packing going?" John said while started to fold Jennys cloths and putting them in her suitcase.

"Thank you. Its doing ok." They smiled at each other and finished packing. As Jenny and her family got to the hotel and checked in Jenny saw Donny and waved at him. "Mom can I say hi to Donny?"

"Yes but be quick."

"Thanks mom." Jenny skipped over to Donny. "Hi."

"Hi Jenny. Have you got your room number yet?"

"No we just got here. What about you?"


"Great I'll call you with my room number. There putting me and John together."

"Figures. I'll see you later."

"See you."

When Jenny and John got to there room they got a shock of there lives. It was a suit. A two room suit connected to Mommy and Daddys room which was connected to June and Kates room. These specific room types are usually when theres older family members going there to. They got a wide screen Holovision 2 bathrooms, 2 visophones same line though. Everything a person would want in a room and more. This vacation may not be so bad after all.

~I was good on the plane and couldn't wait for daddy to take me to my room to nano my bottom. At the register part I saw Jenny and Donny talking I even asked to say hi to them but mommy said that it was time to go to our rooms and I'd get a chance to talk to them later. I didn't like that but I didn't argue because daddy wouldn't like that and would probably spank me instead of putting the nanolotion on and I definately didn't want that although the nanolotion itch and burned it did heal.

When we finally got to our rooms I found out I had a small connecting room to my parents room. Actually that didn't surprize me but I share the room with Jane. It had two beds. No holovision no visophone and all four corners had a chair in it that was taller then a 4 year old could sit with her feet on the ground. I knew what that was meant for one of us if we didn't behave ourselves.

Daddy came in and helped me unpack. The nanolotion was all the way at the bottom of the suitcase on purpose. Then daddy finally laid me on my tummy on my bed and took off my pants and my diaper I had to wear just in case I couldn't hold it on my trip.

After daddy put on the nanolotion before he activated it he took out something. I wasn't able to see it because I had my glasses on my nightstand. "Since your bottom is going to be itchy and burning for a little bit I think you should wear this."

All I could see was a blurry blue thing. "What is it?" I questioned.

"Let me put you in them and then you could put on your glasses and see for yourself." I let him put me in it and then realized what it was even before I put on the glasses. I only had to wear this once as a kidern and the kidern ones usually looked a little less like it. Its a bathing suit thats bottom part is like a diaper. IT pertects you like a diaper and is waterproof and as a kidern it looks like a bathingsuit. When I finally got my glasses on I realize it looked exactly like diapers and it was impossible to take off and as I realized that daddy activated the nanolotion.

"Do I have to go in this?"

"Either go with us to the pool or sit in the corner till we come back while Jenny and Donny babysit you."

"Alright I'll go with you."

~At the Beach Jenny was having fun with JOhn making a sand castle. Jenny caught a glimpse at Donny. "Isn't he cute?"

"Him. That. YOu got to be kidding."

"Your Jeolous."

"Of Him Your crazy. His Sixteen years old. And your five."

"I'm almost six."

"His almost 17."

"You are Jeolous of his position."

"Him because of his M. Your crazy. And you outrank me."

"Thats different I'm female and 5. Also no one would really want to be me. Lucky to make it to the next day."

"Well you believe whatever you want to believe were done with the castle what do you want to do now."

"I want to take a jog about the lake."

"I don't like Jogging."

"I'll ask mom and dad if I can go alone then." Jenny went off to the direction of Mom. "Can I go Jogging around the lake Mommy."

"Yes you may but don't get in the water. Theres not enough life guards around and your not a good enough swimmer."

"Yes Mommy." Jenny had been taking swimming classes with Donny as her teacher. She still didn't have the skill to get in the deep end though she knows how to dog paddle and she even knows how to get people out of the water when there drowning. But even Jenny has to admit she wouldn't really want to go swimming.

"Its the one thing that would get even you spanked young lady."

Jenny left for her nice jog.

~Daddy put me in floats. Actually I didn't need the floats at all. Yes I know rejuves lose there muscle memory when they get rejuved. But I also know that if I knew how to do something at a earlier age then I was rejuved then I retain the muscle memory. Like if I learned to ride a bike at 8 and I was rejuved to nine I'd still know how to ride that bike. And I learned how to do the doggie paddle when I was 2 year old Kidern as a matter of fact I learned most strokes when I was 2. My parents my real parents thought they might as well get me to a good start. "Daddy I know how to swim."

"Oh yeah. Ok Try." Daddy took off the floats and put me in the pool and I swam from one edge to the other. Not the Shallow end to the deep end mind you but from one side of the pool to the other. "Huh?"

Dad definately was confused. "I know how to swim. I taught as a 2 year old kidern daddy."

"Oh. Don't go in the deep end though ok."

"Yes daddy."

~A life guard on the beach saw Jenny out in the ocean far from the shore trying to barely manage to keep afloat. The life guard swam after her and got her to shore and almost started putting her over his knee just as she showed her IM. "What happened?"

"I got pulled in by the tide."

"Where are your parents?"

"Over there." Jenny was about a 5 minute run from her parents but it was still hard to see Jenny from that distance. They both jogged back.

"What happened?"

"I got pulled in by the tide."

"Did you get in the lake?"

"Yes Mommy." Jenny felt a little ashamed. Mom was shocked. Jenny never earned a spanking for anything even when she was a penny. The only spanking she earned was for something you wouldn't spank a soft timer for. So why did she get in trouble now.

"Ok lets go to the hotel room." Jenny didn't argue. So the entire family went back to the hotel and there rooms. Well Mom and dad and Jenny and John went to Jenny and Johns room while June and Kate went to there rooms.

"What did I say would happen if you go into the lake?"

"I'd get a spanking."

Mommy took Jenny over her knee and hand spanked her 2 dozen times on her bare bottom right away. Then Daddy took her over his knee and did the same and then sent her to the corner. And she rubbed but was allowed to rub. Unlike Pennys Just being a voluntaras would allow her to rub but as a voluntaras she was rubbing a less painful bottom. Even a medicalos would get a good spanking. A Innocentata To. She just happened to be lucky enough to get less because of the IM. A penny would have gotten it on the beach and then at home and it wouldn't have ended there. Even a soft time penny would have gotten it that way.

Its not even about difience its a matter of the fact she could have died. And in a world of imortals you got to be careful. And discipline for risking lives has to be punished as well.

After two hours Jenny was forgiven and let out of the corner. They went back to the beach. Where Jenny played in the sand again.

A little boy penny about 3 years old came up to Jenny. "Thanks for save my life."

"You know your lucky. You could have been switched if I didn't find you first. And I got a spanking for it to and I'm a IM. You remember that now."

"Yes Jenny."

"Good now go play."

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