Innocentata Medicalos: A great Picnic

Jenny walked qickly downstairs and to the kitchen after getting a phone call. "Mommy mommy. Can I go to my BJ and Mark's house on July forth."

"I thought Danny invited you to there picnic?"

"He did."

"And didn't you say yes?"

"Yes mommy. But he would understand if I wanted to go to my real parents."

"Alright but tell him first."

"Yes Mommy."

Jenny hops back up to her room and makes the phone call. "Hi danny. I need to cancel July fourth."


"BJ and Mark asked me to come to them and have a picnic."


"Yeah. We'll have our own picnic on July fifth ok."

"It won't be the same but alright."

The ride to the house was lonely. The hole train was practically empty except for a few adults who weren't participating in July fourth. They looked at Jenny suspeciously. ONly Kidern and Pennys are about normally that age and they would never be let on a train by themselves that young. Especially Pennys. Even a Innocentata would have a older sibling along. Then theres the other thing. Normally Pennys are being punished on this day. Its one of there special days. And kidern usually are celebrating with there family. It was still lonely. No one even talked to her even the conductor. When they finally showed up at Jenny's stop Jenny was the only one getting off. The adult assumed she was a Kidern. They never looked at her wrists.

Mark and BJ where there to greet her and they all took the bus to there home. There parents where fixing hors douvours. It was a party and picnic. Jenny BJ and Mark played upstairs till the guests started arriving. Then BJ and Mark introduced Jenny saying she'd explain later what the IM means. Their were plenty of Kidern so there was no boredom at all for Jenny. But all the kids couldn't wait till nightfall to see the fireworks light up in the ski. Especially Jenny who hasn't seen fireworks since she was adult. Oh yes she did see it when she was a penny but she didn't enjoy it. And last year she was to ill to even get out of her bed let alone watch fireworks. Though she did hear it.

Everyone had a great time when they went to the park and eat chicken. And then finally watched the fireworks. Jenny was even allowed to lit a firework with BJ's father helping. The enjoyment of it all. That night Jenny stayed the night. Then took the crowded train home.

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