A penny's life for me: First day off

Sitting in a strange car on my carseat was pretty interesting that day. I just got discharged from the hospital and to my surprize the lady who took care of me at the hospital now known as Auntie Martha at least till they figure out what to do with me was taking me home and not to my penny home either. To Auntie Marthas home. It was only five minutes from the hospital. It was a three story house. Tall and beautiful. The front yard was full of a beautiful rose garden and a large palm tree trimed that made a attraction to the eye. A tree like that was rare it was hard to keep trimmed like that. (Authors note: this is my homes real distinguishment cause its so tall and trimmed i still don't know how my dad got it all trimmed)

Going inside it was a treat the place was totally decorated for female childish fashion. I didn't understand why just yet. And Outside was a big great pool. And a gate around it. This kind of place is even rare to a kidern neighborhood. Mostly cause parents don't know for a while what there having and usually when they find out they already have the house and everything. The pool isn't totally rare though especially with the gate cause rejuves still lose there muscle memory loss and some kidern don't learn how to swim till there into there teens. Some parents just don't like the idea of having there children learn how to swim. The rarity would be if a swimming pool would be in a pennys house. And if there was it would usually be locked and only adults can get in or other rejuves with there parents but not NOT pennys.

Then Auntie Martha took me to my room upstairs on the second floor. There were five bedrooms total upstairs. 2 up on the third floor which Auntie Martha said not to go up to. That was fine with me I always had a fear of heights and although I can get up there I wouldn't want to go down. One flight I can handle two flights of stairs I wouldn't touch.

When we went into my room to my surprize and shock there was a holovision sitting in the room. And a visophone to. These treats are never given to pennys without reason. PRobably the reason was cause Auntie Martha never took a penny in. This was probably her first time. But in this case there was just cause to take me in. Besides Auntie Martha will probably have the holovision totally turned off and the visophone only used to call my mom and that probably will be controlled as well.

After putting down my overnight bag that was stuffed I mean stuffed a weeks worth of cloths and stuff in a overnight bag. We went downstairs to get dinner ready. Well actually for Auntie Martha to get dinner ready she laid me on the couch and turned on the holovision to the learning channel. I actually liked the channel. Some of the shows were fun. Besides I didn't mind learning things even ethics. I was in college when I had the accident. As a matter of fact I was old enough to drink but was one of the few who wouldn't drink liquore at that party. That's one of the reasons I was allowed to drive home. Most of the partiers were spending the night. I always loved school to. Thats the one dissapointment to me my sentence left me at preschool ages that wouldn't let me go to school. Though diaspora in school time would be horrible so I'm glad I didn't have that to worry about. Everyone heard of what happened to Melody on her one and only diaspora day. They were still going to spank me though on Diaspora but not by the machine thank goodness.

Five minutes later I heard the door open and 4 voluntaras came in. Now I understood why the house was so decorated 2 of the voluntaras were 6 one was 7 and the other was 8 years old. They probably rejuved for pyshcological reasons and more likely had it worse then just a headache or stress to be so young. Probably just a case of light depression. Not as servere as mine of course. At least they didn't try to kill themselves. I was a idiot for poking that iv it could have killed me.

"Hi you must be Nadia." All four of them said at said in unison weirdly enough. "My name is Rachael" the oldest of the four started introducing. "This is Marie, Jeannie, and Jenn."

"Hello." I was amazed how nice they were being. I heard of Voluntaras who like to take advanatage of Pennys before. Actually Voluntaras are known for being stuck up when it comes to pennys, just cause they weren't criminals and pennys were. Of course as a voluntaras they had more rights then I do but still they were nice and sweet and I suspected something.

"Hi girls. Rachael will you come to the kitchen and set the table its your turn."

To my surprize Rachael just went to the kitchen usually I'd be stuck with setting the table and Jane with cleaning it up. The voluntaras can take advantage of that to. I just stayed on the couch but made room for the other girls who watched holovision with me.

I guessed this week wouldn't be bad after all, but then again I'm still a penny.

"Dinners ready." Auntie Martha called and we all joined them at the table. We all chatted at the table. It was fun. My food was actually good tasting my guess cause they didn't want bad tasting food to be the reason I wasn't eating. It felt good to be treated like a regular rejuve for once.

What shocked me was what happened after dinner. We all went to the family room. "Marie," One of the six year olds. "Whats this about you pinching Sam at Merits house."

"I sorry." Marie looked down at the floor. Well that answered the question.

"You have a choice a grounding to the house for a week or a spanking now."

I could tell Marie didn't like the choices. Grounding to the house was no fun at all and it could be lonely at times. I know I had it when I was a kidern. I perfered spankings it was over all at once and I could go outside the next day. The problem with the spanking is its painful. What a choice to make.

"I take a spanking Mommy." Of course Auntie Martha would be the kids mother and mine to if this becomes permeanate.

Auntie Martha pulled Marie over her knee and starting spanking right away. "Your SMACK never SMACK to SMACK SMACK pinch CRACK CRACK other SMACK SMACK kids SMACK SMACK understood? SMACK SMACK SMACK."

Marie sniffled a "Yes mommy."

"Ok your spankings over." Auntie Martha cuddled Marie till she calmed down. Then we watched holovision till 7:30 30 minutes after my official bedtime. And when I was in bed I wasn't expected to go to bed right away either. Auntie Martha sat next to me on a chair while I sat up in bed. "So tell me about yourself."

Now I figured it out. When not asleep and in bed she will be counceling me. Helping me out. I guess I don't mind it. Better then a bedtime spanking anyday. "What would you like to know?"

"Well lets start off with what you did to become a penny."

"I went riding without my glasses. Thats about it."

"Come on tell me more." She had that kind of face that Fred had you just couldn't resist.

"Well the party was great, but there was just to many drunks there."

"Did you drink?"

"NO. I don't believe in drinking." I kind of tossed the blanket and laid on my side.

"Why?" She asked softly probably noticing she hit a touchy subject. She did.

"My best friend died by a drunk driver. She was only twelve. She walked across the street and didn't see him coming no one could have saw him coming." I started crying remembering the most painful memory in my life.

"Wheres the drunk driver now?" That kind of shocked me that she asked.

"Somewhere in a penny neighborhood I don't know. All I know is he'll still be serving his cycles after I'm finished with mine and all hard time." He killed a kidern which is a major crime in this time actually in any time. I was a 11 at the time myself.

She let me fall asleep and left the room. What I didn't know at the time was while I was sleeping she was calling the corrections board and arranging for that idiot drunk driver to be moved next door with basic supplies till I know where I am permeanately and he'll be moved next to me or the everything else will be moved in next door depending on my status.

What do you think? Should she be a Psycholos Penny. Stay penny and move to the other peoples house again. And what about that drunk driver?

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