A penny's life for me: Mommy

Mommy and daddy were talking in the kitchen one morning. I managed to get there just in time to hear what they were talking about.

"Should we press charges against Mrs. Marison?" Daddy asked

"I think we should."

"NO You can't." I bit my lip while saying trying to keep from yelling. "Mommy did not know what she was doing. Pleaze do not press charges pleaze."

"Hello sleepy head." Mommy said while picking me up. "I know its hard to understand but were doing whats best."

"Whats pressing charges against real mommy do?"

"I guess it won't do anything, but we have to make that discision. Do you understand baby?"

I nodded. "Pleaze no press charges against mommy. Pleaze"

"We'll have to wait and see."

It took two days before Mommy and daddy finally decided not to press charges. But Corrections board insisted on me not seeing her till I finished my sentence. Which is more or less then 20 years. I didn't think it was far. I mean I should at least be able to see her when I am soft timer but no one agreed. Part of me wished they made her a penny that way I might see her once in a while.

When My mommy came up one morning I was dressed laying on my fixed bed and I didn't even look at her. "Breakfest time."

I shook my head. "Not hungry?" I just didn't say a word. Mom put her hand on my forehead. "Hummm. NO fever. Are you ok?" I didn't respond. Mom went downstairs and left me alone.

After breakfest Jane came up to play. She usually comes to play with me after breakfest but I didn't leave my bed. I didn't even get up. Jane was dissapointed but I didn't want to play. At lunch time mom tried again to get me to come downstairs but I just shook my head. She even tried to spank me but all I did was cry over her lap. Didn't even say ouch. She tried to spank harder but I wasn't reacting. I just kept crying.

She carried me downstairs and sat me down bare bottom but I didn't even look at the food. It was my favorites but I didn't care. I could tell Mommy didn't like it. I was to quiet and normally I'm talking a mile a minute at lunch. Jane was talking about every little and big thing she could think of.

Then after not eating Lunch Mom took us upstairs and tucked us in bed. Durning my nap I called out Mommy uncounsiously. Mommy walked in but that was not the mommy I wanted.

"Whats wrong baby?" Mommy asked. I just shook my head. "Come on baby tell me." I shook my head more. "Whats wrong?" I kept quiet and turned my head and fell back to sleep.

Daddy came up two hours later and told me it was dinner time. I just shook my head again. I could tell daddy wasn't liking this. He tried spanking me again. No reaction just crying. Then daddy decided to hold me instead while I cried into his chest.

The next couple weeks it was the same. THey even tried putting me on the cornerstool and saying all I needed to do to get off was eat. It didn't work. I only drank water.

I found out why Jenny desribed her disease as illness after illness. Starving effects your immune system. I caught the flu. Mom tried to feed me but I was way to stubborn. I still have been calling Mommy out in the middle of the night.

Mom and dad just couldn't stand it anymore and took me to the doctor. I had a high fever. When the male nurse took out the rectal thermometer mommy shook there heads at him and pointed to the scanner.

I was surprized but didn't react at all. The nurse did all the scans and had the doctor come in.

"Now whats matter darling?" The doctor asked. I didn't even look at him.

"She's not speaking." Mom said.

"Laryngitis?" I shaked my head. Mom agreed. "Come on tell me."

"She hasn't eaten for two weeks or talked. She only got the fever last night."

"Could you pleaze excuse us?" The doctor said. "Just go down to my office three doors away. I'll have the nurse get you when I'm ready for you."


"Please." Mom left. "Now do you want to talk about it?"

"I miss mommy." I cried out.

"Maybe we can arrange to have you see her."

I shook my head. "They won't let me see her. She almost kidnapped me." I started crying.

"Why your not eating?"

"I not eating till I see mommy."

"I'll see what I can do but right now the nurse is going to put you on iv. It looks like you dehydrated. And were hospitalizing you understand." I nod. Now I understood what Jenny said about Fred being to kind to resist. I couldn't believe how much I poored out.

Fred left the door partly open. "I think you guys should allow her to see her real mother."

"But she almost Kidnapped Nadia."

"Nadia is not doing well and she needs her mother. YOu can do it in a sequered place or something. She needs her real mother."

"She was getting so close. She even wanted me to take her tempt when she had that sore throat the other day."

"She needs her real mom if she's going to make it."

"She'll make it."

"If she was a adult right now and going through this I would have her rejuved for psychological reasons and treated exactly like a Psycholos because this can kill her. If you don't want me to get her changed to a Psycholos Penny, you better bring her mother." I was shocked a Psycholos is a rare rejuve now adays. It only happens for servere cases to be treated as such. I mean there are people who rejuve for psychological reasons nowadays but they are usually treated like a voluntaras. Maybe I was getting over my head.

"But your no psychotherapist." Mom retorted. I just remembered to get that kind of position it has to be by a psychotherpist.

"But I know this would be considered a reason to. Don't make me get one. Get her mommy."

The nurse walked in and closed the door and I couldn't hear what else they said. I didn't fight the iv and I feel asleep.

I woke up a couple hours later crying out mommy. I even forgot whats going on. I was dreaming about when my mommy was there when I was sick and held me and worried about me. I wasn't feeling good and missed that feeling. It just wasn't right no matter what mommy did it wasn't right to take her away like that. It just hurt so bad to lose her.

Thats how I woke up crying tears and mommy. A women out of nowhere came over and patted me on the back and said "it was alright." But she wasn't the person I wanted to have said that. I just laid back on the side and didn't even look at the woman. "Everything will be alright." She kept rubbing my back but I didn't say anything or do anything. What I didn't know then was she would have become my new parent if I become a Psycholos Penny which would really be a rare rejuve. I mean psycholos is a rare enough but to have them as a penny its just not heard of.

Then other mommy came in and took over the rubbing but I was still not responding I wanted real mommy. Nothing was working and they knew it. If it wasn't for the iv they'd probably still be trying to get me to eat. As a matter of fact I was thinking about the iv. But there was to many people. My daddy came in five minutes later. Surprizing enough his the only one I didn't have to get used to having two of. My parents divorced shortly after I was born so I never really had a father. And now I do but I miss mommy to much.

Five minutes after daddy came in the nurse came in with a scanner. That really shocked me. I'm still a penny. I guessed there just trying to get me to talk.

Everyone I didn't want in there was there and no one I wanted there was there. I just wanted my mommy. What was so wrong about that. I also wanted everyone to leave me alone. I cried into my pillow. I just couldn't take it anymore.

Dad tried to hold me but I pushed him away. I didn't even care if he spanked me with everything he has I just wanted my mommy. Nothing else mattered. Finally everyone got sick of it and left the room. I noticed the visophone. I don't know what I was thinking right then and there but I was really desperate thats for sure.

A few minutes later one of the nurses came in. "Who were you trying to call?" I didn't answer. How was I supposed to know the phone calls go to the nurses first? The nurse went to the visophone and pressed some buttons on the phone. She then left and the women that was sitting there before came back in. I think they realized who I was trying to call.

"Its going to be ok. I promise." I just ignored her.

I fell back to sleep again. The fever was getting to me. I finally made my discussion in my sleep. When I woke up to whats her name still standing in front of me trying to get me to talk I pointed to the bathroom. She definately got the message. She picked me up and took me to the restroom. And closed the door behind me.

That was her mistake cause when she came back five minutes later she found me with my iv broken by a saftey pin used on the diaper they kept on me. I was a mess. I seen the pin done before on a movie once. I know I went to far. But I wanted my point across. I really didn't know what I was thinking.

Life just didn't feel worth it right then. When I woke up I heard them talking outside my door. "She's sleepy now but I don't think she's going to make it."

"Its only the flu." That sounded like Daddys voice.

"I seen a person die from high fevers before cause they gave up life. She needs her mother."


"Listen if you don't do it right now I'll have to change her status and do it myself. As a Psycholos Penny she'll have that right. But the change in status will take a while and I don't think she'll make it that long. Its best if you do it right now." "What if her mother doesn't work?" "At least we tried. But if it doesn't work her status will change as well. Right now its in her best interest to have her mother here. Think about it. Right now I better get back in there before she wakes up."

"Ok." I closed my eyes back when I heard her walk back in. I wasn't sure if I was happy she was fighting for me or depressed that dad wasn't.

A few hours later I saw mommy. She was sitting right next to me smelling of that beautiful mom scent. Looking like that beautiful mommy look. She even sounded like mommy. "Its ok baby." I thought it was a dream. She looked blurry. "Mommy's here. Everything will be alright." She walked over to me and picked me up.

"Is it really you mommy?"

"Its ok baby everything's going to be ok." Mommy rubbed my back. She still hasn't answered my question and I still wasn't sure if it was a delusion? a dream? The fever talking? But no matter what it was it made me feel good. I really wanted it to be mommy.

"Mommy I no feel good" I cried.

"I know baby. Everything's going to be ok. I promise." I layed my head on her chest sweeting profusely and fell asleep.

When I woke up I was back in the hospital bed and I heard adults talking none were my mommy I just kept on my side and didn't even look at them. "Her fever broke last night." The therapist said. "She Cried out her mother just before the fever broke."

"Good maybe that will be the end of the mother problem."

"I don't think so. This is just starting. The only difference now is if I have to change her status to get her mother she will still be alive to wait."

"Well Nadia will regret this when we get her home."

"I don't think so. First of all most of this is your fault."

"My fault! How?"

"Taking her mother away from her like that. When trying to punish the mother you also punished a innocent kid in the process."

"Nadia is not innocent."

"Oh don't give me that you took her mother away from her it doesn't matter if she is Klaus Merkad (The most famous seriel Murderer and rapist penny) taking away her mother was your fault. And besides she won't go back for at least a week, I'll be taking her to keep an eye on her especially since this might not be over."

I moaned to get them to realize I was awake.

I slept through breakfest but at lunch daddy tried to get me to eat but I refused still hadn't talked once. When the volunteer for the peds ward here shes actually a real voluntaras about age 20 she came to pick up the food tray but daddy wouldn't let her.

15 minutes after Lunch was taken from everyone elses rooms Mommy showed up at the door. I jumped out of my bed and ran to her and hugged her. "MOMMY. It you really you."

"Yep its really me." Mommy picked me up and sat down on the only other chair available with me on her lap. "Now whats this about you not eating?" Mom asked while rubbing my back.

"I just missed you thats all." I said laying snugged in Mommys lap. It felt good to have her back. To be back in that position.

Daddy brought the food tray next to me and mommy and mommy picked up a fork full of food. "Come on eat." I opened my mouth and let her feed me bite by bite literally. "Good girl" Mommy was smiling.

"I want to go home mommy."

"I know baby. I promise everything is going to be ok. I won't stop seeing you." I looked at daddy and the other women.

"Well its going to be carefully monitored but your mom is going to be allowed to visit and you will be able to call her anytime." That was my therapist speaking.

I wasn't that happy but I wasn't that sad about it either. I still just wanted to go home.

When the doctor came and checked me out He discharged me, and the women took me to her house. Mom was gone by then.

What do you think? Should she be a Psycholos Penny or just a penny. This isn't to be continued but I'll be writing the next story soon.

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