A penny's life for me: I want mommy.

I was waiting for daddy to finish spanking Jane. I wasn't sure if I was getting a spanking or not. By the time Daddy put Jane in the corner standing A knock on the door came. MOmmy answered it.

"MOmmy." I Screamed seeing my real mommy in the door way and running to her. When I got to her she grabbed me picked me up and took me out the door and to the car. "Were running away?"

"Yep. I don't like the way your treated. Doesn't matter what you did."

"Are you sure mommy?"


I heard police car behind us. "Mom we better go back."

"No I don't want you to go back." MOm was speeding up.

"Mom I'm scared. Please turn back."

"HOney trust me I won't hurt you."

"I don't want you in trouble lets go back pleaze." I started crying not even needing to cry I just knew thats the one thing mom couldn't resist.

"Alright. You know I can't resist you when you cry. Now wipe away those tears before someone thinks I abused you." I wiped away the tears as mommy went back to the house. The police escorting behind us and I could tell they were glad when we got to the house.

The minute my real Mommy got me to the door my other mommy carried me up to my room while daddy started yelling at my real mommy. "I want mommy I want mommy."

Other mommy patted my back while going upstairs. "Calm down young lady. I understand you want your mommy but she was very bad and your not to see her again for a while."

"NOnononon I want mommy."

"Now calm down before I decide to spank you."

"I be good mommy. I sorry."

Mom laid me on my bed and tucked me in. "I want you to take a nap ok?"

"Can I have my teddy bear pleaze?" I didn't answer just snugged up in bed.

"Of course." Mommy picked up the teddy bear off the table and handed it to me. She went to the door and started turning off the lights.

"Mom. Am I in trouble?" I asked a little nervous about what happened.

"No baby now just get some sleep."

I feel asleep more relaxed before mom even closed the door. I was tired and my throat hurt.

A couple hours later mommy came up and woke me up. "Wake up sleepy head."

I sat up with my face flushed a bit. "Hi mommy. I cold." Its summer time and its pretty hot in Jamesville but sometimes the air conditioner is on high and its just to cold in the house.

But from the look on mommys face it didn't look like that was the answer. She put her warm hand on my forward. "Your warm. Anything hurt."

I didn't want to say yes but I remembered mom said to tell the hole truth. And my throat really hurt. "my throat hurtz."

Mommy went to my restroom and got something I couldn't see. I had my glasses on the table and I didn't feel like wearing them inless I'm getting out of bed. Mommy came back I still couldn't see what she was holding. "Lay on your tummy baby. I want to take your tempt."

I pouted but laid on my tummy. I hated having my tempt taken this way. Rectally was bad enough but it was more confortable over mommys knee. Mom put up my nightgown and down my panties. While she lubed up my bottom she rubbed my back; which was good especially when I'm not feeling good. WHen mommy put the thermometer in I didn't even feel it. "Now hold that there till I take it out young lady."

"Yes mommy." After about five minutes mommy took out the thermometer. My back had the longest rub I ever had.

"You have a fever. I'll get you some medicine." Mommy went to the bathroom again. I definately glad I can't take Penny medicine. But my throat hurt to and I didn't want to swallow medicine either. MOmmy came to my bed and sat next to my me. "now I know your throat hurtz and you probably don't want to drink anything but I want that fever down so please open up." I opened my mouth and let mommy put the spoon full of medicine in. I swallowed medicine with diffuculty but I swallowed it. Then mommy tucked me in and I went to sleep.

A couple hours later daddy walked in with the thermometer. "No daddy I want mommy do it."

"Your mommy can't see you anymore."

"I mean mommy here not real mommy."

"Alright." Mommy came in hearing that and took my tempt.

I only let mommy take my tempt and daddy didn't fight it. I felt like a kidern. I wasn't sure why but I guessed they were more patient because I just lost my real mommy. I won't be able to see her till I'm at least a soft timer more likely when I'm a completos. My fever broke in a couple days and my throat felt better then to.

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