A penny's life for me: Swimming

I didn't sleep that well. It was pretty hard. I don't know I seem to have problems sleeping since I was rejuved with the exception of being under the delta inducer. Probably the reason I been so tired lately as well.

I got up and dressed myself simply. I hadn't unpacked yet but I was planning on doing it after breakfest. Forunately I don't think Auntie Martha minded that. Then I got myself ready with everything long before Auntie Martha came up to wake us kids up not just me. Seems I was the only one awake and ready for breakfest. Auntie Martha left me in my room to go get the two girls upstairs Rachael the 8 year old and Jenn the 7 year old. My guess the older you get the better chance you have at the upstairs rooms. It might not make a difference when I get old enough if I ever get old enough. 20 years seems like a eternity right now and thats if I'm lucky.

You know the strange thing is that no one told me what would be the difference would be if I became a Psycholos Penny except living here and seeing my mommy and lots of counceling. I wonder if there is a difference. Actually the more conseling isn't that bad. And I do want to see mommy. Maybe the only differenence is where I stand in line in society. (Authors note: Of course Nadia is wrong theres more to it thats why they haven't told her it to make sure she doesn't do anything just to become a Psycholos penny.)

When Auntie Martha came back down she took all five of us to the kitchen and sat us around the breakfest table that was already fixed.

Breakfest was scrambled eggs with mushrooms that I love and some syrup. Orange Juice and some grapes. I ate it all but normally I eat less then that. I'm just not that much of a eater. Conversation was normal including the fact that they'd have to go shopping soon for school cloths. All four of them were old enough to go to school that was starting soon. I was the only one still to young and probably will not be going to school at all. Till my sentence is over. Theres still ways have a social stuff even as a penny. So not going to school is ok at this age.

When breakfest was over Auntie Martha took me upstairs to my room. I was thinking it was time for my reminder swats my parents do often. Or maybe even the over the knee spanking I haven't gotten for a while.

But instead Auntie Martha got out a good looking bathing suit about my size. "Where did you get that?"

"The only psycholos I ever had here was rejuved to three. And this is one of her bathing suits." Now I understood a hand me down but that really looked cute. And I looked even cuter wearing it. "Hey it looks really nice on you."

"I love it can I keep it?"

"Yeah till you outgrow it of course."

"Well maybe I can still wear it on my next cycle." I looked hopeful.

"Yeah you can."

"Yeah." I hoped up a small bit and down. Not enough to misbehave. I really liked the outfit though. Then Auntie Martha took us to the pool still covered by a gate.

She openeed the door with a old fashioned key. I knew it was more for our protection then anything. The pool was 3 feet deep on the shallow end and 8 feet deep on the deep end. She told me of the rules and reminded the other girls of the rules of the pool. No running no spitting no fighting no diving. Especially no Diving. I couldnt' dive even if I was allowed to. I could never get the hang of a simple dive. I always did a bellyflop. I haven't taken swimming lessons yet mostly cause I already know how but I didn't want to take them from what I heard there like. Oh and the rule for me and Jeannie (who is still taking swimming lessons at the local rejuve pool not for pennys.) was not to swim in the deep end.

I respected that. But sometimes things go wrong. And today was one of them. Theres a marker showe us how far we could go before we hit the deep end. Unfornately Jeannie was swimming back and forth getting closer and closer to the deep end and all of a sudden she hit the deep end and went down. "Auntie Martha." I yelled and then swam deep to the bottom and started looking for Jeannie and swam fast. One thing I learned as a kidern. Got Jeannie up out of the deep end and to the edge of the pool where Auntie Martha was standing with a towel looking worried. Once Jeannie got out I climbed out myself cause I wasn't sure if I did bad or good.

Well its hard to tell. I went against the rules but saved a life. And I did call her first. "Nadia first I want to tell you you did a good thing by calling me first." Auntie Martha said while sitting on the Lounge Chair. "If you didn't call out first you'd be getting the same spanking Jeannie is getting."

Jeannie started sniffling at the news. "But Mommy."

"This is the third time you did this. You deserve the spanking Jenn. Now over my knee." Jeannie reluctently obeyed. I felt bad for her but I watched quietly.

"You SMACK don't SMACK disobey SMACK me SMACK by SMACK swimming SMACK SMACK in the SMACK deep SMACK end. SMACK Do SMACK you SMACK understand?"


"Ok its time for both of your naps. Rachael Jenn Marie come out you three. Swimming time is over." They came out chatting and everyone went inside. I was the youngest so it wasn't a surprize that I was taking a nap. I mean I'm three and a penny no matter why I'm here. What surprized Jeannie is that Marie got to stay up with Rachael and Jenn. I mean Marie and Jeannie are the same age but the reason was obvious Marie behaved Jeannie didn't.

I don't even know what time Marie went to bed last night.

I Couldn't sleep from the noise next door. I could hear it with the windows closed to. There right next door from my window.

I didn't want to disobey Auntie Martha by not going to sleep but I just couldn't sleep with that noise. So I went to the door and called: "Auntie Martha," without yelling. Just calling.

"Whats wrong?"

"The next door neighbors are keeping me awake can you stay with me or put me under the inducer or something?"

"I got a better idea come with me," I took her hand and she walked me downstairs and to the study. "Its the quietest in here. Do you need anything?"

I looked around and found a nice comfy couch. I laid on it. "Can I use this blanket?" I looked at the one surrounding the upper parts of the couch.

"Yeah sure." I got it and made myself comfy.

"I fine then I tired anyways. Just turn off the lights pleaze."

"Ok hon." She turned off the lights and let me sleep. I actually liked it I feel asleep right away. Problem was I yelled out. I didn't do it on purpose. Auntie Martha came in. "Are you ok?"

"I'm sorry I didn't mean to yell. I had a scary dream."

"Its ok. You need anything."

"No but could you stay with me."

"Yeah of course. The other kids have gone to bed for there naps to." She sat next to me and put my head on your lap. I fell asleep a lot better. I had the best sleep I hadn't had for a while. When I woke up a couple hours later Auntie Martha was still there. "Hello sleepy head."

"You no have to stay here all the time."

"I know but I wanted to. You ok?"

I nod. "Can I help with dinner?" That was my way of saying I'm hungry.

"Yeah of course. You can help me toss the salad." I smiled.


Durning dinner and the preparation for dinner I had to good a time.

That was the problem I had a good time. I killed someone and I had a good time. I couldn't take it anymore. I don't know why I just couldn't take it.

I excused myself when everyone sat around the holovision and went upstairs. Went straight to the bathroom. I tried at the medicine cabinet. The computer didn't let me in. I started banging on it as hard as I could. I kept banging till the alarm went off but I didn't quit banging. My hands started bleeding from broken glass at the mirror. I think Auntie Martha was old fashioned. Weird to cause this is a perfect way of committing suicide. I went into uncousness just in time for Auntie Martha coming in.

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