PSI-PEN: New daddy

I woke up the next morning pretty early did my bed and changed without mommy coming up yet. I was always one early girl when I had a bedtime. When I didn't and stayed up late I would be up at 12 pm. But I'm usually a early bird.

My wrists itched. It was where the bandages where. I knew not to but I itched and rubbed my bandages. I heard mommy come up just in time to quit scratching and itching before she came in.

"Hey. wow your really a early bird. I thought since your sisters were not getting back till this afternoon we can go to the mall would you like that."

"Yes mommy." I smiled and went straight for the bathroom and got ready. We went straight for the mall and to my surprize to the toystore first. I mean the salems did take me sometimes to the toystore but it always was at the end of the shopping trip and most of the time it wasn't for me. If I was good I might get something fun but a lot of times if I get anything it was educational. THough I did ask a lot of educational stuff I always had a joy for learning no matter how old I was. And even a pennys request for educational stuff was always a yes no matter if your a soft timer or a hard timer who murdered kidern and on there first cycle. Education is always important to sociaty especially for there criminals.

I couldn't believe it but mommy took me to the spanking susie and spanking samie dolls section first we went to the spanking susie doll section. There was no guarenttee that this was for me so I figured we were getting one for one of my new sisters at least I thought cause usually I wouldn't get it till more likely christmas or birthday. Some other holidays I might get the doll it depends on behavior and such.

It wasn't till we got to the 3 year old spanking susie doll sections that I realized it wasn't for my sisters. But that didn't mean anything. Mommy asked which one would I like I was still not sure why she asked it could just be a opinionated question. Like if I like this another kid might like this to. I picked out a goodlooking one with a pink dress. It was about my size.

It wasn't till mommy said I could get two extras besides the hairbrush that made me realize that it was mine.

The first thing I found that I would like is the kicking from the knee extra. Unfornately this extra is the hardest to get when you get the doll the first time I mean upgrade maybe but its hard to get with the doll as a penny. If your a voluntaras, a medicalos, a prisoner of war, a psycholos without the penny, a innocentata or a innocentata medicalos, though jenny doesn't seem to like spanking susie dolls with the exception of giving it away, but not for a penny at least not a hard timer. I decided that maybe I can make this both my extras. That would make me loose one of them but I wanted it bad enough to sacriface the other.

I showed it to mommy. "Ok whats the other one?" Mommy asked.

I smiled and went back looking. I found a educational one I wanted weirdly enough. this one is a Korean speaking extra. That one is only cause I wanted to learn a different language when I was in college and when I joined dojan I decided Korean was the one I wanted to learn when I get back to school whenever that is. I didn't think I would be able to take the class till I became a completos but now that I seem to have the chance I'd like to have a head start. It would make it easier to get good grades on it if I knew it by the time I got to class so the only thing I'd really have to worry about is writing and reading it.

I went to mommy and showed it to her. "Are you sure you want this to be your second extra"

"Yes mommy"

"Ok get one more. And anything educational you want but thats it."

"Yes mommy." I got the reddening bottom as my last extra. I couldn't find anything else educational that i'd want. Oh well.

We went to the check out counter and bought everything. It was great I loved the doll. Unfornately they had to do a few things to the doll so it would be perfect size for me. So we went to breakfest at a resturaunt and I mean a nice resturant not fast food resturant. Which I never got to go to with the salems for breakfest for dinner and sometimes for lunch but never for breakfest. Well this was a treat I had 1 egg and a little bit of hashbrowns.

Mom ate two eggs 2 pancakes bacon and hashbrowns. I was never one for eating big portions actually most of the time I was underweight even as a adult. I'm still a 10 pounds underweight now. Mostly cause of my starvation strike.

After breakfest we went and shopped for a couple of really nice dresses for me that I really loved and then went back to the toystore and took my new spanking susie doll now called Marie after my friend that died.

When we got back home the first thing I did was program Marie and put it over my knee in my room. "HOW (SPANK) DARE (SPANK) YOU (SPANK) forget (SPANK) your (SPANK) glasses (SPANK) and (SPANK) Drive(spank)."

"OWW I YEOW Sorry Wahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh mommy wahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh mommy no more. wahhhhhhhhhhhh."

"Time (spank) for those (Spank spank) panties (SPANK) to come (Spank SPANK) down."

"No no bare mommy pleaze no bare it hurt enough on panties no bare." It was to late I took them down smiling. Mommy managed to come in when my wrists started hurting.

"Use the brush thats what its there for. Your wrists need to heal."

"Yes mommy." And thats what I did.

A couple hours later the girls came back. By dinner time a man I never meet came home and opened the door. I learned today that it wasn't my sisters that I had to worry about being stuck up its my new father.

After mom let me do whatever I wanted till 7:30 and then she'll be up to tuck me in and of course counseling. I went to my room and started watching the holovision but I got thirsty and went downstairs for water just to hear without being noticed mom and my new dad talking.

"We discussed this before no pennys." My new daddy said.

"Yeah but shes a psycholos penny. We had psycholos before."

"But they were never criminals. Get rid of her." Dad had a loud sound in his voice when he said that.

"I can't. She almost committed suicide. She needs me."

"Well she doesn't need me." That scared me the way he said it. I accidently made a noise and mom noticed me.

"Hey hun are you ok?"

"I'm thirsty can I have some water?" Dad rolled his eyes and left the kitchen. MOm got me a glass of water and took me back to my room.

"I guess you heard that."

"Yes mommy. WHy is he like that?"

"He just doesn't like pennys he never did. When I was assigned to this neighborhood he fought it all the way but I told him we wouldn't be taking in pennys. I figured by the time he got here you'd either be back with the salems or a psi pen so I thought there wouldn't be trouble. I guess not."

"My three daddys, one that spanks me one that doesn't like me at all and one that I never even meet."

"Don't worry everything will be ok I promise. He'll come around." I relaxed a little and jumped into my bed.

We talked about my new daddy and everything we could and then I fell asleep at 8:00 exactly.

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