PSI-PEN: A start at a new life.

We stopped off at corrections board on the way to my new home. I couldn't believe it they made there discussion. I'm now a Psycholos Penny. My wrists have the PSIP with the second P still filled in but now I have a different life. Although I still didn't know what the difference was except living with Auntie Martha now known as mommy and more counceling which I could use anyways no matter what that medicine did and of course seeing mommy more. For all I know my spankings and rejuve and life would still be like I was with the Salems. Even those awful enemas I never liked.

Actually I didn't know it at the time but the enema punishments very between penny parents some like the Salems do them every week and its just to clean the kid out. Others do it weekly to daily as spanking enemas even if the penny were good. Then theres others who don't even believe in enemas inless for medical reasons on there pennys and usually it has to be a last resort. So right now the enema thing probably wouldn't happen at all while I live with my new mom. Don't get me wrong it could happen but unlikely because of my new status. I still didn't know it at the time.

When I finally got home to my new home the minute my new mom opened the door there and behold was my real mom. My REAL MOMMY. It was a huge surprize but I guess the guards from corrections at the front door should have given it away.

"MOMMY" I was so excited I jumped right into her arms forgetting my bandages. "OW."

"You ok hun" Mommy asked hugging me tight.

"Yeah mommy. I miss you." I hugged her tight.

"I miss you to." It felt like hours hugging but it was only minutes.

We sat down on the couch and I noticed no one was about. "Where are the girls?"

"Your new sisters are at the Merits house. They thought you two could use your own time together." I still don't get those girls. MOst voluntaras are stuck up. I guess I could be wrong about them.

The day was spent indoors because going outside together was one of the restrictions. I guess it didn't matter since I really just wanted to see my mother.

Unfornately at naptime it was time for mommy to go. I pouted but both mommies said she would be back soon. My real mommy diapered me and put me to bed before she left. I slept well the noise next door was gone. I wondered why but I was happy it was over.

When I woke up my new mommy dressed me up and took me straight next door. And then my new mommy left. "Hello." A kind voice said while opening the door.

"Hi." I was fridgeting not knowing what is going on.

"You must be nadia. Come on in."

I walked in not sure whats going on. Till I saw Seth. The last time I saw matt was when he was first rejuved after he got convicted for killing my best friend. He was so young and he is just as young now. Officially his sentence was 70 X 2 years 9 months-5 years 9 months he after all killed a kidern and was a drunk driver at the time. Two Major crimes. I"m lucky I only did one and it didn't involve any kidern. His did.

And when I saw him again come out of the corner I was shocked it was him the close to three year old kid with blackened filled P on his wrists. He truly earned this. His mother took him by the hand and lead him to the couch and laid him over her lap. "You been a true bad boy and about to get your first spanking by me in your new house"

Now I understood he just got rejuved today. My guess he had his birthday spanking this morning. But why here why next door. The spanking started on his shorts but I knew that wouldn't last long. Actually it lasted five minutes of non stop spanking then the shorts were taken down and he was crying freely already. I didn't know if I felt sorry for him or not but he did deserve it.

Next five minutes were the same thing on his briefs and she wasn't even spanking very hard but it was long and the heat in the bottom gets worse. The next five minutes where on his bare. Then finally she let him up but to my shock just to hand me a bigger and thicker very own paddle then mine and she put him over my lap he was a bit big for me. I mean his not as big as me but not much smaller either. His mom held him down for me and told me to spank him fifteen times with the paddle. Which I gladly did.

I felt better when I finished. Then his mother sent him to the corner and I excused myself wanting to get back to my new home. Which I did. It took a bit of convincing to let me go but they let me go.

I was shocked to find out my holovision actually worked in my room. My new sisters were still at the Merits so I had nothing to do. I was trying out my new room. Everything was moved from the Salems to my room. Actually only my dolls and a few cloths and such. The room and bathroom looked great. I noticed the medicine cabinet this time it wasn't made of something else not glass. I guess they learned there lesson. Never put a glass cabinet in a place where depressed people are in there.

Dinner was pretty quiet without the girls neither one of us had much to talk about. I did thank her for Seth. Dinner was delisious. Then we finally went back upstairs I was exhausted and wanted to go to sleep early.

When we got to my room though she had other ideas. "Lets discuss your new status."

"Yeah I'd like to know if theres any other differences" I laid on my side facing her. (authors note: the Psy Pen concept is in my inbox on what changes there are if anyone wants to use it in there story I won't stop it like I did with IM which is just impossible to recreate. Anyways if anyone wants the info just ask I'll send.)

"First of all the good news is you won't be rejuved till your 12."

"You mean I get to grow up." I was excited.

"Yeah but the bad news is the judge might decide to add cycles to compansate after you turn 12. We'll work on making you soft timer or even better paroled then."

"I couldn't go from hard time to parole its unheard of."

"It does happen. I went from hard time my first third of my cycle to Parole."

"You did a crime?" I was shocked.

"Yeah thats how I became a psychiatrist. Fornately I always was good at school work. Now I want you to know any earned spanking still is treated as any hard time penny your psi won't change that."

"I understand. Is there any other differences?"

"Yeah we won't be having special punishment days till you turn 7 and then the regilian and I decided that Diapsora will be like a soft timer no Thanksgiving and no 4th of July."

"I understand Thanksgiving but why 4th of july?"

"Cause you had that alergic reaction last year. The rest will be decided by us how your punishment is. Reminder swats go down to 2 times a week and over the knee spankings just because go to 3 times a month and all this is done in my room. If you earn any spankings it goes anywhere you earned them remember that."

I kind of smiled my life was getting better. "Yes ma'am."

"And of course you'll be seeing your mommy more often but its got to be in a controlled situation. I'm sorry your mother still tried to kidnap you and the only reason she's not a penny right now is that she brought you back."

"I know."

"Any questions?"

"No I"m just tired. Can we skip the conseling tonight? I really need to sleep."

"Ok but were going to talk tomorrow ok?"

"Yes ma'am."

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