PSI PEN: The long weekend.

The next couple days my wrists were healing pretty well and enough to take off the bandages. Actually fornately for me my itching hadn't showed because the bandages where so thick it was hard to tell I scratched at all as a matter of fact I scratched a lot when mommy wasn't looking or my sisters or even daddy who didn't even care to pay attention to me. I was only starting to hate him myself but I kept telling myself he will come around.

The weekend came fast and the girls all had plans to go spend the weekend with friends different friends each but they were going. Daddy went on a buisness trip. He works with computers and goes to other colonys to help fix computer manufacturing plants. He gets lots of money for this and that doesn't include the shuttle trips. Each place pays for transport and room and board. He was very popular cause he knew even more then the usual computer fixer upers.

Now that left mommy and me and I was a little worried. Not much but just enough cause mommy looked like she wasn't looking forward to this weekend.

When all four girls left (taken by hoovercar by different parents.) First thing Saturday morning mommy picked me up and took me to breakfest. Breakfest was normal. I sat pretty quietly though so it was a quiet breakfest. Most of the time the girls are chatting and I try to join the conversation just so I wouldn't be left out but when its just mom and I I don't really feel like talking.

Then right away mommy took me to the living room and to my surprize I had a new cornerstool in the corner not the one from the salems though. I don't know if that was a good thing or a bad thing at the moment but I knew there was reason behind it just being there right this minute. It wasn't intill mommy was sitting on the couch and keeping me standing next to her that I knew spanking was coming.

"I hate to tell you hun but the corrections board medical board your counslor (the regilian we meet in Maracus.) and I agreed that you need to be punished for trying to commit suicide and the little hunger strike though from what I heard you were spanked during that and just didn't react."

"Yes mommy." She didn't have to tell me that I kept going over it over and over and over in my head. Even slept couldn't escape this real life nightmare.

"It took a while to convince but I convinced them that a few hard seperate paddlings will do nothing except injure your bottom but unfornately this one is just going to have to be a long one for the entire weekend. I'm sorry hun but this needs to be done."

"Yes mommy."

Mommy took me over her knee and slid my shorts down (I changed before she came up.) And put her hand on my bottom. I only liked this position when they took my tempture. Surprizingly enough the rectal thermometers really didn't bother me. I was greatful for mommy leaving my panties up though cause even if it became bare later it wouldn't be as bad as spanking right on the bare bottom right away. That means a little warm up. Though it wouldn't totally be much but actually I had a thick pair of panties on even though I didn't know she was planning this. Usually pennys have only thin panties and Painties but in this case I had the right to wear thick panties. The basic reason was cause I was so often reminded by mommy life does go on.

But then I keep remembering what Jenny once said "In a world of imortals no one believes in Euthanasia anymore." (Authors note: it will be hopefully be in the story Innocentata medicalos: back to school. At least the reason will be) Mom started hand spanking me slowly and not even hard but it still stung a bit. It took a while before I even sobbed. Then by the time I started sobbing mommy took my panties down and off.

Mommy spanked me for fifteen minutes non stop with her hand it didn't hurt to much by itself but my bottom was already starting to hurt from the pantyspanking and the pain was starting to build up. After 15 minutes mommy took out my mothers helper paddle. "I'm sorry hun my hand needs a break." Mom spanked me just as hard as she spanked me with her hand but the difference is the hard wood which hurt a little more then her hand. 5 minutes later she went back to her hand. It still hurt. By the time I was about to put my hand back gratefully mommy took me off her lap holding my hands away from me and took me to the corner where the cornerstool was sitting and I was about to sit on it. To my surprize the cornerstool was less severe then my old one as a matter of fact it was one of the least painful not one designed for a kidern though mind you but penny rated the least servere. But sitting on it even with my little amount of pain in my bottom compared it still was unconfortable and painful.

I cried on my stool but was actually greatful for small favors less pain compared. My hands stayed at my neck but my wrists sorta hurt. Well it itched more but I didn't want to get spanked harder for itching it. After the next 15 minutes of spanking mommy gave me a break and cuddled me in her lap. I layed my head on her chest and relaxed by the time my bottom was less sore.

The basic reason for the less spankings and better treatment was to make my life worth living for in my head which is diffucult in suicide cases especially as extreme as this cause life wasn't that easy. These spankings helped a little and the cuddling to but what really was affecting me was the fact that the wrong thing to do would have saved that mans life and although with a hangover I would have been home without a concern in the world the next morning. Cause if I drank that night I wouldn't have been allowed out of that house at all at least not till I slept it off. Even with the smallest amount of liquore. It was just not fair while I was sitting in my cell waiting for court the last night drunks where driving home totally sober with a hangover. But then I remembered my friend Marie and how she didn't make it. And that if I drank that night no matter what would have been the results it would have gone against her life and her memory.

Thats what I thought about when mommy said it was time for my next session. The spankings got sorer and sorer but I didn't move my hand as much as I wanted to but I knew I needed this not just cause of the suicide and the hungry strike but cause I really felt bad and I needed it to make me feel a bit less bad and more clean.

By the time lunch came my bottom was pretty warmed up. I kinda wasn't hungry but right now was not the time to fight food. I only put small amounts on my plate (mom put bowls of food around usually for lunch and dinner with some exceptions) Mom noticed the little food and tried to encourage me to eat more but knew i was a small eater and just would not eat any more then that.

I ate slowly and very little even on my plate that really worried mommy. I was already 10 pounds underweight and even if they caned me right this minute I would still not eat much more. Mom had to accept it but she tried to get me to eat more. Sad thing is she planned on sending me to bed without supper but now she had to change her mind.

"Come on hun one more bite please."

I did open my mouth and let mom fed me the last bite but that was it. Mom took me to my room and layed me on my tummy and tucked me in and fell asleep for my afternoon nap. I did itch my wrists while mom wasn't there and I was trying to sleep. I dreamt of Marie about our life before her death. Marie and I were best friends since birth. We were born in the same hospital different parents but same hospital. As a matter of fact Marie was only born 10 minutes after I was. We lived next door to each other and spend a lot of nights at the others house. Her parents moved a couple days after the funeral not wanting any reminders of what happened. So I wasn't the only one that took it hard.

I woke up a few hours later not wanting to really wake up. I rather live in the delusions of dreams then in the reality of life right now.

Mom came up and took me back to the living room and redeposited me over her lap. I got ready for my spanking by holding my hands tightly together away from my bottom. The next couple hours I was able to take the spanking with only a bit of crying. It definately will be a long weekend.

Dinner was even quieter then lunch and breakfest. I was focused on my bottom a lot but I was also a bit tired and unconforatable. So dinner was pretty quiet. After dinner we went upstairs to the bathroom and I went into the bathtub that was being filled. I was a little more relaxed and calm. I was always well behaved in the bathtub so bath time was never a problem. I actually liked being taken care of in the bathtub.

After the bath (and changing me to a long nightgown and diaper) Mom put me down to bed at the early bedtime the salems always put me to bed after a bedtime spanking. It wasn't exactly a surprize but what surprized me more was mom stayed and rubbed my back till I fell asleep. She even sang me a lolybye. Not that the salems wouldn't do it or were told not to do it but usually I was left alone to cry myself to sleep thats probably why I didn't have good night sleeps when I was at the salems and here it was not that much easier but a lot easier when mom stayed with me.

When I woke up the next morning mommy was still asleep on the chair next to me. Today was sunday I wasn't sure if we were going to church or not. I remembered Rachael saying that Mommy wasn't religious. Actually she was athesist. But I was still a penny and church was also designed to teach pennys ethics. Especially sunday school. Thats why even on a very very sore bottom a penny has to be paying close attention and able to answer peritant questions. It doesn't matter what religion a penny is they have to go to some religious order. And if they don't believe in anything usually a judge would assign parents with a certain religion usually christian.

Considering the situation made a big difference. The hole change was done in emergency situation. No one had time to give penny standard thoughts about what to do with me. Thats why my room has a holovision and a visophone its not penny standard room. And then there was dad. Mom was right about the week discussion. She thought by the time he came back I'd be with the salems or the Psycolos Penny I am. Which she thought wouldn't be a problem. The hole thing went to fast to really do anything about it.

I quietly did my bed and went to the bathroom as I pulled down my diaper I looked in the mirror (to far to bang hands on this time) and noticed it was still a bit red but not as bad as a normal stardard penny spanking. But that won't last long I knew it. This was supposed to be a long spanking. Which is just as bad as a hard spanking.

Mommy woke up while I was in the restroom doing my business. Mom put out my sunday best (bought when we went shopping for the spanking susie doll and cloths.) I thought that confirmed my thoughts we were going to church but actually I was wrong.

First she dressed me up and took me downstairs for breakfest. Breakfest was good I even ate a bit more then I usually do. I sat quietly still though my bottom was a bit sore but I just didn't want to talk or squirm. No use fighting it.

Then we went to a ethics seminar. That was sorta surprizing but not totally I learned later that this place was designed specifically for athesists pennys so even those who don't believe in god still learn ethics.The seminar happens every sunday. This place was the only way corrections board would agree not to move me again after my Psi went on my hands to a counseler who was religious.

There were very few pennys there. As a matter of fact most of them were hard timers and none where non pennys cause athestists don't come here at all.

The seminars were designed to be boring (also one of the reasons no non pennys were there.) But also designed to teach pennys right from wrong. Even though it was boring it was interesting to me. I only went to church with my grandparents not real ones but the ones that took care of me on weekends while the salems did there own thing.

So this was kinda more interesting cause it focused on ethics instead of gods will and plan. And it was all ethics. So I didn't have trouble sitting straight and listening. But I did notice a little boy being taken by his ear by his mommy for squirming to much in his seat. I could even hear the distinct sound of spanking done on his rear end though I didn't see it. I still was listening to the person talking ethics as best I could.

Then after survice or whatever you would call it mom took me outside just to my surprize start hand spanking me in public. It wasn't hard but it was on a already sore bottom so it burned just as much as a hard spanking. I bawled and kicked and wiggled and squirmed just like any bad little baby girl I was. Then we were taken home we was right I didn't realize it but Seth from next door was a athestist to. Probably one of the reasons he drank and drived that night. Not that all athestists would do that but if someone doesn't believe in anything and become criminals there ethic system has to be reprogrammed into them.

Thats one reason these seminars were specifically designed for pennys only. As a matter of fact some non athestists who go to friday or saturday services Pennys sometimes came here especially those who repeated a crime or worse commited a crime while being a penny. They truly deserved two services a week.

Seth was being walked home by his mom and I was holding my moms hand and walking home to. Mom invited Seth and his mom over for lunch that scared me a bit cause mommy still had more to spank the naugtiness out of me.

But actaully it was not my bottom I had to worry about getting spanked in front of seth. It was the opposite. Seth fought his mommy when she told him to eat his peas. One weird thing that kept my bottom out of trouble from not eating much so far was the fact that as a kidern I actually loved peas and vegatables so as a penny I love them as well. So actually the only real food I ate was the vegatables so mom couldn't really find a reason to spank me to get me to eat. I actually was one of the few students on a field trip (in grade school.) to ask for extra peas on my plate.

But Seth hated peas. And his mother wasn't very patient. She took him over his knee and smacked his bottom fifteen times and then took down his undies and spanked him 15 more times. Then seth had no choice but to eat his awful peas on a sore well deserved bottom.

After lunch his mom took him home to take his afternoon nap. Which I was taken right upstairs for my nap to. I fell right to sleep. When I woke up mom gave me my last spanking for the long weekend. It was pretty long a hour but it wasn't that bad. Then it was supper time and to my surprize after supper I got to stay up till 7:30 and then mom and I discussed the weekend.

"I got to admit I really needed this weekend."

"I know hun. I hated doing that but you still are a penny and shouldn't try to commit suicide. It would have been different if it was just the hungry strike even though I'd still have had to spank you for that but suicide isn't good."

"Yes mommy." I laid on my tummy holding my teddy bear tight.

"Good girl. Now get some sleep."

"Yes mommy." Mom started for the door. "Mom."

"Yes hun."

"Can you stay here? At least till I fall asleep."

"Ok." Mom turned off the lights and sat on the chair and watched me sleep. Which was where I found her the next morning. My bottom actually was pretty much healing quickly after that. And the girls came back but daddy won't be back for a couple of days.

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