Keri's Birthday

Its Oct. 10th and Melissa, Keri, Marie, Jeannie, Jenn, Rachael, Pat, Jay, Stanley are going to 6 flags for Keribut there still gone. They all meet at the dojan but on the way they dropped June off at Jenny's house. They left the dojan 10 minutes later and they were on there way to the park which was right ouside the town. They get there about 10 minutes later. They were all exicted because this park was actually designed for rejuves so all the rides were the perfect height for them. Melissa was very happy she had always been a rollercoaster fanatic and they had rebuilt a lot of the older coasters.

"All right everyone listen up. There a few rules we need to discuss." Everyone gathered around him. "1 you must have at least 2 people together at all times. 2 please for all the others Melissa do not overdue the cutting in line. 3 I would like everyone to meet at the food court in the center of the park at noon. Any questions? No good have fun." They allbreak off and go to different areas.

First stop was "Rampage". Its a fun roller coaster from an old park in Alabama. Next they went to an attraction where they have to use there hands and foot holds to climb a fake wall. Then they went to the "Bumper Cars". Then they went on "Stealth" which made them literaly feel like they were flying. Next they went on the Gwazi. It was great there were 2 sides and they literaly race each other. Melissa "That was cool." Keri "Yeah i agree. Then they went to the "Scorpion". Then they went and got lunch.

"All right everyone is here we will be leaving at 4 pm to go back to the house for the party." "Yeah." So lets meet here at 3:30." "OK." Everyone eats lunch then the go on there way.

Then they go to "King Tut's tomb" a make believe archaological site and dug for a little while. They then go on an interesting thrill ride called "Escape from Pmpeii." Then on to "The Big Bad Wolf." Melissa "This isthe first coaster I ever went on. They then went on the "Mamba" "Wow this is a TALL coaster."

Then they meet up and leave 10 minutes later they arrive at the house. "All right everyobody out." Everyone gets out of the small van and goes inside. There is cake and the presents are there they eat the cake and then. "All right its time for the birthday girls birthday spankings. Melissa u get first crack and u get 2 sets everyone gets 1." Melissa sits on the couch and Keri lays across her lap. Melissa gives Keri moderate spanks considering her birthday. Then ups it a little when it comes to her panty spanking. Everyone takes a turn bye the end Keri is sniffling a little but that's about it then her father sits down and he is holding Keri's hairbrush. "Now Keri you will recieve 6 spanks from each adult over your shorts and that is it." Each parent gives her her 6 swats and lets her up then she opens her presents and everyone heads home.

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