Melissa’s Birthday

Its the day after Disporia Mom, Dad, Melissa, Keri and June are traveling to the mall to get ideas for Melissa’s birthday 2 days later And Keri’s a week later. “All right June we are going to have to take you to DZ we have to much to do to have you around. Sorry.”

“It’s ok daddy I understand.” They bring June to DZ making sure the attendent understands that June is a soft-timer. “All right Melissa I will be making a list for you and Keri your mom will be handling yours. If you see anything you like you tell us. Why dont we split up and the girls can look around. We will pick up June and then lets meet for lunch.” Mom “Sure.” They split up and Melissa and Dad go to a clothing store and they look around. “Wow daddy I would like this dress its very pretty.” Dad ads it to the list and then they go to the toy store. There Melissa sees other options for her spanking suzy doll and dad writes them down. Then they go get June she actually won, one of the advantages of being a softimer she got 1 green card for every hard timer to begin with, and she was happy no spankings. “June did you behave?” “Yes daddy I won shoots and ladders. I didnt realize soft timers got a green card for every hard timer playing.” “Yup and that’s good.” They go to the cafe and meet up with Mom and Keri. “Did you 2 go everywhere.” “Yup Keri’s all set.” “All right I hate to do this but you 3 girls are going to have to go to DZ while we shop.” “Ahh.” “No arguing. Or Ill tell them no extra green cards for u 3.” “Yessir.” They get lunch then they drop the girls off at DZ. The girls arrive and a game of shutes and ladders is just ending. “All right everyone remembers June. This is Melissa and Keri. Now there are 3 hard timers here so Melissa you get to draw 9 cards Keri 6 and June 3. Because of the number of green cards already out I am going to put In an extra package so we dont run out.” The girls draw there cards and the game goes along. Melissa wins just bye the number of green cards. After the game they leave for home.

Oct. 3rd Melissa’s Birthday. Melissa wakes up bright and early It’s a saturday and she knows that there is dojan this morning and her party in the afternoon. She gets up and gets ready and goes downstairs. Dad is in the kitchen making breakfeast “Morning Birthday girl you ready for today?” “Yes daddy.” “Maybe you should go change its pretty warm outside.” “Ok daddy.” “And please wake your sisters up while you are up there.” “Yes sir” Melissa goes upstairs and wakes June and Keri up. Then she tells them its warm so dress appropriatly. They go downstairs and dad serves them Melissa’s favorite. “Mmmm my favorite.” “Of course its your birthday.” “I know.” A 1/2 hour later they leave for class. When they arrive everyone Chum-bee’s to Mr. Nathaniel entry then they all start singing happy birthday to Melissa.

Class goes great and at that the end almost everyone goes over to Melissa’s house.

Unfortunatly most couldnt because it was shortly after disporia and all the penny’s except for Nadia and June were not at class. They arrive there and a couple of the mom’s are there helping and they all file in and play games then Mom pulls one of the chairs from the kitchen and then. “Melissa come here please.” Melissa obeys and she dosent like the looks of this at all. “Now everyone Melissa will recieview a spanking from everyone same as penny’s except no one gets an impliment.” Nadia puts her hand up.

“Yes nadia.” “Mamn where do I fall.” “You do like the penny’s 1 set over her shorts.” “Yes Mamn.” “Now Melissa Unfortunately for you the adults DO get to spank you with your hairbrush.” “GULP yes mom.” “Now lets get you over someone’s knee on the couch how about Keri’s.” Keri sits on the couch and Melissa lays across her knees. “Keri you get 2 sets.” “Yes mom.” Keri spanks very lightly over her shorts 7 times and 1 to grow on then pulls them down and spanks her 7 times and 1 to grow on on her panties keeping in mind that it will be her turn in about a week. Then Rachael gets on and spanks her moderatly hard 7 times and 1 to grow on then her pants come down and she spanks her 7 times and 1 to grow on on her under pants. Then Marie, Jeannie, Jenn do the same thing.

Then its June’s turn she gives Melissa 7 light swats and 1 to grow on knowing she has 3 birthday’s she has to go through with Melissa. Then its Nadia’s turn Nadia gives Melissa 7 light swats and 1 to grow on mainly because of her wrists. Then the adults bring out chairs for themselves. Mom, Dad, & Nadia’s Mom sit in the kitchen chairs and Mom says “Melissa come here so I can give you your birthday spanking. Thankfully only the bare bottom is done with the hairbrush but we will be doing a kind of round robin. I will give you 8 swats on your shorts then you go to your father and he will do the same than to Nadia’s Mom. Then we will repeat it with the underwear then bare bottom.”

Melissa was crying lightly from the spankings she had already gotton and this scared her. “All right up and over.” Mom picked her up and gave her 7 good zingers and a full force for her one to grow on then dad did the same and so did Nadia’s mom. Then Melissa went back to her mom. “Remove your shorts and hand them to Keri.” Melissa did as told then got on her mom’s lap without being told. “I want you to count these.” “Yes mamn.” “SMACK ONE SMACK TWO SMACK THREE SMACK FOUR SMACK FIVE WAH SMACK SIX SMACK SEVEN SMACK EIGHT.” “Good now to daddy.” Dad repeated it and made her count but then she went to Nadia’s Mom. “SMACK ONE SMACK TWO SMACK count that dosent count because you didnt count you miss another one and the ones left are doubled. SMACK THREE SMACK FOUR SMACK FIVE SMACK SIX SMACK SEVEN SMACK EIGHT.” Then Melissa got up and her mommy grabbed her hands so she couldnt rub and her daddy pulled down her underpants and could see how red her bottom was. “Now because you missed one you will recieve 8 smacks of the hairbrush back and 1 brisstle side smack from each of us.”

With that mommy put Melissa over her knees secured her hands behind her back and picked up the hairbrush and gave her 8 smacks with the back and 1 bristle side. Then daddy did it to while dad was doing it mommy went up and got Melissa’s punishment dress and level 4 pain-tees. She got back down just as Nadia’s mom was finishing. “Melissa come here and no rubbing. Melissa did as told and her mommy pulled the level 4 pain-tees over her very red thighs and bottom. Then she put Melissa in her punishment dress and buttoned it up. “Now you can open your presents sitting on your stool in this.

“Mommy please at least take down the pain-tees.” “SMACK No now sit.” Everyone brings over there gifts and Melissa opens them crying the whole time. Then she has to thank everyone for coming and for there spankings. After everyone leaves They eat supper then there dad takes them upstairs for a bath he grabs Melissa’s paddle on the way to the tub. After the 3 of them are scrubbed clean he picks Melissa up and gives her 8 smacks of the paddle on her wet bottom then he sends her to the corner. He then dries her off and mom takes Keri and June to Keri’s room and dad takes Melissa to June’s room. “You will be sleeping here tonight so the girls can get a good night sleep and no nanolotion till after church.” Melissa is thankful that she is in the choir and gets to stand up most of the mass.

Well comments please. If you are confused re-read the intro and “Letter”

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