Special Moral and Ethical Behavior

Its the 5th day of the school year and Melissa isnt looking to forward to it. She wakes up and gets ready for school and walks downstairs. "Daddy why do I have to take Moral and ethical Behavior?" "Well because you were a VERY naughty kindern and it was felt you could use it. Dont worry if you get an A this year you wont have to take it next year." "Yessir." "Though one warning you will be treated like a Penny in there including a welcome spanking." "Yes sir." "And if you get anything special I recomend telling me immediatly or it will be worse on you." "Yes sir." "Now eat your breakfeast before you miss the bus." Melissa and Keri finished there breakfeast and left for school.

School went great Melissa did pretty good and then when it was time for recess her teacher took her to the special classroom for special Moral and Ethical Behavior. It was decided because there was going to be a wide range of ages and classes that one classroom would be best. When she arrived there there were 3 other children there. Then she recognized the teacher it was Mrs. Chase from Sunday School. "All right every one is here. All four of you know who I am so why dont we go around the room and introduce yourselves to each other. And indicate wether 2nd offense or do to crime commited as a penny. Walker."

"Walker Zucker 8th cycle 19 times 6-12 for Slicing and Computer Vandalism. This ws a 2nd offense." "Ruth Corey used to be Rob 2nd cycle. Originally 12 times 3-7 but increased to 20 times 3-7. Original crime murder. Then I assalted my voluntarian Sister and ended up causing her to become a Medicalos." "Melissa Nathaniel. I almost ended up a Juvinele penny a couple of times so it was decided I should try growing up again." "That is unusual but not unheard of. Those of you who will be back next year if she gets an A she will NOT be back." "Suzanne Nowicki 3rd cycle. Originally 10 times 5-11 for slicing upped to 15 times 3-10 with Y-suppresion for tampering with Judicial orders." "What exactly did you do?" "Well I didnt like my penny sister and I switched the names on our stockings. I was 10 and she was 5 and Corrections found out in my parents weekly reports." "Well your sorry now I would assume?" "Yes mamn now im a girl." "Yes I see that what is the status of your sister?" "She is still living with us but I was rejuvied for the judicial paddling and now she is a soft-timer and is living at our house again and gets to tell me what to do." "Well that will teach you a lesson." "Yes mamn." " All right time for the welcome spankings. Walker." Walker walks up and drops his pants before being told and places himself over her knee. She pulls out the 5th grade level 2 paddle and brings it down 10 times on his underware clad bottom then pulls them down and gives him 20 bare bottom. "Go sit back down bare bottom. Ruth." Ruth walks up and pulls out the 1st grade #2 paddle and repeats it and does the same with Suzanne. "Melissa." Melissa walks up to her teacher. "Now because she is an Medicolous so she will get her spanking with the level 1 paddle instead." With that she pulls Melissa up and over her lap pulls up her skirt and gives her 10 smacks on her underware and 20 smacks bare bottom. "Now this class will NOT affect your regular Moral and Ethical behavior class. This will be a separate grade. Now class is almost over so here is your assignment. I expect it back next friday. And here are your teachers for your electives. Melissa you can go on your own." "Yes mamn." Melissa goes to her Korean class and her dad is there but no one else. "Come here Melissa." She obiediently walks up to him she is still crying lightly. "Did you get any extra?" " No sir it just hurt a lot." "Well everyone will be here soon. Why dont you go sit down." "Mr. Nathaniel could I please stand I'm not sure if I can keep from wiggling." "You better or you will get another paddling." "Yes sir." Melissa sits down and tries not to wiggle. She only does it when he is not looking. After class its time to go home. Melissa's hand dosent leave her bottom the whole time. At home "You have 2 choices sitting on kitchen chair doing homework in level 2 pain-tees or sitting on corner stool bare bottom?" "Pain-tees." "All right go put them and your punishment dress on." "Yes sir." Melissa goes upstairs and puts on the paintees and punishment dress then goes back downstairs. Her dad buttons up her dress and Melissa sits down and does her homework. "Im done daddy." "All right you can go upstairs and change." She does that.

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