Innocentata Medicalos PSI PEN and DOjan: High ranking revenge

Jenny Martin Melissa Donny John Jenn Marie Jeannie Rachael Keri june nadia and all there penny sisters where skimming this years trip to Santa clause. The grownups could tell every time they were near each other by there giggles something was up. But the pennys were really behaving lately and you can't spank the higher rankers so they had to let it go. Besides the pennys will be over Santas lap soon enough.

Though with all the problems Nadia has been having with adult males there was some question as to what she'll be doing with Santa clause.

At nadias house the girls where having fun singing carols while helping mommy cook cookies. "I saw mommy kissing santa clause." Nadia started.

"Underneath the missle toe last night" Mommy joined in.

And they kept singing while making the christmas cookies. (Authors note: sorry I don't know the words)

At bedtime well not exactly. At counseling time for nadia, "mom whats going to happen on Christmas this year. I mean I know I don't get the punishment days but"

"but you don't know what is going to happen. Well corrections and I decided to let you enjoy Christmas this year. But were still having the celebrations here ok."

"OK mommy." Nadia smiled. By now the counseling sessions has become more of a routine and less of a annoyance.

When time came for Santa they got to the line way before anyone showed up. And started the line. The v's that where there friends first then June then Nadia then the pennys. (authors note: according to lurking Dragon nadia is ahead of the hard time Pennys but not the soft timers.) The rest where waiting for the v's to cut in line ahead of June so that they can cut in line in front of the v's. And make them wait for a while.

Then to everyones surprize they saw a 3 year old girl with I's on her wrists coming. She might ruin there plans. So Jenny told Donnny and Melissa to make sure Santa doesn't start doing anything till Jenny and Martin get back.

Jenny and Martin caught up with the little girl and her folks just in time. "Hi Sir ma'am. Can we talk to your daughter pleaze."

"Ah Sure." The mother said. They moved a little away.

"Hi. How come your 3?" Jenny asked really interested in this.

"Well I was convicted of rape a couple of months ago. It end up they mixed up the rape tests results with some other test they where doing on me. I was y-suppressed. But unfornately I'm to young to correct it." She starts to sniffle. "My name is Carla I used to be carlos. What about you two? And whats that with the M."

"My names Jenny." Jenny Looked at Martin. Then looked back at Carla "I was convicted of burgulary of a bank but I was dying at the time of the crime. Actually when I was convicted and sentenced and rejuved I was only about three hours from death if they didn't rejuve me. And they rejuved me again against my will when the disease came was about to kill me again. Were still not sure if I'm going to make it to my next birthday or not."

"Yikes." Carla said. "What about you?" She looked at martin.

"Just the usual. I didn't steal the vase from the museum and the person who did was caught finally. I get to watch him get spanked good." Martin smiled.

They discussed there scemes to Carla who agreed to it cause she got the same treatment from the Vs even now that shes a I. Before they look at her wrists.

Santa clause finally showed up but no signs of the mean v's so they let him take care of John and nadias sisters first. That way the girls don't have to suffer with the other v's. They got to enjoy Santa and then when they were done the regular mean stuck up v's cutted in line and rudely to.

Carla went to the head of the line first. This way the V's don't reconize her. And the first V yelled "get in the back of the line penny were." Not in time to see Carla's I's. "oops." And then Melissa and Donny Joined and then Martin and then Jenny of course.

Carla end up in front of Martin cause of her age. Jenny went up to santa's lap first. "Hello Santa."

"Hi Jenny. Have you been a good girl this year."

"Yes Santa."

Santa whispered this in Jennys ear "Has the disease come back?" Jenny shook her head no.

"Good now what would you like for Christmas?"

Jenny smiled. "A law textbook." That surprized everyone more cause she usually asks for medical stuff. "A map of the Gorowian lost colony. A new helmet."

"Well since your so good I can guarantee those items."

"And kate my older penny sister coming up now."

Santa saw that one coming but he still can't get used to it. "Alright Kate come up here."

All the v's groaned and Jenny could see a couple of v's using there puppy dog eyes at there parents so that they can be taken out. But the parents seem not to want to come again and also rather see whats going on.

Kate Happily though she knew it wouldn't be that long came up to Santa and Jenny got off his lap and Kate got on his lap.

"Have you been a good girl?"

"No santa I have not."

"Well then I'll just take you over my knee. And take down these cute little panties. And spank you. So I can put you on my good list" Which he did. "Ok now that your on my good list what would you like for christmas"

"A Calculator and the walking upgrade to my spanking susie doll."

"Of course you can have both." Then Kate went to her mom.

Nadia noticed Seth coming and then standing at the very last person in line. Then five secs latter another penny regular hard time without blackened Ps butted in front of Seth.

Then it was finally time for Carla to get up there. "Hi Santa."

"Hi whats your name."


"Have you been a good girl."

"Yes Sir."

"What would you like for Christmas."

"A trip to my real parents house. Some video games and since I'm stuck as a girl anyways till I'm six why not a gorgious dress."


"And I want a spanking sammie doll with all the attachments. And I want my penny sister and brother to come up here."

"Alright." Santa thought 'how did I know she was going to say that.' Everyone could tell that the V's weren't the only ones getting annoyed.

Carla's sister and brother came up and got there spanking and asked for what they wanted and Santa said yes.

Then it was martins turn. And then his Penny sister.

Then it was Melissas turn. "Hi Santa."

"Hi young lady whats your name."


"Have you been a good girl."

"Yes Sir."

"What would you like for Christmas?"

"upgrades to amanda my spanking susie doll. a bike. a kitten."

"Well since you been so good you can have the upgrades and the kitten and you can have the bike if you take the saturday safety class."

"Yes Santa. And I want June my soft time penny sister and Nadia to come up."

Santa sighed alone with all the v's. "Alright June and Nadia come up."

June came up and sat on Santa's clause's lap.

"Hi June. Have you been a good girl this year."

"Mostly." Soft timers can get away with that.

"Well I'll just spank that out of you" He pulled up her skirt and hand spanked her fifteen times.

"Ok what would you like for christmas"

"A Martha bell doll (a regular doll that is based on her counterpart on the holovision show) clothes for myself and my dolls."

"Ok you can get those." June left santa and went to Mr. Nathanial.

Nadia didn't look like she was eager to get on his lap. All the girls and her mother and father where trying to get her to go up. Santa knowing whats going on (being told ahead of time.) and seeing Nadias reluctance patted his lap nicely. Nadia got up to Santa slowly.

"Hi nadia. Have you been a good girl this year."

Nadia knew what he wanted to hear but couldn't bring herself up to saying it knowing it involves spanking. "Yes Santa I have."

Santa sighed knowing he had no choice but to let it go. "What would you like for Christmas?"

"Mommy." Which surprized everyone. "Real mommy for at least a month."

When Santa looked at Nadia's mom she shrugged. There was no way of answering that now yes or no. "We'll have to wait and see. Ok."

"Yes Santa." Nadia went to her mom sniffling already.

By this time the V's where all anxious and sorta mad. Then finally DOnny did his thing with asking for his penny sister.

But the big event was when all the V's and the Soft time and regular hard time pennys finished there sessions and Seth got up on Santa's lap. When Santa spanked this time though he started with his hand and then used the helper paddle on Seths bottom. All pennys who have blackened filled Ps get spanked with the helper paddle when over Santa's lap.

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