Dojan and IM: 2nd Christmas

Its Christmas morning and Melissa is the first one up she wakes Keri up and they go downstairs. Sitting on the couch are 3 dolls. Amanda Melissa’s Spanking suzie doll, A doll with a V on the wrists for Keri and a smaller one with an open P for June. Melissa then goes over and looks at her stocking then she hears a “Meow.” “Huh what was that?” Just then June and there parents walk downstairs.

“All right I see you girls found your dolls.” “Meow.” “There it is again.” Melissa walks over near the fireplace and finds a package with air holes in it with her name on it. She opens it and a black kitten with white pays jumps out at her. “A kitten. Thanks mom and dad.” Melissa runs over and gives them a hug. “I’m glad you like the kitten but keep in mind you are responsible for him.” “Yessir.” “Now everyone go grab your stockings.”

The girls walk over and grab there stockings. All 3 of them get the ethical game. There are also video chips and other games. June gets a paddle for herself. “I’m sorry June but you will need this on Easter.” “Yes daddy.” “Melissa and Keri there is something’ is sitting on the back porch for you 2.” Both girls run out back and find 2 bikes and helmets The bikes and helmets are already fit to them.

“Girls its time to open the other presents.” The girls go back in and hug there mom and dad. “Thankyou Mom and Dad.” “Your welcome girls now of course you two have to go to the safety class now.” “Yessir.”

Melissa gets bigger Pain-tees. Keri and Nadia get hairbrushes for there spanking Suzy dolls. “Here you go June” June opens it to find a couple of dresses. “Thankyou. Mom and Dad.” “Now why do not you three play then after lunch we have to travel to Melissa and Keri’s real parents house.” “Yessir.”

The girls check out there spanking suzie dolls. All 3 of them pretty much have ALL the attachments. At 10 am. “All right girls go upstairs and pack some things to keep yourselves busy.” “Yessir.” The girls go upstairs and Melissa and Keri put school stuff into there bags in order to keep busy and a couple of games. “Hey Keri you want to sit next to each other so we can play?” “Sure if dad will let us.” “Girls put 2 changes of clothes in there also.” “Yessir.” June is walked next door to Nadia’ carrying her spanking Suzy doll and kittens. They all go out to the car. “Dad would it be to much to request that you quiz us on our Korean?” “Sure.” Then they go pick jenny up.

During the ride they work on there Korean. Its a pretty long drive during the drive

~"Mom I know your supposed to make what little life I have left the least miserable as possible but don't you think you got me to much presents." Jenny said while mom was sitting on her suitcase trying to close it with all the presents.

"This is supposed to be a good Christmas for you"

"Yeah but you could have at least sent some of the presents ahead of me."

"I did the stuff you wouldn't be able to carry I sent ahead."

"Ahha." Jenny walked out of the room carrying a smaller bag full of clothes just in time for mom to finish closing her suitcase.

Kate Hugged Jenny. "Have a great Christmas."

"Have a good one to." Jenny said knowing it probably won't happen.

Jenny went downstairs and to the car with mom following with the suitcase. Mr. Nathaniel found room in the truck to put the everything in there. Jenny kept the bag with her that kept her medical books and all necessities to write in the car.

Since Melissa’s and Keri's real parents live next door to Mark and BJ and they were going to there parents for Christmas Jenny was joining them instead of taking the train like she usually does.

When they got to Mark and BJ's house Jenny took out her bag. Then Mr. Nathaniel came out of the car and took out the suitcase its to heavy for Jenny to carry.

"Now remember no mentioning.."

"who they really are I know."

"Just don't say anything. It would be easier."

"Yes ma'am." He said sarcastically.

Jenny went inside with him and he put the suitcase next to the tree and then went next door.

Mark and BJ and Jenny went up to BJ's room to get settled in. And before long they started playing board games.

"I can't wait to see what Santa brings us this year?" BJ Said.

"You still believe in Santa Clause?" Jenny sort of asked.

"Nah just dad likes to put on the Santa suit and bring us presents. We figured out who it was a long time ago." Mark said.

"But we like to pretend his really Santa clause. What about you?"

"I stopped believing in a lot of things. I wish I could believe in Santa." Jenny thought back.

"Well maybe we can get you to believe again."

"Thanks." Jenny lost the game on purpose.

Then BJ's mom called them down.

They all went to the kitchen to find out we're going out for dinner. On Christmas it will be busy but why not try anyways.

~When they got to there parents/grandparents house there brother and sister Amanda who is 10 and John who are 11. and are BJ (Beverly Jean) and Mark’s best friends. When they get there there a a bunch of presents under the tree for them and they have presents for the 2 children and there grandparents.

“Hello girls you remember Amanda and John?” “Hi guys. It’s been 15 months. How you been?” “Pretty good you two.” “Its been so-so. We got a soft-time penny living with us. It’s interesting having her around. But she got beat up pretty bad a couple of weeks ago by a Voluntaries. It was pretty bad.” “All right kids lets open presents then u guys can play.” Melissa and Keri get more outfits and new gear and a toebok each. They gave Amanda a couple of dresses and John a remote control hovercar.

They play for while then around 5 The 4 parents and 4 kids get into a car and meet up with jenny, bj, mark and there parents go out to supper. It seems it was planned for the for the 6 adults and 7 kids to go out to supper. They go to a fancy restaurant that actually has a decent children’s menu. then they go home and Melissa and Keri go to bed in the guest room next to Amanda’s room. A little later Amanda and John go to bed.

The next morning they eat breakfast and then Jenny, BJ, and Mark show up. “Hey let’s go to the park down the street.” “That sounds good.” “Melissa take your phone.” Melissa grabs her fairy jenny phone. They go to the park and they have a great time and Melissa and Jenny do not abuse there privileges. It was fun playing with kids there own age without the threat of a spanking to there playmates. The games were fun and they had fun at noon Melissa’s phone rings and she answers it. “Hello.” “Melissa come home we have supper prepared for you kids.” “Jenny, BJ and Mark too?” “Yes all of you.” “Guys its time to head back.” They head back to Amanda’s house.

When they get there there is a BBQ set up and there was many BBQ food. “Eat up. There is more than enough.” All the kids pig out then an hour later. “Do u guys want to go swimming?” “Yeah.” “Well get u guys suits from storage.”

They all go swimming. They swim for a couple hours. Then at supper time they go to Chuckie Cheese’s. They kids love it they get lots of toys. Then the kids go home. But 1st Melissa’s dad makes an announcement. “Kids listen up Melissa, Keri, and Jenny. Melissa and Keri’s parents are black belts at a studio near bye and BJ, Mark, Amanda and John train there. The 4 of us have been invited to join them tomorrow morning and evening for class.” “Yeah.” “Lets go home.” That’s when they head home.

The next morning everyone gets up and gets dressed and eat breakfast then they go to class the girls meet a bunch of new friends. After class they go to an amusement park and spend the day. Then that evening a little while after supper they go to class and they get to spare (contact fighting). After class they say a tearful goodbye. “All right Jenny we are leaving a little while after breakfast so be ready bye 10 please.” “Yes sir.”

They head Home. The next morning they get up and pack there gifts. Then they put the stuff in the car and help Jenny get her stuff. On the way home the girls proactice there math and Jenny writes a story.

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