PSI PEN and Dojan: Thanksgiving

Not all Penitatas (pennys) are assigned Thanksgiving. As a matter of fact I was assigned Thankgiving but as long as I'm with my new family as a Psycholos Penny I will not have thanksgiving at all not even when I'm 7. But Daddy and the corrections board decided I should enjoy watching the little pennys get it especially hank my x father and Seth. Mommy was still trying to settle all the family problems. All we know is that the family has gone histerical. And even though the emergency is done the emotional problems are still there.

So while every really bad pennys were not wanting to wake up this morning I was up and ready before daddy even came to my room.

"Martha did tell me your an early raiser. I see your excited about Thanksgiving. Want to help me wake up all our little girls."

"Sure daddy." The girls didn't have to wake up early for school cause the holidays already started. Besides most pennys are going to the festivals even those who don't have Thanksgiving as a special punishment days. THey just going to watch.

So I went to Marie and Jeannies room while daddy went upstairs and woke up Rachael and Jenn. I was still not allowed to go to the third floor especially after that little incident with me climbing up the stairs. Dad and mom did say that from now on if I wanted to go upstairs they'd have to carry me up there and back down there but it will be allowed. As long as Mom and dad are there.

After dad woke up the girls we went downstairs and he let me help set up the table which lately isn't my responsiblity. Only happens when mom or dad let me. I guess thats a good thing but I like helping. When the girls where ready and came down we all ate breakfest at the table talking.

"So what are you girls doing today?"

"Well we kinda were hoping to go with you to see the festivities to." Rachael said. "We kind of want to see Hank get spanked to. Especially after what he did."


Lunch which all the girls enjoyed but most pennys today would dread. The food was pretty good today. Well most days it seems its good. My guess is they are trying to get me to gain weight or at least stop losing. Before mom left I was being weighed every other week.

All six of us went to the hoovercar and sat in I was put in the back in a childs seat. But that wasn't bad. Although most non participant hard time pennys where wearing a golden embroiled P on there outfit I didn't have to worry my PSI keeps me out of the problem of telling the participants from the watchers. All the officials know about me and enough to know I won't be particant till I am a penny again maybe.

We all managed to get a seat 5 minutes before the festivities start. We sat next to Melissa and Keri and June and there parents. SO we all get to watch the festivities together. I think Master. Nathanial wanted to see Hank get it more then anyone else cause Hank did something no parent for pennys and non pennys including kidern would do against there kids. And that ruined the reputations of all parents and made me have a hard time even letting him even talk to me without crying. I'm fine now but it took a while. Durning that time I was just watching the excercises and workout cause I was still healing. It still was pretty hard. I think he wants to see Hank get it more then anyone even me.

Finally the mothers where leading there bad bad pennys into the grounds and to the picnic tables. I spotted Hank and Seth. They looked a bit young. But no one could deny they deserved what there about to get and already got. All the parents were sitting alternatively in and out of the picnic tables. Hank and Seth where easy to see. They both where face front. Well bottoms front. Giggling to myself. There bottoms were a bit pink from morning spankings. The mommies put down there chosen hairbrushes and undressed there charges bottoms. I was jumping in excitment but not enough to be noticed.

Corrections board officials started handing out switches. I think Hank and Seths mom got the smallest of all the switches given out. Obviously cause of there ages. But my guess is the sting still is felt no matter how small the switches are compared to there ages. They'll be switched half there ages in months. I kinda felt sorry for the older ones. Especially the 12 year olds. But not for or ever for Seth or Hank they both deserve what there getting.

The mothers started switching there children throughly. Although I looked around to see the other kids I paid the most attention to Seth and Hank. And enjoyed them the most

Seth's mom finished first and then picked up her brush and started spanking Seth with the hairbrush. Then Hank and then the rest of the pennys one by one by age. All the pennys where crying hard under there mommies spanks. I was just glad I wasn't getting spanked or in this Thanksgiving part. Watching this just made me hope more then hope that I never get Thanksgiving as a special punishment day. If I have to pray for soft timer even.

FInally after what seemed especially to the pennys to be a eturnity the moms set there kids on there feet got up and then planted their naughty little kids onto the hard wooden bench. On their bare, welted, thoroughly red and sore little bottoms. Where each child then placed their hands on their heads, lifted their feet well clear of the ground (extra spanks if your feet touched the ground!!) and proceeded to cry out their time out.

This I really enjoyed cause Hank and Seth spied me watching and couldn't do anything about it. And they knew it.

While we were watching there 30 minute time out I talked with Melissa and keri and june.

"So how come you guys came here?"

"Dad said it would be a good lesson besides I want to watch them get it to." Melissa giggled. I did to.

"They definately deserve it. I'm enjoying Seths and Hanks the most."

"We are to," Mr. Nathanial popped in. "I'm glad your enjoying this."

"Thank you Sir."

FInally after half an hour worth of talking it was time for the kids next punishment. The Corrections Board had set up ten pillorys along one side of the square, in four different child-sizes. They were very authentic, although the representative of the Historical Society said that the leather-covered bar set to lift the naughty little Penitatas bottom up for a whipping was not historically correct.

Seth and Hank were fastened into there small pillers and there bottoms where pushed straight up. Then finally two professional punishers from corrections came next to Hank and Seth and more and more punishers to all the 8 left pennys. Seth and Hank got female punishers. A man or woman weilding a leather harness strap. A large, heavy strap, a full 10 cm wide and a half meter long. Boy I was glad I wasn't a participant. Though I got to admit the pillers fastenated me. I read about them in history class. Of course they definately where not historically correct.

I watched as Seth and Hank get 10 really painful straps landing on there sore sore bottom. And they all cried.

Then they were let out and given to the custody of there fathers and there painful paddles. THey were escorted back to the spanking benches where they were bent over the hard wood for there next spankings. And the daddies spanked there children with the paddle. All the same amount as there initial switching. All of them earning these.

THen they were seated on there sore bottoms for a longer time out. And the benches filled fast.

Then we all sat on the benches ourselves to eat while the participants had to watch. When I requested a slice of turkey one of the officials grabed me and turned me around. I raised my hands to them just in time for them to realize that I'm not a participant and want dinner.

Sad part is the guy didn't even apology for confusing me with a participant. I ate a athentic Thanksgiving dinner with pennys crying and others talking.

Then we all gone back to our seats and the pennys were put back on the pillors. But before that they where stripped naked as the day they were born. And strapped again 20 times this time. Then it finally ended But there time outs where the last thing to happen this time into stocks (twenty stocks) And released only when 2 groups finished there strappings.

After all of them went home daddy took us home.

At bathtime I was enjoying the bubbles. Daddy and mommy agreed to let me have bubble baths as long as I'm with them. "Daddy."

"Yes hun." Daddy said washing me slowly.

"DO you believe in the old saying 'time heals all wounds'?"

"Sure hun why?"

"Just thinking maybe after a while I might not hate Hank so much anymore."

"What Hank did to you was unexusable but I think in a while you'll get to accept him. As far as hating him maybe that would go down. We'll just have to wait and see"

"Yes daddy."

I think that was our counseling session that night cause daddy just let me stay up and watch holovision till 8 my bedtime.

And that ended my first Thanksgiving as any penny.

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