Dedicated to my very first Sheltie..........

Reign & Hail
Sheltie Rescue of PA



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The Pink Puppy
Originally from Michigan. This is where it all began, Still owned and operated by my mother - Carolyn Hamilton







A Rescue Dog's Creed

1.  My life is likely to last 10 -15 yrs.  Any permanent separation from you will be painful for me.  Remember that before you obtain me.

2.  Do not break my spirit with harsh treatment.  Your patience and understanding will more quickly teach me the things you would have me learn.

3.  Teach me how you want me to behave.  I want to please you,  but I need to know how.  It's critical for my well-being.

4.  Don't be angry with me for long, and do not lock me up as a punishment.  You have your work, your entertainment and your friends.  I only have you and I like being with you.

5.  Talk to me.  Even if I don't understand your words, I understand the tone of your voice when you are speaking to me, especially when you use friendly tones.

6.  Be aware that I am normally a social animal; however, I need to make positive associations at a young age to feel confident and well-adjusted around other dogs and humans.

7.  Remember I need activity, both mental and physical.  I enjoy playing games, taking walks and going on a run.

8.  Before you scold me for being uncooperative, obstinate or lazy, ask yourself if something may be bothering me.  Perhaps I am not getting the right food.  I may be bored.  I may need medical attention or I may be getting old.   Keep in mind I respond very well to praise and attention.

9.  Take care of me when I get old;  you , too, will grown old.

10.  Remember that I only want to love and please you, so treat me kindly.  No heart is more grateful.

(From - Choosing & Caring for a Shelter Dog - A complete guide to help you rescue and rehome a dog - by Bob Christiansen)

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