Reed's Armory

A Malcolm Reed Fanfiction Archive


In association with the Reed's Armory Yahoo Group


Stories by

Taryn Eve__A - F__G - P__Q - Z

Taryn Eve Titles A - F

Title: A Penny Saved
Author: Taryn Eve
Rating: PG
Category: Gen
Summary: Lieutenant Reed comes to the rescue when Captain Archer faces an old nemesis.


Title: Action Figures
Author: Taryn Eve
Rating: R
Category: Slash (m/m)
Codes: Sato, Tucker/Reed
Summary: Hoshi borrows some props from the guys to teach an alien how humans play nice.


Title: Amsterdam
Author: Taryn Eve
Rating: R
Category: Slash, (m/m)
Code: Archer/Reed, Reed/Other
Summary: Malcolm's last day in Amsterdam leads to his current posting on Enterprise.


Title: Apocalypse Tomorrow!
Author: Taryn Eve
Rating: R
Category: Slash, (m/m)
Code: Archer/Reed
Summary: Malcolm Reed journeys up the 'hole of darkness' for a very special mission.


Title: Blackberries
Author: Taryn Eve
Rating: PG-13
Category: Slash m/m
Codes: Tucker/Reed
Warning: Main character death fic.
Summary: Trip tastes love when Malcolm reaches the stars.


Title: Confusion
Author: Taryn Eve
Rating: PG-13
Category: Het
Pairing: Reed/Sato
Summary: Hoshi has a headache. Reed stops dreaming. T'Pol is not irritated. Not at all. The Vulcans had Fusion, meres humans get Confusion.


Title: Direct Hit
Author: Taryn Eve
Rating: NC-17
Category: Het
Pairing: Reed/Sato
Summary: A whole new side to Reed emerges as he discovers the danger of trusting someone--himself.


Title: Double-Crossed
Author: Taryn Eve
Rating: R
Category: Het
Pairing: Reed/Sato
Spoilers: The Crossing, Shockwave II
Summary: Lt. Reed deals with the aftermath of being possessed in The Crossing.


Title: Eden's Serpent
Author: Taryn Eve
Rating: PG
Category: General
Series: Mythology
Summary: A character study of Malcolm Reed.


Title: Escape Plan Beta
Author: Taryn Eve
Rating: PG
Category: General
Spoilers: Broken Bow, Shuttlepod One, Silent Enemy
Summary: "I have fleas. This isn't what I had in mind when the Captain asked if I wanted to go on a first contact mission." Reed & Sato are hostages of an alien in a cave.


Title: Ever
Author: Taryn Eve
Rating: R
Category: Slash (m/m)
Pairing: Reed/Daniels
Summary: Daniels is caught in the moment.


Taryn Eve Titles G - P

Title: God's Hammer
Author: Taryn Eve
Rating: NC-17
Category: Slash (m/m/f)
Pairing: Tucker/Reed/Sato
Series: Trip's Toolbox
Sequel to: Knowing the Drill
Warning: Adult situations and violence, bisexual love triangle
Summary: Hoshi, Tucker, and Malcolm are caught between a hammer and a hard place as the Torman revolution continues. Story #4 in the Trip's Toolbox series.


Title: Is That a Phase Pistol in Your Pocket, Or Are You Just Happy to See Me?
Author: Taryn Eve
Rating: R
Category: Het
Pairing: Reed/Sato
Summary: Malcolm goes shopping.


Title: Ithaca
Author: Taryn Eve
Rating: PG-13
Category: Slash (m/m)
Pairing: Archer/Reed
Series: Mythology
Spoilers: Minefield
Summary: Archer returns to Reed after a long odyssey.


Title: Knowing the Drill
Author: Taryn Eve
Rating: NC-17
Category: Slash (m/m/f)
Series: Trip's Toolbox, 3/6
Sequel to: Screwdriver
Pairing: Tucker/Other, Tucker/Sato, Reed/Sato
Warning: Explicit sex. In a harem.
Summary: Hoshi is in a harem, Malcolm is undercover, and Trip is juggling drills as an alien continues his rebellion against a prince.


Title: Monkey Wrench
Author: Taryn Eve
Rating: NC-17.
Category: Het (some slash)
Pairing: Tucker/Sato, Reed
Series: Trip's Toolbox
Warnings: BDSM
Summary: Things go boom in the night when Trip tries to bring some sparks back to his relationship with Hoshi.


Title: Nailed
Author: Taryn Eve
Rating: NC-17
Category: Slash (m/m/f)
Pairing: Tucker/Reed/Sato
Series: Trip's Toolbox
Sequel to: God's Hammer
Warnings: BDSM, bisexual love triangle
Summary: Malcolm's nailgun is running on empty as the Toolbox series continues.


Title: Pandora's Hawk
Author: Taryn Eve
Rating: PG
Category: Gen
Series: Mythology
Sequel to: Eden's Serpent
Summary: Reed has to leave the Armory behind when the ship is evacuated.


Title: Prometheus
Author: Taryn Eve
Rating: R
Category: Slash (m/m)
Pairing: Archer/Reed
Series: Mythology
Summary: Reed gives his lover the gift of fire.


Taryn Eve Titles Q - Z

Title: Red Velvet
Author: Taryn Eve
Rating: PG-13
Category: Slash (m/m)
Pairing: Tucker/Reed
Summary: Trip catches Malcolm with a large slice of cake, and it isn't pineapple.


Title: Reed Alert
Author: Taryn Eve
Rating: PG
Category: Het
Pairing: Reed/Sato
Spoilers: Singularity
Summary: Malcolm unexpectedly keeps Hoshi busy in the aftermath of Singularity.


Title: Rook
Author: Taryn Eve
Rating: R
Category: Slash (m/m)
Pairing: Archer/Reed
Summary: Archer and Reed try to figure out their checkmated relationship as a visiting prince tries to manipulate both of them.


Title: Screwdriver
Author: Taryn Eve
Rating: NC-17
Category: Slash (m/m/f)
Pairing: Tucker/Reed/Sato
Series: Trip's Toolbox
Sequel to: Monkey Wrench
Warning: BDSM and a bisexual love triangle m/m/f.
Summary: Trip is missing, Hoshi is falling apart, and Malcolm is struggling to pick up all the pieces with the help of a single screwdriver.


Title: Spiral
Author: Taryn Eve
Rating: R
Category: Gen
Characters: Reed, T'Pol, Archer
Warnings: Violence, Assault, Adult themes.
Summary: On a Vulcan colony world, Reed delves into the mind of a killer--and may not escape from it.


Title: Technobabble
Author: Taryn Eve
Rating: NC-17
Category: Slash (m/m/f)
Characters: Tucker/Reed/Sato
Series: Trip's Toolbox
Sequel to: Nailed
Warnings: BDSM, graphic sex and violence (some death)
Summary: Trip reaches deep into his arsenal to try to save himself, Hoshi, Malcolm and Enterprise as the Toolbox series concludes.


Title: Watchdogs
Author: Taryn Eve
Rating: G
Category: Gen
Spoilers: Broken Bow, Vox Sola
Summary: Someone finally notices that the shortest memeber of the crew has pretty good internal sensors.




Warning: Some of the stories contain adult and/or slash content. Please read the warnings in the stories.



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Reed's Armory Copyright © 2003

Disclaimer: Enterprise is the property of Paramount/Viacom. These are works of fanfiction.
Updated October 13, 2003


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