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The Sands!

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When man first came to Pern, he did not know about Thread. Soon enough, he found out about it. That first Fall was, to put it bluntly, horrific.

But humans are an inventive, innovative, courageous breed as a whole. These humans, trapped on a new world with a threat that could consume them all, did not give up. They bioengineered a creature to burn the ravening Threads from the sky. Dragons ... great winged creatures in shimmering shades of gold and bronze and brown and blue and green.

The experiment was a success. The dragons burned Thread from the sky and bred true. A little over forty Turns later, the Fall ended, and all Pern rejoiced. But they knew Thread would be back. They knew they had to make sure no one ever forgot the danger.

Dragons thrived and increased in numbers. Another Pass occurred, and once again dragons performed the task they were engineered to do. Then another Interval. During this Interval, a unique problem began to occur. The six Northern Weyrs were beginning to overfill. It was decided to establish a Hold and a Weyr in the South. Work on the Weyr began in 515.

After Turnover of Turn 527, the Weyr is finally declared marginally liveable. Several queens are been asked to transfer in. The eldest, Oroma, took charge as Weyrwoman, a post confirmed shortly after when her gold rises in Month 4. She and the other goldriders had their hands full working to complete the Weyr.

Tragedy struck in Month 8 of 529. Oroma was leading the Queen's Wing in
flamethrower drills when her flamethrower exploded. Oroma was badly burned, and died two days later. Her gold, Marketh, went /between/ forever. Rebayo, as the next most senior, took charge, but her post is far from secure. Her Osvadth and her rival's gold are due to rise fairly close together, and no one knows for sure which will take the title of Weyrwoman.

To add to the tension, it was discovered that Oroma's flamethrower had been sabotaged. Suspicion is rife, fingers are being pointed ... and everyone is blaming everyone else for killing the Weyrwoman.
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