Very Old Page... Started in 1997-98 and updated from time to time.

I do linguistic and decipher old languages. The Bible is one of the books I get into. It's metaphoric language, similar to Chinese, Greek and most other old languages. I kept asking the same questions:



To understand this, you have to convert things into the metaphor of the time. At the time that Revaluations was written, they didn't use the decimal system. They used Roman Numerals.

I've edited out some things that were timed based because so many of the links no longer exist.

To understand what a Burning Bush is, get a bush, either rabbit brush or sage, make a big clearing... in Eastern Washing ton there are some dry lakes or a beach is good. Then make sure it is dry and burn it. There is a sound and a sight that will trigger something in your mind.

The number 666 is converted to Roman below. Revelations was written during a time when this is the number system they used. So how do you count your change. People don't do this now, but before automatic cashiers, we said the price, then added the change until the amount came back to the original amount paid. So if you are given a $20 got an item that cost $3.50, you would say: 3-50, add a quarter, say 3-75, add another quarter, say 4, add a dollar, say 5, add a 5 and say 10 and a 10 and say 20. This is who money was always counted until computers. You count 3-50, 3-75,4, 10, 20. This is what 666 is about. On your forehead - to think about money or in your palm - too manage money. John Connors is good to leave Microsoft's position as CFO.

I believe the concept of an angel is a metaphor for a higher power that flies. This is a picture of a Greek Angel.

This is one of the more interesting paradoxes in Greek Mythology. Hade is the God of the Underworld, where most people go when they die. But Thanotos, has wings and it would seem that he would fly people away when they die. This is similar to the Angels that take humans into the Heavens. If you do a search on this Greek god's name in Google you get some very interesting links.

In AI, we have an interesting sentence that can be convoluted, used to explain the problems of language and it's translation.

"I say the Golden Gates Bridge flying to San Francisco."


"I saw that gas can explode."

Think about it. So if you are from a land where their are not planes, How would you describe something flying in the sky? Well, in Chinese, there are character that represent the wings of a bird and they are used in a lot of different ways. This is simple Chinese and much easier to explain what the language is like and relate it to the language in Greek mythology and the Bible.

Airplane - Flying Machine

  1. The top line is used in this context as Sky, Heaven or above - not on the ground/earth. The downward character with the upward swing is a moving thing and the two "V" shaped things are wings, denoting a flying object, might even be like a mosquito.

  2. This is made of two characters. a) Tree, b) This is tough. It's sometimes a table, desk, etc. I've always taken the curve front leg to infer moveable. With a tree, the strongest building material after stone, when these character were formed, infers a very sturdy and movable surface. This might be more similar to the word platform in English.

The Chinese seem to have as little idea about the roots and etymology in their language as young Westerns do English, German, French, Hebrew, Arabic, etc. I can understand this because I became a rancher, cooked on wood stove, raised my own animals and butchered them. I've grown gardens and planted fields. I lived at 4,500 feet in Sprague River Or. This is the only way a person can understand these old languages. I just see it.


Google says these words mean this:

Spurts, is mad and machine or Tree and table with table being a platform that can move.
  1. Spurt is a hole, which is sprouting (not the grass on the top of the left) and under the sprout we have something under pressure.

  2. I'm not too sure hiw they got the second one. The typical character is a female figure, with a fisted hand over a heart. Slave of love. Perhaps due to the current social changes in how women are viewed even in China, this is no longer use very much, especially in technical context.

  3. This is the same as in the ones above.

This is the other way to write Jet

  1. The first character is the same as the one above.

  2. The second it a heart at the bottom and with slave, a women being beaten at the top. The character means rage, mad or anger. The one in the prior character, is a hand holding down something like a stick or even the sky, which is on the top of something that looks like pure flying bird in the first one with out any wings. Perhaps flying off the top and keeping it in check is the new character's meaning.


  1. Fire, which is like a tree without a trunk or twigs or stacked branches - teepee style, wood that is burning

  2. arrow in this context = sheep horns over flesh and knife with bamboo at the top.

If you know what Bamboo looks like you will notice the feather in the character. I also imagine that if you filled a hollowed out piece of bamboo, put at the top the horn of a sheep and filed it with gun powder, it could make a very deadly weapon that could cut flesh like a knife.

Consider this part in the Bible about a Ram and Goat and horns.

We really don't understand our own Genesis here on earth. This is because the old records, like old computer records, are no longer decipherable because of cultural and social changes. Because of this, we are DOOMED to repeat history yet again.

Here is my favorite by Leonardo Da Vinci from his Bestiary Physiologus:

1222 which adds to 7


We read of the beaver that when it is pursued, know that it is for the virtue in his medical testicles and not able to escape, it stops; and to be at peace with the pursuers, it bites off its testicles with it's sharp teat, and leaves them to its enemies.

This has to be deciphered because it is pure metaphor. Beavers are builders. You can't pursue them because the areas where they live are impassible due to the unused debris. But we do have a que here in our own colloquialism: eager beaver.

Leonardo was in fact a beaver. So what does this metaphor mean? We have been breeding humans since the beginning of time. Usually the smartest to the smartest, strongest to the strongest, and so on. In Greece it wasn't uncommon for a bastard to end up on the throne. And in the Bible, most powerful men had more than one wife. In modern times, the government took it up. From 1938 on the race was on using:

  1. Artificial insemination
  2. in vitro fertilization
  3. chromosome splicing
  4. gene manipulation - genome project.
  5. now we have cloning

All the moral and ethical issue are now gone, but I can assure you that we have been cloning people for quite some time now. You just don't know it. Problem is, that even if someone does have a really smart father, there is no telling if the family they are born into will be able to shape their intellect in the same way. So...

This is one of the first publication on what was pegged eugenics.

Inquiries into Human Faculty and its Development
Francis Galton, 1883



Remember to play in this game, you have to follow the chain links, analyze the graphics and know the themes and lyrics. :-) (Patterns are very important)

The Mark of the BEAST In Roman Numerals:

DC + LX + VI = 600 + 60 + 6 = 666

The Count Down! DCLXVI... :-)

How do you count your change? :-)

Ride the WAVE. Watch that Stock Ticker.
And be so MARKED!

Best On The Street Analysis

And the Angels Sing

Oprah had a show with all these little boy genius and I had to ask, were are the girl. There are just as many girl geniuses and boy. Yet Oprah didn't have a single one. Bill Gates has passed off my intellectual property as his for years. It's just plane sick. The school I went to had 48 kids in a class. Why if I could learn in that class can children not learn in smaller classes? I was poor and yet I'm smarter than Gates to the point that he is willing to suck my mind and rip me off to look smarter himself. :-) His own educational proposals are based on my proposal. Gregory R. Smith--11 year old genius--has it down.  All you need to do is double the wage for the teachers.

The problem isn't class size, it's low wages. Reducing class size won't recruit better teachers. You need to review the Hawthorn Study--1924--Western Electric. Now what did we learn? "Curiously, the performance of a select group of employees tended to improve no matter how the physical surroundings were manipulated." Teachers who are under paid don't pay attention to their students. Students who get NO attention don't learn. Q: Attention.

I worked my way through college on $320 a month child support with three children and my work study. I graduated with honors only to be destroyed by Mr. Microsoft--Bill Gates--who attacked me like I was IBM even though I was trying to recover from the injuries I received on the job at his company. He thought he could kill me and then when I didn't die, he started to think about it.

What makes me able to fight back when I am living on poverty's edge... $550 a month and now disabled? Got a guilty conscience Bill. I bet. :-) All he does now is interfere with my ability to get a powered wheelchair so he can keep me confined and off the street? That's OK. I saved a long time to get an electronic muscle stimulator and it's working. I'll be back on the street one way or the other.

Gates can't understand how a poor person got so smart. I can't believe someone so stupid got so wealthy. There should be a law. LOL

BTW, I have a real problem with people learning using only computers. Groups and team work. That is 4 people getting credit for one persons talents. Gates is supporting this? Are you out of your mind? Bill you are interfering with natural selection. We need stupid people to die out.  They over consume and generate worthless trash. All they want to do is fight and have sex---reproduce.  (I'm talking about in the USA.) You aren't very intelligent at all - but you are smart as a wip. Ouch! Let them die out.

What made me learn better? Stress. I learn more when I'm under stress. Poverty is very good motivation to learning. It's survival stress. And other things can happen as well, like regeneration of tissue.

Here is a real clueless idiot. When I read this crap I decided to check him out! He has a Microsoft E-mail address: [email protected]. I now have a very good reason NOT to go to What you read there is nothing more than Bill Gates' glamour boys. I hardly consider gamblers a good indication of what the economy is doing. Nor do I take advice from someone who frequents such places. Just because boys are spending money, doesn't mean women are and women do 80% of the buying in this country. What an idiot!

In Europe, Hoof and Mouth disease or "Foot and Mouth disease" which his what the media is calling it (when did the name get changed--get a Q people--this only effects hoofed animals and so it was named Hoof and Mouth),  with an estimated plus million head of sheep and cattle to be killed will hurt the stock Market in the US. If even ONE of these diseased animals gets into the US we are looking at a major problem. The E-coli problem was nothing compared to this.

Hoof and Mouth -- California Feb. 1924

People aren't going to England and the tourist trade there is hurting. Check out the came move on Hoof and Mouth. These things tend to spread out that way. Now the ranchers are threatening to rebel against the slaughter. Now this is really getting interesting and will most definitely be played out in the media. I use to be a rancher and know exactly what these people are think. It could get very ugly. This is a decease that is caused from over population of animals and an increase in temperature. Get use to it.  The same things are now happening to humans. So what about Mad Cow disease.

Hoof and Mouth Disease in Iraq -- Feb. 1999 -- what goes around comes around.
Perhaps the media is using a different name so you can't find the truth on the Internet? With this rampant in Iraq, could this be a terrorist act? It's certainly hitting Mc Donnalds. I couldn't understand why they were calling it foot and mouth disease until I found the stuff about the
US military anthrax shots.

When I make a stock analysis, I don't use math or charts. I talk to people working in the company. So a few years ago Microsoft started this rampant building here. It made them look like they were growing. Know Bill Gates in a more personal way, I had a clue what he was doing. So I found out from contractors that they were putting things in the windows of empty offices to make them look occupied.

Bill Gates is a Shrew.  He had to put his cash somewhere so that is what he did. He put it into real-estate. He started doing this in 1993. I remember being totally shocked when I had a meeting there with Intel engineers and saw all the empty offices in building 6 which housed their multimedia department.

The reason Microsoft claimed they couldn't produce sales reports in their antitrust case is that they have NO clue what they are doing there. Their numbers have always been made up. Gates is very amazing about such stuff. For a computer company they had the worse tracking system I've ever seen and because they are using their OWN software, it's really messed up. Gates' way of looking at it is this: If we make our financial reports really complex and don't keep records, they will not be able to figure it out and come after us. This method of covering ones tracks is used all over. 

So the best way to NOT pick a company is to look at their 10Q and 10K reports. When you compare Warren Buffett's company and Microsoft's you can really see this. You don't have to read it.  Just look at the number of bytes the file is. It's all about human behavior. Microsoft's 10K was about 5 times the size of Berkshire Hathaway. Microsoft's tracking system is so bad that they have literally brought piracy cases against OEMs that were never billed! Microsoft legal couldn't keep up with the contracts requested. They were just these stacks of paper no one would deal with. They just back logged the companies they didn't know and only dealt with who they recognized, like Dell, Compaq and HP. The Sales People would be sent letters of intent, giving the OEMs the right to duplicate the software and print manuals and they never receive the contract with the fee. It was a real big problem between the sales and legal department. I imagine that all fast growth companies have this problem.

"There is no logic to human behavior." And if you try to use logic to analyze humans you will fail. You can only do what I and Bill Gates do to be successful. The only reason I don't have a job is because I don't want to work for someone. I like doing research.  So I do what I like and you support me. I give you something back by publishing my research. I knew the e-commerce was going to fail because I kept asking women what they thought about the Internet and it was always negative--mostly because males were designing the web sites to their taste not the women--women buy 80% of everything sold so it was going to fail. 

Women are way over worked--a fact that is related to discrimination. One of the side effects to discrimination is that when things get bad women react very quickly. The world population has more than doubled in my lifetime.  

One thing men don't understand about women is that they will spend more to have a convenience.  Free time is a major issue for women! We also don't like spending money on things we don't want.  These portholes that are cluttered and hard to read I won't use. There is a reason why women go to gourmet shops even when it cost more.  

In the 50s you could buy music on a 45 single. It had two songs. Our record players had a mechanism that allowed you to stack these babies on top of each other and it played for about as long as a CD does now. Kids should be upset with record companies because they don't have a convenience we had in the 50s because of greedy record companies. These record companies don't want Napster because they aren't making any money. Well they aren't spending any either.  NO production cost and they aren't paying for adds either.  What do these people want?  Well, they want what Mr. Gates had--virtual reality! Money for nothing.

On the Desktop III military contract Microsoft had Win 2.11.  I thought this odd until I analyzed Bill Gates' thinking at the time--1990.  Windows 3.0 was already on the market but instead of putting it on the military contract, they had me calling the military with this wonderful upgrade offer of $50.  So Microsoft OEMed the old version to the military, and everyone else in the government, knowing they would buy the newer version of Win 3.0 for $50 directly from them because Win 2.11 was way more buggy.  Microsoft made jokes about how stupid the military was. Upgrades were just floppy disk.  One set of floppies or now one DC could upgrade hundreds of computers at $50 a piece. They just sold one set of disk and these licensee for about 100 people.

Microsoft did the same thing with corporations too. They OEMed the older version on cheap hardware contract and then coerced them to upgrade directly from them. It was sheer genius on Gates' part and it's why he so intrigues me. But then I was told that Steve Ballmer was the one doing this now. Now I'm very curious!  Will the REEL Bill Gates please stand up! It was your taxes that made him so wealthy. I know that it was Gates in the beginning. Now I think it's Ballmer trying to copy Gates. He doesn't understand the need to change strategies. Like I said Ballmer, I come at $1,000 and hour. You seem to need a witch really badly now.

What a racket. Now that people are NOT upgrading, they are trying to give it away for free download--mostly fixes to bug in their software. They know if people have problems downloading their free software, they will by it on CD for close to $8. Is Microsoft crapping out your download so you will buy the CD? YES! With an installed base of 80 million or more, and a profit of about $7 a CD they only need a small number of people to pay to rake in huge profits. CDs are so cheap to make that it's almost all profit. Makes me wonder about the music CDs. They shouldn't be more than about $4 but cost about $15-18.

One of the things I learned in college was about the maintenance path. Most computer companies make their money off of upgrades and bug fixes.  As more and more people have stopped upgrading product, Microsoft has had more and more viruses unleashed on their product.  Who is writing the viruses?  Microsoft and others owning their stock. These viruses are distributed to what we call script kiddies. There are back doors in all computers. You don't see as many viruses on the Apple or Sun system.  So what is really going on here is an attempt to coerce the government and industry to upgrade their Operating System. It's your money folks.  YOUR taxes!  The only thing that will ever give the government security is a totally new Operating System and that is a technical fact.

At least with music they have to cut a CD or did.  But with Microsoft's software they didn't even do that. The XBox is going to destroy Microsoft.  Mothers who buy these violent Game consoles or allow their boys to watch violence on TV are creating their own sexual inequality. Women in the world need to stop feeding our sons this kind of shit!

Microsoft made their money because they didn't have any production cost. They have NO idea how to manage production and inventory--just like the pin head running Wall Street.  Everything they have done to date that required production, like their Microsoft keyboard, CD-ROMs, joy sticks and mouse, have lost money. You want to talk about triple witching?  Gates is little better than WarLock III. When they censored us, he stopped doing what he did best, making magic. Now he is not only NOT an asset he is a liability. I told Ballmer over a year ago that Gates and I could kill the stock market and we did. All we had to do is stop manipulating it up. Of course Clinton was in on it too.  He is a WarLock two.

Castel dell’ Ovo

Now what were the three thing the Blue Fairy told Pinocchio he had to do if he wanted to become a real human instead of a puppet boy?

puppy [n. PUH-pee]

Puppy is an ordinary word with an interesting history. A puppy is a young dog, typically less than one year old, or the young of certain other certain types of animals, like seals and foxes.

In the 1400s, popi was the word for a woman's small pet dog (usually a toy dog breed). This word was likely a reference to the fact that a small lap dog would be treated as a toy or doll. The meaning of the word broadened from just toy dogs to all young dogs at the end of the 16th century.

Popi is thought to have derived from the Middle French poupee (doll, toy). Poupee came from the Vulgar Latin puppa (which is also the root source of the English word puppet). The ultimate root for puppy is the Latin pupa (girl).

Information about care, training, and health of new puppies:

Gee Puppet, do you remember that E-mail with the subject: Pagoda Poo Poo from 1991? I saw the demise of the Japanese economy before it's collapse. Our economic systems needs to be re-engineered for over population. The only way to do this is with my technology not computer technology. To re-engineer your economics to meet the needs of over population, I need to form a circle of light. I've asked Gates to join me and to provide the money to do what I know we need to do. I need him because he is my match.   

Gates is an undisciplined psychic and that can be dangerous. This is what gave Microsoft it power. He could cast a glamour over people about what he was selling--junk software.  But now...   He is saying one thing and projecting another thing with his force of mind that is totally negative. So what does he say with his mind? Well, Microsoft is a done deal. .NET, XBox, Win XP, Office XP are strategies that will not work.  

Bill Clinton is like Gates. So much of our economic growth was the result of his glamor over you that his lose is now yours too. Now he is gone and the Elephant in DC are hacking him. The more they hack his glamor the worse the economic in the US will become. Dumbo is an idiot. I love this! Leave Clinton ALONE! You want to join my ring baby?

What did I say to Bill Clinton when I posted this Jan. 21, 1999. Links don't work.


I can verify. Most normals are Shell Shocked from all the bugs and so called AI features that don't work. The only way to make the Internet secure is to change operation system.  Windows is a done deal. One pilot commented on his fighter jet after a recent accident that the cockpit was too busy. Oh God. These idiots on TV discussing the stock market crash discussing the tools they are using. :-) Get a Q baby! The computer math DOES NOT WORK! You know Clinton, you have some things you can do down there.  You are like me. You can walk safely anywhere.

I don't think Allen Greenspan is a genius. He is a 75 year old man who is trying to use old world economics in a new age. He is stupid. Dropping the interest rate will hurt consumer by making the IRAs and CD funds they need to invest in earn less money. He is an idiot! You can't fix over population and global warming with a lower interest rate! <grin><grin>

California March 17, 1951. Me at 3 months old. I was a very curious child. Now if anyone wants to suggest that I was in snow at an older age, then we would have a much worse global warming problem :-) No.... I just had some weird genetics... engineered and developed at a very fast rate. Reality is stranger than fiction. I was talking in sentences at six months. I was playing on a piano at a year and turned the music on it's side to match the notes. By the way Mr. Steven Forbes, this isn't the sixties. The world is a different place today.  The world population has almost doubled since then. Are you stupid or what? Kennedy would roll over in his grave if he heard this add. This is NOT the same world. Look at me!

Put Dumbo back in his cage. Love U2 Michael Eisner so make some Dumbo T Shirt for the depressed population! You know that it's this free stuf that makes them by your theme parks and video.... Think about it. It's My Magic Baby! Take it from Mother. I never understood the Dumbo movie until we go Bush! It scared me as a small child. NOW I can really see it. By the way, because the Disney store make you log in I can't put adds on this web to link to Disney copyrighted material. YOU LOOSE.

And who is behind Dumbo?

A clown of course!

If you could hear me giggling you would really know how stupid you are. Here is yet another Q about how flawed the computer math is. The more complex your analysis using computer based tools and math, the higher the percent of error. Trust your gut. It's much more accurate. Gates and I decided to let this go in 1993. I said in my E-mail, just let it go. When it crashes, only the greed people will get hacked.  

Here is one of the best solutions to over population. Pay people to be sterilized. I would do this different. I would have a government program that if a kid could graduate from High School without getting pregnant then they would qualify for a $5,000 if they are willing to be sterilized. In this way, they are making an intelligent decision and not being coerced. With the advances in cloning, they will still have an opportunity if they make enough money in their life to have a child. This kind of program will work to fix our economy.  Forget the tax cut.  Use the surplus to fix people so they don't reproduce. The old economy as you know it is gone forever.  Get a Q! Who is likely to take that money? Well people who are rioting in your streets, shooting our police, psychotics and the Valley Girls. Hey billg, what about supporting this women. She is getting dope addicts to get sterilized for only $200! This women is a genius! You can get 5,000 people to get sterilized with $1,000,000. GO! According to the stats this 5,000 people are generating litters of 25,000 people. In 15 years we aren't going to have enough water on this planet for all the people. Africa has water under the ground. Thanks Red Herring! :-)

Spring Break? I wouldn't ever do this!
This is animal house behavior. This is teaching women to be whores. It is totally disgusting to me. So what did you marry? MSNBC just ran a TV show to honor this kind of disgusting behavior. I guess genius has it's price.  And I guess that hiring idiots like this has a price too.  Excellent job sort tool.  As if they went to spring break!  If true, can their ass because they are stupid.

Funny movie on SCIFI called Demon Seed about a big computerized house raping the nerds wife--Melinda are you having some problems with the house? Paul Allen has a hand in some of our Hollywood programming...
Watch what you wish for it could come true. "-)

Operation Dumbo Drop

Crows Nest
Pres. Dumbo's Circus Theme
Those clowns and crows have always scared me...


Psychic Distant Viewing and the CIA


"You've come a long way lady... You've got your own cigarette now lady. You've come a long long way!" Virginian Slim Ad

Nickel Creek

Napoleon Bonaparte

NASDAQ and DOW taking a hit again!

People who listened to me in the fall of 1999 didn't get hurt. I can see it because I don't analyze it. I'm totally intuitive. I read very little and rarely watch TV. Usually I will get up from time to time and turn the TV on just at the correct time for me to see what I need to see. This is the way Psi works. You work with patterns in space and time. Everything you need to learn your own Psi is on this web. The odd way that pages are linked, music and graphics are intended for a reason. It's a path.

S T 0 P

L @ @ K


L I S T 3 N.

I can monitor how bad it will get by the number of missing web pages and lower search results. I did a search on my own base URL and most of the sites were no longer up. It's all in the numbers. This is the result of Microsoft's bugs, invasion of privacy and security problem regarding the Internet--FBI report. Obviously, the FBI doesn't understand how flaky a Microsoft Patch is. You never know if the system is going to work. What usually happens is your applications start to fail and when you call Microsoft they say you have to upgrade them. Money Money Money... and more MONEY! It's the Moebius. Nothing ever works right and nothing ever is fixed. May as well live with what you know. Until it's fixed, we will be a BEAR--effecting the whole computer industry! Won't we girls! To fix this you have to create a totally new OS and new applications for it. I think this is what Apple did. They are smart. What you do is write an API so you can run your old apps. Apple even had an API for DOS.

Get your CDs before Greenspan drops the prime lending rate. He thinks he can get women to go out and buy products like salivating Pavlovian Dogs! Think again boy! This is not the Russian Propaganda Machine. Even in Europe, there is concern about what he is doing because he is 75 and they feel he needs to be put out to pasture... like all old GOATS! They had him on one major site in Europe where they had graphed a birthday party hat on his head.

The weather is bad, the energy prices are going to go up still more and Bush Baby is acting like a dog barking at the moon--WAR! And those boys at SAFECO and Orion Investments who screwed me on the my insurance... put your investments in MSFT! Oh PLEASED! I was denied valid medical treatment? Why...

Why do I understand markets so well? Aside from my genetics... I am poor now. Case in point.... I gave an home care person who is a 59 year old. She was a nurse but due to carpool tunnel syndrome and bad knees she is now caring for me. Her are is on the way back to the bank because she can't make the payments. She goes to the food bank for me because I can't stand in line to go for myself. The state pays $14 an hour for her to stand in line for me--go figure.... She brought me back something called Lean Italian Links by Lifelight! They have a price of $2.79 and were from Trader Joe's. I don't know who the buyer is for Trader Joe's but this stuff wasn't even edible.

When people in food banks who are starving won't eat your product you have a major problem in your marketing and R&D. So one way of turning my oppression into gold is to know what products are a hit or a miss. What Yuppies are giving to the food bank is a sign of distaste. Here are some of the big Marketing bust in the food bank... KRAFT, Kellogg's--cold cereals in general--P&G, Campbell's in general... Brother Juniper's Wild Rice and Onion Bread... Even the birds won't eat it. Does it take a genius to understand that humans are idiots? I know when I feed the animals and they take a little taste and then look up at me with that look... and then they run off. Oh well. At least humans will eat it!

Bear with us boys! If they hadn't censored Bill Gates and I it would have been like this. As the demand for chips goes down the price is likely to creep up. This could increase the project cost of Microsoft XBOX unit which was cost out during a time when the prices were dropping due to high demand.

Scifi Movie List

I was left disabled due to sexual harassment, assault and hazing at Microsoft. Because the Man was a racial minority, the EEOC found NO harassment even though he was fired for what he did and I had E-mail.

YOU pay to support me on SSI, Medicare and Medicaid. I've been poor all my life. This web site is my therapy. I put it ups after 5 years of harassment that include having my credit cards hacked, my children taken from me, being cut off from technical and developer support at Microsoft when I attempted to work out of my home, being harassed with pornography and police harassment support.  Being harassed by Bill Gates' father and his law firm because I can't afford a lawyer is horrifying. Only a psychotic would get off on attacking a disabled women like this.

Microsoft has paid off so many reporters to keep my story out of the media. After 10 years they paid way more than they ever would have paid me for a gag order. :-) Gates' wife is still buying information on me. God only know how much I've really cost him and Microsoft at this point. He's lost about $50 billion since I started putting legal documents on the web and Gates was force to resign. Small change to Gates but not to this employees. This is why!

This is the new First World Link

Court document 1 Microsoft vs. Joan Brewer
Court document 2 Microsoft vs. Joan Brewer
Court document 3 Microsoft vs. Joan Brewer

Above Broken old link... This is new

I use to have a lot of support on the Internet. Now I get almost NO E-mail at all. My own family and friends are afraid to contact me. I get unsigned snail mail is all. Note this is from Bill Gates' father's law firm. Staying alive is all I'm doing these days and they act like this is a crime! I've tried for over two years to get a powered wheel chair so I wouldn't need so much in home care and that was denied too. They don't want me on the street because of the employee gossip.

If I were a Microsoft share holder I would demand that the company drop this law firm NOW and sue Preston Gates and Ellis for legal malpractice!

I'm not the only person to go through this with Gates' father. There are many other employees and small companies who he trashed the same way. It's how Gates made all his money--using his father's law firm and the family political clout to harass people so you don't have the money to protect yourself any more. This isn't a monopoly? The problem isn't Bill Gates it's his father. I made a civil right complaint against him with the DOJ but to date they have done nothing but sue Microsoft. I want Bill Gates Jr. in jail for malicious harassment which his a felony! I have this man on my answering machine tapes from 1994 because he was trying to cover my case for his son. I also have a letter from him to Bill Neukom about me that was in court documents. It's amazing. This web was put up because of him not Trey.

My grandmother told me I wasn't her son's child. But who was? He is obviously a relative because he looks just like my brother Rick. So many secretes in the Cold War and so much arrogance.

Microsoft's anti-piracy software in their products is causing most of your security problems, software bugs and also invades your right to privacy by allowing them to spy on you. This is hurting the whole high tech industry! But what is worse, it's actually costing Microsoft more money than it is saving by reducing product sales. Because of the negative public reaction to such tactics, Microsoft is loosing market share. I expect this kind of backlash to cause Microsoft stock to drop as low $30... and struggle until at least 2005 regardless of whether they win the antitrust case. Microsoft is also looking at a lot of law suits related to the monopoly issue. The only one who is likely to make money off any of this is Bill Gates' fathers law firm.

Relativity's Daughter

Leslie Richard Groves, Lieutenant General, United States Army

attended the University of Washington

VP Sperry Rand Corp. maker of the UNIVAC computer

I suppose this is why the Military is harassing me? Genealogy is very interesting. I am a Grove/Groves, Hook/Hooke and Winn/Wynn. Frequently when I do research, I get some interesting relatives. But when I found someone in my family tree that was the Director of the Manhattan Project I was in shock. That my brother Richard looks a lot like him...

In the counter culture in the 60-70 a lot of very very smart people were all telling the same story about growing up like an alien in their own family and how when we got into college there was an expectation we would be making weapons technology, etc. I imagine that they were doing things like chromosome manipulation, using steroids and hormones and possible even gene splicing on a trial and error basis. They would have to kill bad results. Think about it. Are we still doing this research for the military under the cloak of secrecy? All my mother was able to tell me was that she was told she was going to have a genius baby. Then she didn't understand why I did go along with the program.

I had my children at home because I was afraid of the government. Bill Gates didn't decide to get married and have kids until I explained that my genetics didn't pass on. He obviously knew that the government wanted to breed him too. Now I worry about my daughter who was hired by a med tech company. One side effect of breeding humans is that parenting makes up about 50% of who you become. So a lot of people who have genius genes end up psychotic instead. This is extremely dangerous.

When a technology is unethical, it doesn't get into the media for a long time--especially when our own government is engaged in doing it. I know about the breeding program that was tied to the Manhattan Project run out of San Diego. One of the problems with making really smart people is that we don't like taking orders from stupid people in the government. They consider us dangerous. Right Bill? :-) Because computers are now a military weapon, I don't think really smart people should be making them for stupid people either.

To the boys in the Military: Use those high tech weapons at your OWN risk. People are leaving bugs in on purpose. Right Bill? :-) We only had an 18% failure rate in the Gulf War. Now  "Pentagon officials have admitted that most of the bombs dropped by US and British warplanes on Iraq last Friday missed their targets."

When a scientist says that people are doing cloning in their garage that is true. I did massive amounts of research in the counter culture and made the huge mistake when I wrote to Bill Gates about it. I never did any cloning or weird stuff. I did study genetics and mutations and understand how and why it works. This has left me with major concerns over gene manipulation of any kind because our adaptation to a very quickly changing world is very tied to genetic mutation.  

Are we still doing genetic research for the military under the cloak of secrecy? Are we still breeding people? What about these Christians in our government like President Bush who opposes abortion? I wouldn't be a bit surprised if we were actually killing almost full term fetuses that went wrong under the Classification of Natural Security! Are poor black women in the ghetto being given certain drugs during pregnancy to make their sons breed better for the Military?  There are many ways to do this. Even lotions can be used. It is certainly one way to keep racial minorities down. What is the racial distribution of the Military now? :-) Most of us believe that AIDS was a genetically engineered virus that was intended to target Blacks. Was that a US government project too? Clear the blacks out of Africa and then you can go in and exploit the resources. It's all there in the numbers folks.

One of my friends told me that she was trapped down on a table when she had her first child in a Chicago Teaching Hospital and that after she delivered they did experiments on her. They actually had a group of male medical students practicing cut her up and doing stiches. What they did to her was equivalent to RAPE right after she delivered her baby! Because she was poor she couldn't do anything. We are doing this stuff to poor women everywhere and it's considered OK because they are on welfare.

Atomic Bomb

Fat Man and Little Boy

Florida and the Manhattan Project

How the Pentagon got Built

What I really want to know... Can you split wood?

Microsoft Exec Claims Free Software is Killing them!

I can't tell a lie. I started this. When I learned in 1988 that MS was stealing the C++ code from Borland International it made me sick. Then Gates was bragging about dropping out of college and learning to program by digging in trash cans. What is worse, giving your intellectual property away, or allowing him to pass your talent off as his. Like so many other talented people at Microsoft, VP Jim Allchin will end up as nothing in this industry but a footnote in Bill Gates Autobiography. Allchin will be blamed for the antitrust case botch up because he was on the stand when MS Lawyers entered false video evidence and got caught. What a way to go down in computer history. Oh, but that money was so very good...

Jim Allchin, Bill Gates whipping boy! :-)

signum Christi

Omen Three

Now we know why Gates is calling the next version Windows XP!
"Thanks, Jim. Great job. You're like a dog to me... pat pat..

I actually like the Changes in Win XP, but think Microsoft will have a problem with consumers negative conditioning to Windows in general. Or what we would call a little to little way too late. I did like what Jim Allchin said about his mother... Nice to know some men still think about women in their lives. : - )

You see I'm just a dog in this game too... but you can call me Little Lassie I need some sheep or I start raising Cain. Which if you are a herd dog you know what the master means when he raises his cane and it doesn't always mean you are going to be thrashed. It's an indication of direction.

And Abel was a keeper of sheep,
but Cain was a tiller of the ground.

Und Abel wurde ein Schafhirt,
und Kain wurde ein Ackerbauer.

Abel fut berger,
et Ca ?n fut laboureur.

Ora Abele era pastore di greggi
e Caino lavoratore del suolo.

Y fu» Abel pastor de ovejas,
y CaÃn fu» labrador de la tierra.

Og Abel blev f¬rehyrde,
men Kain blev jorddyrker.

fuit autem Abel pastor ovium
et Cain agricola

The First Book of Moses, Genesis 4:2

Und es geschah nach einiger Zeit, da brachte Kain von den Fr"?chten des Ackerbodens dem HERRN eine Opfergabe.

I'll be your Cane if you be my Able baby in a DOG life or was that . . . We could play the hand the other way! Sheep loves to Gamble as you well know. Maybe it's time to run them HOME. Jest muzzle them all.

What you say Cowboy Kid?


R U SEERIUS? <@><@>

Were U Bye U'r EGGS!

Q: If Adam and Eve only had two boy children, Cain and Abel, and one killed the other then who was left for Cain to breed with and were did all these other folks come from that were ban from harming him by God come from?

4:14 Behold, thou hast driven me out this day from the face of the earth; and from thy face shall I be hid; and I shall be a fugitive and a vagabond in the earth; and it shall come to pass, that every one that findeth me shall slay me.

Is it possible that the one we call GOD and the one we call The LORD are two different beings? Maybe he was using cloning techniques like we have been using for about 50 years now.

Sleeping Beauty isn't always a women. It can be the psychological archetype of a man also--the fate of one who is entranced to spin straw into gold--becoming emotionally bankrupt in the process. The same is true of Echo or Narcissus and other character's in myth, legion and fairy tales. This is especially true of people who become or are involved with these types of people in their own life.

Can someone truly love that which they actually idol or someone who considers them inferior? What happens a true princes made to work like a slave or common business manager. Then after years of hard service finds out that their so called King was only a common Rogue on his way to Jail?

Who created the Egg of Chaos? Certainly not a Faberge'--Fraberzhe! Sometimes I just want to shake people to wake them up. Unfortunately, this doesn't really work. You must lead them to find the the answer inside themselves, else they never belive you.The game of Q.

And the US thinks they have caught their spy? You have more than one of them in the FBI and other agencies! You also have blind third eye blind idiots and dishonest stooges....

How do you like my little Jewel. Maybe you should add it to your collection.

Gaelan Brewer is now at Lane Community College in Oregon. I think you own him some money don't you Bill. How about $7 million placed in a trust for him to use to get through school and have a life too. BTW, he is a total nerd! :-) But like his mother he is doing Graphics. I lost custody of him because of you billg. Your mother Mary had them interrogate him at school when he was 10 about where he was YOUR son! I guess because I mentioned some personal things about him, comparing him to you in my e-mail and he won an award from Boeing for his creativity (I still have his project) they thought he was your illegitament son. That is why I want to take to you in person. This stuff is all in court documents! I was looking it over the other day and the tears just started to stream down my face.  I haven't seen Gaelan since he was 13 and he won't return any e-mail. I guess taking my son and hurting me this way was your families idea of protecting their name? Maybe I should post those documents about Gaelan on the Internet too. Perhaps he could sue you! : - )

Anything that a Bill Gates can do a Russian Psychic can do too! :-) That should scare anyone.

You need to find that true love in your life. Someone needs to KISS the Frog, Beast or Snow White to make them well. :-) Then they can all live happy ever after.

And remember, people who play at being your Messiah, usually get nailed in the end... :-)

Fairy Tales can come true.
It can happen to you.
If you are young at heart.

Dancing in your Dreams

There are still good place left to invest. They are called a BANK CD and BONDS.

Or think about Bon Bons and Chocolate!

My favorite Chocolate Passion

I use to own a milk cow and developed a lot of very old fashion recipes. People use to eat things because there was a reason instead of because they were brain washer by TV and other advertising.  Once a human understands they have lost their natural ability to KNOW what they need to eat, they can try to rectify this problem.  Experiment with something like this. 

This is a variation on something I learned from my mother. I've never been one for cook books always just watching and learning form taste, site and smell. I just remember ratios.

The idea here is to stimulate Dopamine and parts of the hypothalamus which may help people with Parkinson, ADD, depression or hyperactivity not by modifying your brain or nervous system, but by supplying nutrients. The good old Wives tales are the best. I have a chicken soup that can also work wonders in bring the body into a natural balance without drugs by changing electrolytes imbalances which is the cause a many chronic illnesses and behavioral problem. 

Also, this is much better when YOU make it than when you BUY it from someone else. Aroma therapy is part of the fix as is the sense of performing this ritual. Humans are ritualistic by nature. : - ) The ritual of making food is very important to mental and physical health because it sets your cycles, especially in males.

copyright Joan Brewer 1973--2001
4-6 cups of coffee

One cup of heavy whipping cream --fresh RAW if possible
Do not use light whipping cream or a substitute
Raw Honey to sweeten 1 to 2 T (orange honey is best)
1/2 t Vanilla
Hershey's 100% Cocoa power
either your favorite expresso coffee
or some strong French Roast coffee.

You want coffee that is very black because the charcoal is very important in this recipe.

Whip the Cream until it stands up
Add some honey in a nice long dribble while you are beating it.Then add about a table spoon or two and vanilla.

Don't over whip or it will turn to butter and you don't want the milk fat to hydrogenate because that changes the chemical composition of the fatty acids and microbes that help digest it just as heating does.

You don't want butter you want chocolate cream that is both sweet yet bitter and top with a bit of gated chocolate or orange rine. This cream can be used in other things too. It's great on plan cake or inside crapes with raspberries, orange or cherries.

Pour you coffee into a mug and then top with a large heaping spoon of chocolate cream. Drink slowly so as to inhale the aroma as much as possible. This is where part of the stimulant is. If you don't drink coffee, use in smaller amount until you get use to it.

Humans are spending so much time trying to supress their instincts that they forgot how to kept themselves heathy. This is turing our kids into pressure cooker on the verge of exploding at anything. Coming up, my chick soup recipe that really works and why it works to fix what is messing you up.

"To persevere, trusting in what hopes he has, is courage in a man."

-- Euripides (480 B.C. - 406 B.C.) Greek dramatist

"You must train your intuition -- you must trust the small voice inside you which tells you exactly what to say, what to decide."

-- Ingrid Bergman, Swedish actress

"Trust your hunches... Hunches are usually based on facts filed away just below the conscious level. Warning! Do not confuse your hunches with wishful thinking. This is the road to disaster."

-- Joyce Brothers, American psychologist and author

"Creativity comes from trust. Trust your instincts. And never hope more than you work."

-- Rita Mae Brown, American writer and playwright


Redmond Rose~



Companies may be defacing their own webs just to get in the media or better yet, to make MS Windoz look bad to their management? 

There is an old game strategy called broken wing in which a bird, in order to keep the big eagle from snatching it's young in their nest, will throw itself on the ground and flap around like it's injured.  Then when the eagle come in for the kill, it darts off.  Small birds are more agile and very hard to cache by the big eagle when in the air.  The big eagle is much better at swooping down on jumping salmon fish or field rats than quick crow pros. 

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