Updated: 31-05-03 02:30:03 PM
So you think you can put me on the street? Try.  Your move...

NETFORCE - USA Network - Sept. 26-27, 2002-Check local listings.
Is this on DVD yet?  It's a good one. Will Stiles as Bill Gates char. It brings me back to the CODE RED issue and this defacement from of
April 2001 by Evil Angelica. Did the U.S. government attempt to destroy the Internet because they couldn't control it with the help of Microsoft? About this defacement: The music O Fortuna is used in the movie Omen. It has lyrics and other meanings though.

Phoebe was the Titan Goddess of the Moon and the daughter of Gates. Phoebia is a persistent anxiety about something--the moon? I wonder what the fear of a telepath would be--telephobia? It's magic or supernatural isn't it billg! Be afraid. Be very afraid.

Fuzzy Wazzy was a worm...
Fuzzy Wazzy knew how to squirm.
Fuzzy Wazzy wasn't very Funny Wazzy he?

In August of 1990 I was working with Microsoft's Military contracts as part of the sales and marketing group. This is a letter I found disturbing that came to me from the Military:


I was head hunted into the company. It seemed a bit odd to me at the time but I decided to do it on a bet.  I was a hardcore engineer, but had experience in sales and with military buyers at other non-computer  companies.

I wasn't ready for what I found going on in Microsoft sales. First, they were marketing spread sheets to be used for all kinds of critical situations.  Problem was that Microsoft Windows and Excel had major math errors at the time and still does.

The other problem is that we always have problems doing complex math on computers.  Take calculating Compounded Interest. We use e to the exponent of rate and number of periods. Since the rate is a fraction and multiplied by the number of periods, we get a fractional exponent. Do you know what a FRACTAL is?  It's the predictable uncertainty in the kind of Fuzzy math that is produced on a computer when using decimal numbers and fractions as exponents. All math is Fuzzy but on a binary machine it's not even funny how Fuzzy it is.  These beautiful designs we create are from the errors in the math that we call artifacts. We make use  of them in art.



1990 HEIZER CATALOG  - Index 1
1990 HEIZER CATALOG  - Index 2

Letters like this were quit disturbing. Math errors are insidious. Unless you have programmed the lower level math you don't understand the limits to what a computer can do.  In floating point, the error can compound and create results that become exponential, like the way the stock market and budgets went up in the last 90s.

I was also talking to many contractors on the phone.  These people were doing even more in NARDAC and other military operations. These people were writing their own macros in Excel.  One person said that the spread sheet they worked out took over 30 hours to execute.  Our processor speed was about 25-33 back then, but even so, this was a major math problem--not only due to the complexity but the chances of error in such a complex application using floating point math.

I've seen totally ridiculous results, number go negative, and minor errors that were maybe 15% but that was more than they could deal with in financial analysis. If you have 15% less fuel or miss a target by 15% someone could end up dead.  During the Gulf War, we had an 18% failure rate on our technology.  That is too high to be acceptable. Now we are depending on it even more.  What kind of failure rate could we expect.  Well, I've been monitoring friendly fire and crashes for over 10 years. They have increased at an alarming rate. This can be seen just buy monitoring things like the Risk Forum for Computer Engineers. These are all on the rise. Why?  People are overly trusting of the mathematical output of the computer.

When we create a new tool or piece of software, we never anticipate what normal people might use it for.  Spread sheets were developed to basic columned math typically seen in financial accounting ledgers.  No one expected that they would be used to do other math operations until this movement in about 1990.  The Heizer Catalog give a bit of an example of all the uses that people started putting spread sheets to.  The problems with doing this are hard to explain, but many of these applications are very problematic.

In the past I've written about my research in Math and how bad it is in Microsoft Windows. I had major reasons for doing this.  They were marketing spread sheets to do things that a spread sheet and floating point math should never be used for.  And worse than that, they were marketing these applications to the U.S. military and government. So I'm not surprised that our Budget dried up so quickly.  When ever you see that kind of exponential behavior it's usually due to a compounded error in the math not compounded interested on the money. Either way, compounding anything over time using a computer has a high rate of error if it's done in a spread sheet.  And even more of a problem if that spread sheet is running in Windows.
It's my opinion that due to the math errors and the patches to Microsoft security and math corrections included in IE and Media Player upgrades, that we are at a very high risk if we go to war.  Not due to security problems but due to infrastructure problems.  Ten years ago when I started this, the Gulf War was on.  Excel 2.0 was so bad that it was a joke.  Windows math was so bad that you could easily produce errors in the calculator from simple calculations. They also have problems with their pointers in list.  It's that old were do we count from zero or one in an array thing at the systems level.  Da da da....
Recently Charles Simonyi quit Microsoft.

Charles Simonyi, a Hungary-born programming genius and designer for Word and Excel, has resigned as a billionaire

Intentional Software
Simonyi's Castle
111 & 110 84th Ave NE
Medina, WA 98004


The Origin of Consciousness in the Breakdown of the Bicameral Mind::  Julian Jaynes --  Unconscious Reality is all around us.

Cool baby... :-) He was the designer of Excel. He wasn't the original designer. But I did send him some link to my math problems and graphics that I gave to Gates. Gates verified that he got this by saying in an interview that Charles was now hacking the C compilers in the Windows Language group in an interview he did for the Red Herring a few years ago. He also said that .NET was like an elephant, everyone was seeing it different and more recently in a speech, he noted what is in my e-mail to him about people using our products in ways we didn't intend them to be used for.  For this reason I feel it would be very dangerous to go to war at this time.

They were both trying to fix the math and seem to have done pretty good.  Now the problem is that the other programs that had work arounds, including many Excel Macros written in C are erroneous. It's a Moebius. It can't be fixed and that places our troops at grave risk in war time. The never ending story.

I'm getting that S.O.S lound and clear.


Bush: Solitary is for your own protection Mr. Gates! And with all the math and security problems in your software we just can't let you have a computer. You might hack the White House or find a way to escape.

Gates: NO! My Daddy made me do it... He managed my money. He was trying to avoid estate taxes for his grandchildren.  I'm totally innocent. We didn't mean for people to get killed.  Trust me. Would I lie to you? It was an accident.

Bush: Well... YES! That is why you are in there. We are still going to let you see your  kids and wife for congeal visits every week. We will have to watch of course, but you will have access to Viagra.

yeah... she will have all your house, kids, the trust and then sum... or maybe she will be right there with you. LOL

This generation doesn't deserve a war like we had in Vietnam. The economy is already a mess. And it will get worse. We had an 18% failure rate in the Golf War. It will be much worse now. People project their own mode of behavior onto others.  My biggest concern is that we might try to launch a nuclear or chemical missile at Iraq and have it come back down on the U.S. The math is that bad.

I still have Win 98 and it's a mess.  I do all kinds of graphics and about 2/3s of my programs are not broken more than before they started fixing the math. So I'm thinking that these macros that they are using in the Military are broken too.

This page explains some of the math errors and how they look when we see them in graphics.  People call this problem Fuzzy Math. This is because their is a major problem between how math was developed in decimal systems on paper and how it is handled on binary machines that do the math in base 2 sets.

1990 HEIZER CATALOG  - Fourier Transformation Macro

As most engineers knows, what works on the Mac may not work the same on the PC.  They use different math processors, CPUs, BIOS, Operating System, Development tools/compilers and hardware.  At each of these levels minor differences can cause differences in the way these math programs perform on other platforms. We use to have a joke about how Myst worked on the Mac and crashed on the PC.  In fact, we still have problems with things like scaling and screen display in our Browsers from platform to platform. Even Direct X and 3D APIs don't correct the problems. 

The math problems are so sever on the PC side that Games did so poorly that Microsoft decided to develop the X-BOX gaming hardware in order to get into this market.

[ NOTE: What is worse is that when there is any upgrade, even a patch for security or newer version of IE, which is now integrated into the OS--a majorly bad and stupid idea--the math can change.  This will change the way any older macro in Excel works the same way it changes the way our older graphics programs worked. This is greatly compounding our problems. So I'm really not supportive of our present method of fixing the security with patches or IE and other OS related downloads. They are creating more chaos than they are fixing.  One of the best ways to be secure is NOT upgrading. Older operating systems don't get hacked as much.

So if you really depend on a spread sheet macro, DON'T up grade your OS or spread sheet unless the macro can be upgraded too. I'm using an older version of Windows and have three computers on my desk, a 386 without a math co-processor, a 486 with one and a Pentium II   because I don't know where to go now. Mac OS X may be OK if their have good Spread Sheet and all the support for these macros everyone is using. People need to scrutinize and trust their gut. If you get a belly ache then when you see those output, 86 it. Rethink and rework. ]

When I blew the whistle on this problem in Windows and computers in general, I came under attack.  I was injured on the job at Microsoft and then had my Labor and Industries insurance and need for medical used as a form of retaliation. They even cut off my Labor and Industries without a release from a doctor. When he testified in a hear that I wasn't medical stationary his testimony was rejected and my claim was closed anyway. No one in my state would help.  Now I am physically disabled.  But that hasn't stopped my research. Microsoft has never stopped harassing me.

And in the end... the love you take is equal to the love you take. When you just give love. And never get love. You better let love depart... I know it's so but yet I know I can't....

  The Man who would be Prince 
Crown Prince Claus (von Amsberg) was born on 6 September 1926 -- 1945 was an American Prisoner of War

Controversial minister goes after Schröder wins German election
Did her comparison of Bush to Hitler effect the turn in this Election? History always repeats when men are in charge. I've had my civil and human rights violated simply for writing to Bill Gates about God and saying I would pray for him. President Bush and his father before him have done nothing for all their religious convictions. I predicted in 1991 that then President Bush would loose his election because he was a half cooked Ginger-Bread boy and he did. I still can see the future. It's all so very predictable for a women of intelligence.

"If you are in a hole, stop digging!" Rumsfelt's Joke that backfired that half cocked gun. With $20 Billion  in flood damage--the worse Europe has seen in two centuries--they are all going to be a bit too short on money to purse the Bush war agenda in Iraq. And how much is that drought costing consumers? How about oil at twice it's 1998 price? "We're in a hole! Stop throwing dirt at us!" 


In this article about Charles departure... "Earlier this year he and Gates discussed the software tools he envisioned and decided they would be best developed outside the company." The real reason is this: Decaying forest compared to corporate decay.

My music is always important on my web site... <grin><grin> This is part of how we communicate past the lawyers. (Bill I'm getting tired of this song.)  We all communicate in public because we know e-mail is unsafe.  And we use complexity as encryption. They think they have censored Gates but he is still at it. (Yes people do things with our creations that were not intended. Now they will pay.)

People with genius can't usually communicate with normal people, not even our spouses.  This is why many never marry. It's all about the numbers.  There just aren't many of us. (Someone at Microsoft wanted to know what software I used  to keep track of all my web sites--I've had close to a gigabyte of data up over 6 years.  For the most part all I used was my brain and a text editor with no spell checker. Then at the end of 98 I upgraded to Windows 98 and it was crap. Now I have only a defective version of FrontPage 5 but still keep everything in my head--48G bytes of data on three machines. I'm physically disabled on top of that. This totally terrifies normal people.) 

This math thing is also too out there. Normal people put too much FAITH in what man builds-like computers. They don't listen to their own creator--who warned against this. They are suffering the consequences. They were also warned about the Tower of Babel.  That is what the World Trade Center was in New York.  You don't have to be a Christian to know that there is genius behind the Ten Commandments.  It's an amazing piece of very good philosophy from a scientific point of view. I know how insignificant I AM in face of the universe. 


Reign of Blows

EXTC -- The Big Express

Reign of blows
Reign of blows
Reign of blows cascading down upon your shoulders

Far too many men dressed up as soldiers
The lamb is brought to the ground
Under the weight of the Crown
A crown of thorns and dark deeds
The swastika and the hammer and symbol
Are sickles that reap only weeds
Reign of blows
Reign of blows
Reign of blows precedes a storm of revolution
People have no place in their solution
So torture raises its head
Decked out in blue, white, and red
And iron maidens will slam
And by the half light of burning republics
Joe Stalin looks just like Uncle Sam
Reign of blows
Reign of blows
Reign of blows has washed away the corpse of Abel
Cain is now the king in every Babel
I just don't care who you are
When death draws up in his car
And talks in terrorist tones
Remember violence is only a vote for the
Black Queen to take back the throne
Reign of blows

The Mythical Man-Month, Anniversary Edition
Just as the Twin Tower Fell, so will Microsoft and Windows, as the Babeling Brooks did foretell.  I was taught by engineers who worked with Fredrick Brooks--designer from IBM. They taught me the binary math and it's problems. Microsoft's biggest problem is they hated IBM so much they neglected to learn form IBM's pitfalls. Too bad because now it's too late. Like IBM they are in that Tar Pit with the other Saber Tooth Tigers and Mammoth.  Every time you look at that diamond ring, put gas in your car, flip on the lights or put detergent in your washer remember that it all comes from the totally degenerated fossils of the life that was on this planet millenniums ago, buried hundreds and thousands of feet below the surface of our planet.  And we know absolutely nothing about them or how so much earth came to bury them.  Perhaps they buried themselves...

Perhaps they are the Greek Gods and Burning Bush of past times. These cycles keep repeating. It's only a matter of time before GOD tosses us another curve ball. Don't count our a your computer to be able to predict it.  Trust your instincts on this. If you can dream it, then it can come true.

And we have a real Burning Desire in the U.S. to completely fulfill this prophecy in the Wants of President Bush and his burning desires.

Did his brain get damaged from all that drug and alcohol abuse? And what bout Chaney. He has a heart condition at a very early age--typical of alcohol abuse.  And isn't the decadents in D.C. entrenched in such excess? I never knew what "The Big Cheese" was until I learned about this myself.  People who drink smell cheesy. does that mean everyone at the top? Whenever they put a yellow filter on a graphic it's to cover up the red in their face. Tony Blair of the UK is yet another one.

Captured weapons-grade uranium weighing more than 33 pounds is on display at the paramilitary police headquarters of southeast province of Sanliurfa, Turkey, September 28, 2002. Turkish gendarmes seized the uranium and detained two men accused of smuggling the material, Anatolian Agency said. Authorities believe the uranium came from an eastern European country and has a value about $5 million. (Anatolian via Reuters)

Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld speaks at the news conference following the NATO defense ministers meeting in Warsaw September 25, 2002. Rumsfeld ruled out bilateral talks with German Defense Minister Peter Struck in Warsaw, pointing to the "poisoned" relations between the two countries, but has sought to play down the spat. Now we just happen upon uranium with Made In Germany on the canister? Gee... that doesn't even seem statistically possible to me. LOL 

The REAL sober Reality... suck up to Beer buddy Bush and loose in our own country.

Just like Netforce being on TV all of a sudden. Nor Tony Blair of the UK all of a sudden producing a bogus report on Iraq. Now this is a real "mellow yellow" boy if I ever saw one. But no yellow filter can cover up his rosy cheeks and chin. Looks like he is hitting the bottle or use to if he believes this.



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